Tag Archives: System

A Closet Organizing System – Do-It-Yourself Or Call In The Pros?

Have you been investigating a closet organizing system that will set your budget back to medieval times? Are you wondering why you should spend more on your closets than on your kitchen cabinets?

Or maybe you’ve looked at several closet organizing systems and are frustrated because they are not as customized as you would like?

My spouse and I have been involved in do-it-yourself projects for years and recently completed a major remodel on our own. If you’re wondering if a do-it-yourself closet organizing system is the way to go for you, here are some facts you need to consider that will help you decide.

— Compare costs.

There was a time when do-it-yourself always meant saving money. But that’s not true anymore. Do-it-yourself projects have become immensely popular and therefore, the options and costs have increased dramatically.

Do your homework. Figure out the type of closet organizing system you’ll need, then compare:

— the cost of purchasing one custom-made and having it installed by professionals.

— The cost of purchasing one ready-made and installing it yourself.

— The cost of building your own organizing system from scratch.

The good news is you have a lot of options available for this type of project so make the most of them.

I recently did an online search for “closet design” and “closet design software” and found some useful sites. If you need help getting started with the preliminary design portion of your closet makeover, this is a good place to start.

— Do you have the tools?

If you already have a garage full of tools, a do-it-yourself closet organizing system makes a lot more sense. If that’s not your situation, you’ll need to take that fact into consideration. Tools are not cheap and it doesn’t make sense to acquire a lot of them for only one closet makeover.

However, your tools (or lack of them) can help you make your decision about what type of closet project you can tackle. A pre-made closet organizing system that simply needs to be installed in your closet will only require simple hand tools such as screwdrivers, a drill, a level, etc. But a from-scratch, fully customized closet system will require several power tools and the space to use them.

Which one sounds like you and your situation?

— Enlist help.

I’ve read several do-it-yourself books on all kinds of projects and I always chuckle when I see the pictures of a person doing the project alone. Unless you’re an octopus, you’re going to need some help! An extra set of hands is often smart and always handy! Make sure you have a willing helper on board before you commit to doing your closet makeover on your own.

— Customize.

The beauty of do-it-yourself is that you can often customize your work to fit your needs exactly. Or at least MORE exactly than off-the-rack solutions. Using unfinished pieces will allow you to coordinate your final project with the room’s decor. For example, custom means you decide how many shelves and where they fit…plus how much weight they can support.

The internet offers a wealth of do-it-yourself information and it’s simple to locate an appropriate forum and find out what solutions other do-it-yourselfers have discovered works. The library is also a great resource that costs nothing but your time. Some excellent resources I can recommend for do-it-yourself closet or storage projects are the following.

— “Reader’s Digest Storage and Shelving Solutions” with the editors of “The Family Handyman” magazine. (Content 2006)

— “Black and Decker Build Your Own Custom Closet”. (Content 2007)

— “Sunset Smart Closet Makeovers” by Cynthia Overbeck Bix (Content 2006)

These books also offer excellent advice about the planning and designing of your closet organizing system and will give you a good feel for the tools you’ll need to complete your closet project.

Frankly, even if you end up hiring out your closet make-over, books like these will help you talk intelligently with your closet contractor and ensure you end up with a final project you love.

A closet organizing system can be an excellent do-it-yourself project if you take the time to properly plan your tools and costs, enlist help, and decide on the level of customization you want.

And the satisfaction of saying “I did it myself” isn’t bad either.

Colleen Langenfeld has been parenting for over 26 years and helps other moms enjoy mothering more at http://www.paintedgold.com . Visit her website and learn more about the basics of a closet organizing system today.

Why Not Build Your Own DIY Solar Power System

Building a DIY solar power system is easy if you know how. Not everyone is a handyman. Fortunately the internet has come to the rescue. Now you can find out how to power your entire household, from computers to geysers, very cheaply with the power of the sun.

In the past, if you wanted to install your own DIY solar system you had to buy the readymade panels, which are very pricey. In fact, they make up the bulk of the cost of a DIY energy system. It was really not worth it to try and create your own green DIY energy.

The internet has changed the face of commerce and it has also altered the way information is distributed. It was only a matter of time before superb guides on how to build a DIY solar power system were published online for all.

Once you have purchased your green DIY energy guide, you have made the best investment you can in getting solar energy for the home. You get detailed information in text and video on how to create a solar panels, how to link several of them together and how to wire your home for solar power.

It also tells you how to make sure that if you produce any surplus energy, this can be fed back into the grid so that you get paid by the utility company by check for supplying them. Wouldn’t that be a nice change, getting paid by the utility instead of paying them a hefty amount of money.

The beauty of being able to build and install a DIY solar panel is that once you have built one once, you can do it again and again. You can add to your array of panels until you have a fully fledged DIY solar power system. Some folk who buy a green DIY energy guide have even started businesses, creating DIY home power system for others.

There is a simple and inexpensive way to create a DIY solar power system . Find out all you need to know at GreenDIYEnergy .

Los-angeles-maids.com Helps You Find Maids With An Innovative System

Looking for Los Angeles maids in such a large spread out City can be difficult. There are a numberof Los Angeles maid services to choose from. Figuring out where to start is a daunting task. The team at Los-Angeles-Maids.com has created a way to make this easy for you. With their innovative free quote system they can help you find Los Angeles area maids with the lowest rates fast and simple.

During economic hard times many people begin to work full time, sometimes taking on two jobs. This doesnt leave for much time to clean your house or be able to put out the money to hire professional cleaners. At Los-Angeles-Maids.com they work hard to ensure that if you decide to hire a Los Angeles maid that you get the most affordable prices in town. You need to come home to a clean environment without having Los Angeles maids take a big bite out of your budget. With Los-Angeles-Maids.com you can find the right professional cleaners for your budget.

The professionals at Los-Angeles-Maids.com understand how spread out the Los Angeles area is. They can instantly connect you to professional Los Angeles maid services in just about every neighborhood. From ongoing home care to office cleaning, to one time moving services, the team at Los-Angeles-Maids.com can find the right professional cleaning company for you. All of the Los Angeles maids that you receive quotes from have been pre-screened and highly trained so you can feel confident that you are getting true cleaning professionals.

By just entering your zip code you can begin the very simple process of finding a Los Angeles maid service match that fits you. This free service finds you the lowest rates, with fast service for residential and commercial services in all areas of Los Angeles. Take advantage of using this easy to use system to find Los Angeles maids that are qualified, professional and an affordable price. Finding maids has never been easier. Log onto los-angeles-maids-.com today and have your home clean and looking beautiful.



Do it Yourself Basement Finishing System

A basement finishing system can be very costly and impractical especially now that the economy is not doing well. Hiring a contractor can cause $ 20 to $ 25 per square foot. People are lucky to be employed these days and as responsible individuals, we want to hold on to our savings as much as we can. If you want to finish your basement but you’re afraid that you can’t afford to hire a professional to do it for you, then you’re better off doing a DIY project. The basement can provide you with all kinds of extra living space that is definitely valuable. Compared to building a small house, a basement is pretty much less expensive because it already has walls, floor and a ceiling. If you work on this project on your own, you will save a lot of money.

If you don’t have enough experience, it won’t hurt if you will make a research online about basement finishing systems. There’s too much information out there and what’s critical is filtering what’s helpful or not. The first step in finishing a basement is planning. You have to decide what you will use your basement for, whether it will be a theatre room, guest room, bar or a kitchen, make sure it will suit your family’s needs and activities. Different functions have great impact on the design and the materials to be used so you better be careful in planning. Being fickle minded is not an option when it comes to your basement finishing system. Measure your basement and the height of your ceilings. This will have to include the distance from the floor to the bottom of the floor joists and the floor to bottom of any ductwork as well.

Determine which parts of the basement finishing you can do and which ones should be dealt by a professional. For a DIY basement project, you’re probably looking at 6 months of completion and you may have to sacrifice weekends. Your written plan should include existing doors, windows and the obstructions like plumbing, stacks and ductwork. Make a count of the electrical outlets, switches, light fixtures and other plumbing materials you will need. Lastly, you have to know whether your area would require you for a building permit. Make sure you follow the guidelines set by your local municipality, this is for your safety anyway.

You can get exciting basement ideas here or you can go to http://www.basement-bar-ideas.com/ for more information.

Infamous Rich Janitor System Software Review

Created by a Successful Internet Marketer.

The infamous rich janitor system is an online article marketing system, which helps you create unique articles in profitable niches online. The system also comes together with a software, which will help you submit your articles to hundreds of different websites online for more exposure.

3 Easy Steps to Get Started.

The Infamous Rich Janitor System Requires Only 3 Easy Steps to get started:

1. Start out by using the article software in order to create tens or even hundreds of unique articles.

2. Then use the submission software that is included, in order to send your articles to hundreds of websites online.

3. Finally you can sit back, relax and watch the money come in!

Does the System Work?

My articles are all over the internet thanks to the Infamous Rich Janitor System. I never thought my articles could be go so far without my help. The IRJ basically does all the work for me, while I have more time to sit back and write with so many articles out there, earning me a residual income, I now have the time and money to devote myself to writing my novel. I was even eventually able to quit my day job and start writing full time, once I started making over a hundred a day. My roommate hates how easy I make the rent check when he’s still busting his hump at a desk, with me laying around the apartment, writing fulltime. Even if things ever got tight again, it’s so easy I could keep it going on the side, because I basically do nothing to keep it going. I was scared for a bit when the recession hit, but the hits kept coming, and I was able to afford groceries when my brother and his wife hit a rough patch.

It was really empowering for me to be able to have that kind of spending power, especially in hard times. I’m planning on sending my mother on a cruise this Christmas. I promise you this system,works. If you are looking for a simple way to earn a living from home, check out the Infamous Rich Janitor System.

Mandy has been writing stories and articles from a very young age on any flat surface she could find.  If you are looking for a simple way to earn a living from home, check out the Infamous Rich Janitor System.

DIY Home Solar System

Many homeowners are looking for alternate means of providing energy to their home by installing solar systems.  One reason being the current high cost of utility bills that have no sign of decreasing.  Another reason is the desire for an alternative energy source in case of power outage due to natural or manmade disaster.  Still other people are environmentally conscious and want an alternate source of energy to reduce their carbon footprint in the world and going green which is solar power.

Home solar systems are not cheap to purchase and install though they do have a long term cost benefit and require very little maintenance and often last for 20 years or more depending on the climate.  Some States offer tax incentives for homeowners installing an alternate energy source which helps offset the cost.  Other benefits of a home solar system include increased home value because solar energy is an attraction for buyers if your house ever goes on the market.  The panels help protect the roof and siding of your home because they act as a buffer against the elements.  Solar is also a quiet energy, it is practically noiseless making your home nice and quiet.

Many homeowners looking to save money make the decision to purchase a do it yourself (DIY) home solar system.  These DIY kits are cost saving and time saving by providing all items required for setting up a solar system. Individuals that do not have much technical knowledge benefit greatly from purchasing a DIY kit.  These kits contain all the items your need as well as detailed instructions. Many kits also include a DVD that gives further instructions. 

If you prefer not to install the home solar kit yourself, there are contractors that homeowners can hire to complete this job. However, there are other benefits of completing a DIY project in addition to just saving money.  By building the home solar system yourself, you have the ability to learn more about the system, have the opportunity to work with your hands and feel that sense of accomplishment when the project is completed.  You can also make this DIY project something that a family can work on together as a bonding experience.

Home solar system kits come in a variety of sizes based on outputs ranging from 15 watts to over 800 watts.  Homeowners can purchase a small solar kit that will provide lighting to your garden, or larger solar kits that can provide energy to electronics and kitchen appliances. Remember each little bit of alternative energy you add to your home reduces the overall cost of your utilities.

There are a number of DIY kits available for purchase either in stores or online because solar power is becoming more popular as an alternative home energy source not only in the U.S. but around the world.  Before making your purchases review prices, compare manufacturers, and read comments from others who have used the product. When installing a Home solar system you are not only reduce the every rising utility bill but also doing something good for the planet.

Home solar systems provide the home owners a well-designed and functional electricity solar system in a very cheap manner.  For further information on various types of home solar systems and their price range visit us at MyReviewsNow.net