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Cleaning Services – What Kind Of Help Can You Expect From Them

Cleanliness is one of the most important things in life. Clean surroundings are necessary for healthy living. Furthermore, it reduces stress and increases efficiency. Moreover, in work places such as offices, clean surroundings can help create a good first impression on the clients. However, with the busy lifestyle everyone is leading, we often don’t get time for cleaning very frequently. Therefore, it is best to hire cleaning services to do this job. There are many firms which offer cleaning services in Charlotte NC. Any person looking to hire them should know what kind of services cleaning services companies offer.

Firstly, it depends upon what kind of firm or place it is where cleaning is necessary. For an example, a corporate office will require cleaning less frequently than a hospital. Cleaning services companies mostly offer different types of floor cleaning. First, when floors are made of a smooth surface, especially tiles, a wet floor can cause injury. So, it becomes necessary to clean smooth floors to avoid injuries. Also, sand particles present on smooth floors should be cleaned immediately and with care. The reason for this is that sand and grit particles can cause wear and tear to the surface. This can cause higher friction and also tarnish the look of the floor. In case of soft floors such as wood, the damage can be so severe that one might also have to change the flooring. In soft surfaces such as carpets and mats, dust and other kinds of allergens get lodged. Dust can cause respiratory problems such as sinusitis and so, it should be cleaned frequently.

The cleaning services firms also provide janitorial services to various firms. Janitorial services go beyond just floor cleaning. One is cleaning of bathrooms which include scrubbing of sinks, mirrors and floors in that place. Also, they are responsible for stocking of other products such as air fresheners, soaps and other supplies. In corporate offices, janitorial services include cleaning and clearing tables before and after meetings. Room setups also come under janitorial services. Room setups in schools include proper arrangement of desks and benches. They are also responsible for spot cleanings such as cleaning up spills of coffee. The cleaners also take the trash out each day or whenever the trash is full.

Another type of service provided by cleaning companies is porter services. Porter services in offices and hospitals are very important. For an example, in offices when there is a presentation, the set-up of projectors and chairs is done by these professionals. In hospitals movement of machines and furniture such as beds is done by such companies. However cleaning services are not just confined to offices, schools and hospitals. There are many different situations where they may be recruited. Some of these places are airports and cleaning after construction has been done on a site.

So hire these service providers to resolve all your worries. To know more about cleaning services in Charlotte, NC, visit executive-clean.com

Will Pharrell is a professional associated with cleaning solutions providers for many years. He has been writing articles on achieving holistic and efficient cleaning solutions for institutions, offices, residences and commercial complexes. He strongly recommends www.executive-clean.com/ for cleaning services in Tampa for all space-hygiene troubles.

Secrets become a Big Dreamer and Take them Come True

3 fundamental things people need to have and live a successful life are Philosophies, Attitudes and Actions. The way you think about life and the way you look at things influence your attitudes and the way you handle situations in your life. Philosophies are the important element on the way you go in your life. Your actions are the vehicle that make you down that road, good or bad. Below are the secrets of a college dropout and Navy janitor turning his life around to become the Opposing Solo/Lead Solo Pilot for the U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Team, The Blue Angels.



The beauty of living in a free society is that WE all have the responsibility for our own path in life. There are many examples of people who have taken a bad situation and turned it around for the better. They took responsibility for themselves instead of blaming others for their situation. If you can learn to create a foundation of GOOD philosophies, then you will affect your attitudes on how you deal with situations and your actions will reflect your foundation. You will have created a successful style of living that will transport you down the road to a life filled with rich experiences, personal growth and the ability to pass the baton to others and inspire them down the same path.


One of the philosophies I talk about is dreaming. My personal belief or philosophy is to DREAM BIG and EXPECT BIG? Why not? As far as we know, this is the only life we have to live, this is not a practice run. I have never met someone who aspired to be a drug addicted thief but I have met many people who dreamed of being a Doctor, Entrepreneur, Professional Athlete, Politician, Scientist etc. These great people used their BIG DREAMS to fuel their SIMPLE choices in life that led them down the path to achievement.


Remember the formula from Math class? Rate X Time = Distance

Here is another formula for life:

Focus/Passion/Action X Commitment/Time/Patience=Success/Accomplishment

This formula has worked for mankind throughout the generations. When I discovered the pieces of this formula I was able to take myself from a very bad situation to a level of achievement that many people will never have the chance to attempt.


You see, I flunked out of college at the age of 22 in debt, with not much left to do except join the military and grow up. I joined the U.S. Navy, spent my first 9 months aboard my ship scrubbing toilets, scraping paint, painting and shining brass. Being a nautical janitor for that amount of time woke me up. If I did not change I could be doing this for a very long time.


I took control and responsibility for my life, changed my philosophies and attitudes about life and ten years almost to the day I flunked out of college I was flying an FA-18 Hornet as the Opposing/Lead Solo Pilot with the Blue Angels, the U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron. My tour with the Blue Angels was one of the highlights of my life.


Why was I able to change my life so drastically? I DREAMED BIG and EXPECTED BIG? I fueled my simple choices with those dreams, changed my path and used that life formula to head on a different journey.


DREAM BIG with ME. YOU can too DREAM BIG and achieve financial freedom. Definition of Financial Freedom: You don’t have to work anymore if you don’t want to…


Mark Provo
Leader in Lightyear Wireless-
“Change Your Cell Phone from an expense into Income!”