Tag Archives: Supplies

Cleaning Supplies Turn Hovels Into Homes Once More

How Clean is your House? Is a popular channel four programme documenting the filthy homes of UK residents. The hosts of the show Kim and Aggie recoil in horror every episode at the unsavoury conditions that some people choose to live in. We take a look at the cleaning supplies that are needed to tackle homes turned hovels to make sure that basic health and hygiene is in action.

Although television commercials are packed to the hilt with adverts for bacteria busting all purpose cleaners, the need for anti bacterial sprays is sometimes overstated. An element of common sense is required, and although it seems sensible to say that most people would mop up an area where raw meat has been prepared with a suitable spray, the guests of the show clearly miss this important health and hygiene point.

There are a wide variety of cleaning supplies that are manufactured to deal with all types of dirt, visible or microbial, and the daring duo happily go to work using these products to get horrible homes back to a standard where guests feel welcome and rats just walk on by. Surface cleaning can be carried out effectively and efficiently by using a multipurpose cleaner on skirting boards and window sills followed by a good Hoover of soft furnishings and a squirt of polish on wooden furniture.

Deep cleaning however requires some hardcore cleaning supplies. Scouring pads, scrubbing brushes and heavy duty Marigolds are order of the day to deal with kitchens and bathrooms that haven’t caught a whiff of pine fresh detergent for a decade! To perform a thorough deep clean, it is essential to buy a wide range of cleaning supplies that not only deal with in grained dirt and lime scale, but also tackle harmful build-up of bacteria.

Some of the homes that appear on the TV show have endured years of negligence and pose a real hazard to the health of anyone who enters. From excrement to engine oil, the show’s hosts really do have their work cut out to bring these homes up to a normal standard of cleanliness. If you are moving into a property that has seen this type of neglect, it is wise to purchase an arsenal of cleaning supplies that have the capabilities to tackle such conditions.

However, if you are seriously concerned about the health implications of entering a property, it is recommended that advice from a commercial cleaning company is sought, either that or put yourself forward for the next Kim and Aggie series!

Dom Donaldson is a hygiene expert.
Find out more about Cleaning Supplies to tackle every type of dirt at VIP Clean.

How To Handle Industrial Cleaning Supplies Correctly

All companies, schools, public buildings and small business have a strict cleaning order to follow. Many companies have professional cleaners that take care of the weekly cleaning process, maintaining the quality of health and hygiene of the building. A lot of the cleaners need industrial cleaning supplies, which need to be selected carefully and must have COSHH policy to go with it.

Industrial cleaning supplies can be a dangerous substance if it is handled wrongly. People who are unaware of the COSHH policy, this is an abbreviation for Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health. This was drawn up to highlight the risks involved with using heavy industrial cleaning products and the steps to take in using them. Many of these substances come with a COSHH symbol to warn others of the risks involved if they were to be exposed to your skin, if it is inhaled or swallowed.

It is always a good idea to become familiar with the safety procedures in using any cleaning equipment. Normal cleaning supplies are low risk and harmless, with some products that come with warning signs on the labels. Industrial cleaning products are used mainly for use in larger buildings and are generally unsuitable for everyday usage, but on a weekly basis. These should be followed by a strict guideline for cleaners to look over and refer to avoiding any potential or hazardous incidences.

In terms of being environmentally friendly, companies should consider the affects of using conventional industrial cleaning supplies and the now stricter policies on energy efficiency. Products that are non-toxic and cause a low impact on the environment will normally be labelled to highlight this advantage. If you were concerned over the environmental damage from using these kinds of cleaning products then it would be a good idea to avoid products with chlorine and phosphate.

Some household cleaning products can produce hazardous air vapour, which many people are unaware of. Most importantly of all is not mixing chemical substances together, these can result in consequences, which could potentially affect your health. Often, these products do not affect you straight away, but may affect you later on. It is not worth taking the risk in using solutions that you are unsure about, therefore, it is better to be prepared.

Always make sure you stocked up with the right equipment to handle the cleaning products with, as the worst thing you could do is touch any of these things with your bare hands. Once you have made contact onto your skin, it can cause irritations, redness or blistering. This can be difficult to treat and can leave lasting scars and marks. If contact is made then you should rinse immediately and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Anna Stenning is an expert on industrial cleaning supplies, as she knows what products to use when cleaning for large companies.

Environmentally Friendly Boat Cleaning Supplies Available Online

Most people desire to have their own boat. Only few of them are aware about the fact that from the day they purchase the boat they have to look after it and maintain well. The boat owner should be aware of various techniques of maintaining the boat and keeping it clean and in good order. Proper maintenance will make your boat look attractive and have a longer life. The easiest thing is that you clean it with soap and water every time after you are back from your ride. There are different parts of the boat that require cleaning such as fabric, metal areas, wood, plastic elements and glass surfaces. Therefore, it is not possible for you to clean each and every area it requires high quality boat cleaning supplies.

Many stores sell boat cleaning supplies and they are easily accessible. However, the products of all the stores are not durable and it is advised to make use of environmentally friendly boat cleaning supplies. Boats comprise of different parts and there are products that will help you clean each and every part with precision. To clean the deck they offer you with a special cleaner that is safe on surfaces, removes dirt, stains, bird droppings, they are clinically approved and save from UV rays of the sun. The A/C system cleaner is non-corrosive, it cleans the cooling system, it is safe on all types of metals, is mostly used by the navy officials and is very effective. Black streak remover instantly removes all kinds of streaks on the boat. Most of the websites online deal in quality cleaning products that are environment friendly. They provide an array of products and purchasing them online is a better option than looking out for durable and eco friendly supplies on the streets. These online sites give guarantee on the boat cleaning supplies they provide. These sites also offer supplies that help you cleaning the engine, and other internal parts of the vehicle. It is suggested to even wax and use other liquids to rub the outer surface of the craft. To give a luxurious look to the surface outside you can even polish it along with the wax.

All the products available online will help you safeguard the surface of the vessel. The prime motive of the online suppliers is to provide safe solutions to dangerous acids and solvents. The manufacturers put in lot of efforts testing each and every product in detail and then only send them to the suppliers. Boat cleaning supplies are easily available online as several websites have been dealing in them. Not all products are environment friendly and safe to use, so it is important to make sure you locate a reputed and experienced website. Maintaining a boat is not an easy task as you need to check and attend many things. In case of any queries, make sure you conduct a detailed research before you login to the site and read all the updated reviews and testimonials of other clients or contact the representative personally on the customer care number mentioned on the website.

Joe Smith is the author of this article on Boat Cleaning Supplies.
Find more information, about Triton Marine Products here

Vital Gun Cleaning Supplies

As with using any kind of tool, it is vital that you take care of your gun when you use it. Regular maintenance and care is important if you want to keep your gun in good condition, and frequent gun cleaning is paramount if you want your gun to work well. Having your own gun cleaning supplies can help you keep your gun clean, regardless of how often you use it.

The first item of your gun cleaning supplies should be a solvent that is able to dissolve both metal and powder fouling in the action and bore of the gun. There are a number of choices of solvents, each of which works on a specific type of gun. It is vital that you remove the metal and powder fouling from your gun by frequent cleaning, as the fouling can contribute to throwing off the aim of the gun if there is a significant buildup in the gun.

You can also use kerosene to get the powder fouling from your gun, and you will need a lubricant with which to oil all of the different parts of your gun. By adding lubricant as part of your cleaning routine, you will ensure that all of the pieces of the gun work well together. Neglecting to use lubricant will result in your gun not working properly, so it is vital that you add lubricant to the list of your gun cleaning supplies.

You will also need a cleaning rod in your cleaning kit. The cleaning rod comes with tips that allow you to insert the rod into the barrel and other parts of the gun, and makes it possible to clean all of the dust and dirt out of the gun. The best type of gun cleaning rods are the one piece rods, as they work better to clean the gun without coming unscrewed like the sectional rods do.

A bore brush is another important part of your cleaning supplies. The bore brush is made from nylon or brass, and it will enable you to clean all of the fouling off of the inside of the bore. You use this brush together with the solvent for proper cleaning, and this is an important piece of gun cleaning gear to ensure that your gun is working properly.

You may also need a pipette or eyedropper that will allow you to control the amount of solvent that you are applying to the brushes and patches, as well as specific areas of the gun. You may find that one of your old toothbrushes will be exactly what you need to scrub certain parts of the gun. If your gun has severe carbon fouling, something that is very common in autoloaders, you may find that steel wool or a very strong scouring pad is perfect to clean it. You will also need a plastic container that is solvent resistant. You will want to soak some of the gun parts in the solvent, and having a plastic container in which to soak them is important.

AmericaReloads.com offers high quality, affordable Gun Reloading Supplies and Gun Cleaning Supplies that are perfect for you, your friends, loved ones and everyone who know the fun and value of Reloading.

Green Cleaning Supplies: Fact And Fiction

The news prompts a good number of people to begin looking for ways to save the planet, at least for a little while and the current focus is on cleaning supplies. Green cleaning supplies have become the latest fad, but hopefully it is one that will stick around for some time. The one thing many people invariably ask when trends such as these start, is there really any need? This time the answer is a resounding yes! Cleaning and freshening your home with chemical based cleansers is polluting your air and may be leading to significant illness. Here are some common facts and fictions about green cleaning and the products involved.

Natural versus Green
Do not take the word natural as a substitute for green. There are many naturally occurring substances on this planet and some of them are quite toxic to human beings. Petroleum is one substance that has been in the news lately and it definitely is natural but there is nothing green about it! Labels on commercially manufactured cleaners can be misleading to say the least. Read the ingredients on the label before deciding to take any product home. If you want the convenience of purchasing your green cleaning products rather than making your own a good thing to watch for is the DfE symbol from the Environmental Protection Agency, it stands for Designed for Environment.

Studies indicate that the air quality in most homes is worse than what you find in most streets. Scientists have been looking at the effects of cleaning products and air fresheners for a long time and have found that homes where aerosol room sprays were used frequently resulted in higher risks for common ailments. Mothers from these homes were 25% more likely to suffer headaches and 19% more likely to suffer from depression and that is just the air freshener side effects!

Outside the home, the pollution continues to grow at an alarming rate. Today it is estimated that nearly 70% of the nations streams have trace amounts of laundry detergent. This may not sound like a big deal, but it does go to show how the chemicals people use at home are seeping into the very ground and water of this country.

You Need Strong Chemicals
Many people believe the only way to get their home clean is by using strong harsh chemicals. This is simply not true. Your home can shine like a diamond and be disinfected to boot when you use green cleaning supplies, you may need to use a bit more elbow grease in the process but isn’t it worth it?

Issues Linked to Cleaning Products
You may not want to face it but the facts are clear, cleaning supplies and especially the professional level ones have been linked to many common ailments and illnesses. Asthma, reproductive issues, ADHD and even cancer have been linked to harsh chemicals found in modern cleaning supplies. It is time to make the change to greener products. Not only will you do a great deal to save the planet you might even save your health.

The Green Way Store carries a large variety of top quality Green Cleaning Products that will not only clean your home effectively, but also help to keep your family and your environment healthy and safe. We offer Green Cleaning Supplies like all purpose cleaners, disinfectants,carpet cleaners, and laundry products to personal hygiene products, pest control and pet care, we’ve got it all.

Essential Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning is a part of your everyday life. Whether you are doing a general cleaning or a regular light cleaning, it is important that you have the right cleaning supplies to take on the dirt. This will make your task easier and will help you finish the chore faster. Make it safer too by choosing non toxic cleaning supplies.

You will need various cleaning materials at home. You need this to keep your house clean and in order. In order to identify the materials you will need for cleaning, think of the major areas that needs attention.

When cleaning start from the ceiling, to your walls, down to the floor. With this in mind, identify what you will need for each part of the house.

The ceiling

You will surely need something to wipe the cobwebs off the corners and other areas in the ceiling. Although there are commercial products available today, nothing beats the good old rags.

It is the least expensive cleaning material you can find. You can use old cotton shirts or socks. They are reusable too. You can wash them every time you finish using it.

In addition to the rags, you will also need rod to clean hard to reach areas. Attach the rag at one and hold the other end to clean the parts of the ceiling.

The wall

The wall is not as tough to clean because they are easier to reach and less dirt accumulate there. Regular simple dusting will help maintain its tidy look. You can use simple dusters and rags for this.

You will also need to clean the window. You will need window-washing liquids to see to it that they are clean. However, you will usually get a streak on the window while cleaning.

While there are products that promise you will not have to deal with it, you can use what you have at home to see to it that your window remains shiny. Streaks occur when your cleaning tools leave residues on the windows that do not evaporate during the drying process. To prevent this, use newspapers instead of paper towels. Make sure you have this in your cleaning kit.

The furniture

You have to be careful when choosing cleaning materials for your furniture. There are cleaning solutions you can use. However, there are those that have strong chemicals. They might damage your plastic and wooden surfaces.

In most cases, you can use soap and water to clean your furniture. You can also use furniture polish to keep them looking new.

The floor

Use vacuum to remove dirt from your carpet. Sweep non-carpeted parts of the floor. Mop them every ones in a while to remove the dirt that was stuck on the floor. In addition to the mop, you will need floor cleaners and buckets when mopping.

The bathroom

You have to see to it that your bathroom is clean as well. There are usually build up of soap scum in different areas of the shower area. See to it that you have a good cleaner to remove those easily. You should also have an anti-bacterial spray to deal with the germs that might be lurking in there.

It is also important that you have a storage area for your cleaning tools and make sure that they are organized as well. This means that your bathroom cleaning supplies should be separated from your chimney cleaning supplies. See to it that the area is clean.

When cleaning, use something that will help you transfer the cleaning tools easily. This way, you will not have problems moving from one room to another.


Edwin Sproat Jr and Robi Pagoni are cleaning experts. For more great cleaning tips to keep your home clean and organized fast, visit http://www.SpeedCleaningStrategy.com and receive your free 10 day mini eCourse just for visiting the website.

Content 2009

Industrial Products Against Green Cleaning Supplies

Using cleaning supplies for a prolonged period, can do some damage to your skin and health if you are not protected properly. Many people, even in the comfort of their own, do not realise how important it is to their yellow gloves, whilst even doing the dishes. The chemicals used in most industrial are intensive in taking out the stain in difficult spots and places. Companies resorting to greener products may find that the cleaning products used may require much more time and effort, to gain the same effective results as normal products.

It is a fact that greener cleaning supplies are designed to be much kinder to your skin, health and the environment. However, in comparison to normal industrial or household cleaning products, these do not sustain the same effects as they would normally, which means that companies and businesses would need to spend out on more supplies and pay more for the time it would take to keep it maintained.

However, on the other hand, it may benefit the issues of health and the impact these chemicals on the environment. The advantages of using these products are that they last for a long time and provide the results that are needed for maintaining the cleanliness in a normal business environment. Therefore, they are more cost effective and need little effort and time, for continuous usage. These tend to last longer, in terms of the quality of how they work and tend not to lose their cleaning strength.

Industrial cleaning supplies always come with precautions and instructions on how to protect one when using these products. Many of the products may require special equipment, as they may be so concentrated and intense that certain fabrics are not suitable for use of these products. Natural cleaning methods are good if you looking to use them in your own home, however in an office environment this is not recommended, because office environments generally require stronger substances to keep things hygienic.

Natural cleaning methods involve using lemon, vinegar, coke, baking soda and more. These are very effective in getting the results you need when cleaning glass, mirrors, the oven, furniture etc. However, this very rarely leaves a pleasant aroma, so you will need to diluted this in water in order not to be overpowered by the strong fragrance. Some chemical products may not have the same results as natural products would, due to the concentrated amount of chemicals.

Often the natural acids are strong enough to tackle grease, grime and stains. However, on carpets and furniture, these may not be as effective as chemically produced products, as they are not potent enough. These do not necessarily require much effort during the cleaning process and tend to have lasting results. However, selecting the right green products will have similar affects. This may not be true to cleaning all household furniture and appliances, as it depends upon the amount of dirt build up.

It is thought that chemically produced cleaning supplies aggravate asthmatic conditions, cause allergies and irritation to the skin. In this instance it is best to keep with the deep cleaning once per week, dilute all cleaning products in water and keep the area circulated with air. Some chemically produced products can be allergen free and may not contain things like insecticide or even pesticide.

Anna Stenning likes to stock up on the right cleaning supplies, as she believes that good cleanliness is beneficial for one’s health.

Cleaning Supplies And Services – Better Health And Enhanced Image With Cleanliness

Better health and enhanced image with cleanliness. Remember your mom asking you to clean your cupboard or the garden when you were young? Cleaning is a basic task that every individual performs during his/her life. It is necessary to keep things in order and maintain hygiene. However, it is not possible for you to do all the cleaning around the house or the office. Therefore, you need to enlist the services of firms that supply professional cleaners and cleaning products.

Many firms conduct an array of cleaning jobs. This includes complete office cleaning, carpet and upholstery cleaning, vacuuming homes, cleaning and disinfecting restrooms, floor and tile cleaning, wall and ceiling cleaning, window and door cleaning, construction cleaning, hospital cleaning, cleaning residential complexes, and garbage collection. Cleaning supplies or materials include brooms and brushes, mops, disinfectants, germicides, deodorizers, dust control materials, and vacuum cleaners.

By securing the services of a professional cleaning firm, you reduce housekeeping costs and hassles. Some of these firms clean carpets and upholstery on the spot, while others remove dirty mats, towels, and mops and replace them with fresh and clean ones. The dirty materials are taken away to be cleaned, sanitized, and returned. Most of these firms advertise online and in the print media so you don’t need to do a lot of searching to track one. Look for firms that are licensed, insured, and have a good track record. Many firms offer customized service so state your needs specifically. You can opt for daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning work. The charges of these firms compared with maintaining a full-fledged house keeping department in your organization, will definitely be lower. You also don’t need to worry about staffing and related issues. Just pay the service provider’s fee and get a clean environment in your office.

Research indicates that the work or office environment plays a major role in employee performance and efficiency. Proper lighting, air-conditioning, and clean and spacious rooms contribute to higher efficiency. Cleanliness and hygiene also reduce the possibility of employees contracting illness at work. At home, the mood and health of family members is similarly influenced by the above factors. Apart from contributing to health and cheer, cleanliness contributes positively to your image. You are likely to have more friends dropping into your house if its clean. Similarly, you are likely to do better business if customers and clients are impressed with your office. After all, “cleanliness is next to godliness.”

Jason Uvios writes about on Cleaning supplies and services – Better health and enhanced image with cleanliness to visit :- cleaning supplies

Janitorial Cleaning Supplies: What are the Highly Essential Ones?

When you seriously sit and ponder on what comprise the janitorial cleaning supplies or what the highly essential janitorial supplies are, you will realize that there are in fact many but they can be chosen on the basis of the requirement at hand. There are the hand care products, the floor and carpet care products, the matting products, the waste cans and liners, the cleaning wipes and towels too. But do all setting need all these supplies? As mentioned earlier, huge commercial settings perhaps would need all of them but a home setting would definitely not need all of them. And the quantities in which they are needed also differ from setting to setting.

Cleaning cannot be efficiently accomplished if there are no appropriate supplies that will facilitate the same. Therefore, regardless of the magnitude of the setup and also the frequency of usage of the supplies, it becomes essential that one shops judiciously for the janitorial supplies. The supplies should definitely be of good quality so that they provide the right kind of cleanliness for all the money and efforts that have been put in.

The microfiber cloths, the bin liners, vacuums, disinfectants, dusting sprays, chemical solutions and a lot many other things make the entire job of maintenance very easy and hence have become mandatory in one’s shopping list. Supply Line Direct is one such online stop that offers an expansive range of janitorial supplies that range from floor care and floor maintenance to hand cleaners to hand sanitizers to antibacterial soaps. In addition to these, there are the specialty maintenance items too that help in achieving prim and proper maintenance in the industrial settings, commercial and public settings too.
Appropriate usage of the janitorial supplies will result in having fresh atmosphere be it working or home settings. The most essential of the janitorial supplies is the vacuum cleaners without which cleaning large areas would be humanly impossible. This is particularly true for office and industrial settings where the expanse of the working area is very huge. Trash cans and garbage can liners of course are also the most indispensible janitorial supplies that one could think of.

For that matter, each one of the supplies has its own prominence and relevance in a given setting and hence one has to carefully think, assess and ascertain its relevance given their condition for which they are buying. As mentioned earlier, Supply Line Direct is an online hub for a myriad range of products and sells equipment related to safety, safety signs, spill response, secondary containment, and shop and warehouse too.

Take a look at what all janitorial cleaning supplies that are available at the online store. Identify the products that you would wish to buy and then place your online order only to get them delivered at your address within three to four business days. Shopping for janitorial supplies also has become absolutely very easy and so non-stressful unlike earlier times when there was no luxury and advantage of shopping on the internet. Thanks to this advancement, prices also have become highly competitive and one is able to enjoy the best of pricing too.

Supply Line Direct is an online store that provides you with an expansive range of janitorial supplies. Browse janitorial cleaning supplies through the entire collection that is available at the store and add the required ones to your shopping cart.

Cleaning Supplies – Get Your Products And Equipment From A Local Distributor

Do you work as a janitor, residential or commercial cleaner? If so, you will understand that the job requires a large amount of patience, time and elbow grease. There are a number of jobs involved with school, residential and commercial cleaning, including: vacuuming carpets, sweeping and washing floors, emptying the trash bins and restocking and cleaning the restrooms. Some cleaning jobs even require further work, such as window washing or kitchen cleaning. No matter what the cleaning job is, all cleaners need to be prepared to take on any job that is required of them. To do this, it is important to maintain a well-stocked supply of cleaning equipment and products.

Having to maintain a large range of cleaning supplies can be a bit of a hassle. There is a considerable amount of time needed to restock, from travelling to your local grocery store to locating and purchasing the products to loading up the car and transporting the products to the necessary place. And don’t forget the chance that your grocery store either doesn’t hold a decent amount of stock or doesn’t carry the right product you need.

By taking your cleaning supply needs to a cleaning product distribution company, you are taking a load of work off your shoulders. Sourcing your cleaning equipment and products from a local distributor means you are saving yourself petrol, time and maybe even money.

There is a solution to all your cleaning products, equipment and paper products with cleaning distribution companies. There will no longer be a need to source products from your local grocery store, as you can get a full range of cleaning supplies from your local distributor. Their range of cleaning supplies can include dusters, mops, brushes, brooms, environmentally friendly cleaning products, dishwasher detergents, carpet cleaning products, floor cleaners, furniture polish, sanitisers, toilet paper rolls and dispensers, latex gloves, bin liners, garbage bags and much more.

To really get your moneys worth, choose a cleaning supply company that can offer more than just supply distribution. Look out for additional offers such as free local delivery (to save yourself petrol money) and free customised labelling (to help further promote your cleaning company).

Want to find out more about cleaning products and equipment . Stop by Cleantech Supplies site where you can find out all about the different types of cleaning supples that they can offer you.