Tag Archives: Steps

Learn How to Install Ceramic Tile Flooring in Five Easy Steps

Step One: Get to know your tools.

If you are to learn how to install ceramic tile flooring the right way, then you must start with having the right tools. You can buy most of the tools you’ll need for working on your floor tiling at your local hardware store or home center. For equipment that might be too expensive to purchase like a tile cutter, or hand held micro cutter, try your local home center or tool rental yard. They may have the tools you’ll need at affordable rental prices, or even at discount. And if you’re a newbie at tiling work, they may even help you with information. Here are most of the basic tools you will need for your tiling job:

a) These would include safety clothing and gear like a pair of safety glasses, heavy leather gloves, and long-sleeved work clothes. These are useful especially if your tiling work involves taking out the existing ceramic tiles. Broken shards and other debris from tearing out the ceramic tiles can cause nasty cuts.

b) Carpentry tools like a tape measure, a carpenter’s square and a bubble level.

c) A tile cutter (which you can rent), some tile spacers, a putty knife, a trowel (preferably, the notched kind), and a rubber grout float.

d) Mortar material for bonding your tiles to your subfloor surface, like a thin set mortar, or tile adhesive, tiling grout and sealant.

Step Two: Prepare your subfloor before installing your tiles.

This is where the tiling procedure begins. It would be a great experience for you to learn how to install ceramic tile by learning about the type of floors you will be putting your tiles on. Always check for cracks and debris when If you’re working on a concrete subfloor. Make it is smooth and clean. Repair as many of the cracks as you can. If you see cracks that are too large to repair, replace the floor section where they are found with new concrete. For plywood subfloors, be sure that the wood is at least 1 and 1/8 inches thick and is supported by an equally strong underlayment. Otherwise, your ceramic tiles will dislodge easily, or worse, break and need replacing.

An existing ceramic tile floor may add another stage to your tiling job, and present something of a challenge for you. You’ll need to tear out the existing tiles. For starters, all you need to do is use a large flat-bladed chisel and a mallet, and just hammer away. Then, you’ll need to clean out the debris. If you to smoothen your subfloor — you may want to rent a sander to do the job. Be sure to keep yourself protected. Use heavy-duty leather work gloves, safety glasses, and long-sleeved work clothes.

Step Three: Do the measurements. To know where to start and how to install ceramic tile on your subfloor, begin by measuring the length and width of your floor. This will help you estimate the number of ceramic floor tiles you will need to purchase. Then, find the center point of your floor area. You Measure across floor area and mark the center. Do this in opposite direction and mark the center, as well. The intersection of the two lines is the center of the floor area where you can start your tiling work. To help with your tiling, run chalk lines over the intersection lines. These chalk lines will help you with how to install ceramic tile and help you keep your tiling straight and organized.

Step Four: Start work on your ceramic tile installation

Your first tile should be placed at the intersection of the two lines you made. Then, bond it to your subfloor by using a thin set mortar, or a tile adhesive of your choice. Using a notched trowel for applying the mortar is best on how to install ceramic tile. But you may actually use the more common trowel variety is you don’t have one. To secure the ceramic tile in its place, press down while twisting it back and forth till the tile no longer is set. If some of the mortar or adhesive oozes out, use your trowel (or a damp sponge) to scrape off the excess. Do this process over with the next tile, and so on and so forth, until you’ve finished your ceramic floor tiling.

Step Five: Finish your tiling job by putting in the tiling grout and sealant

After your ceramic floor tiles have set, it’s time to put the tiling grout in. Tiling grout is a material that you should know more about when you want to know how to install ceramic tile flooring. Grout is tiling material made cement, sand and water, and a little color. It is used to fill in gaps and seal in the spaces between tiles. Tiling grout comes in a wide variety of color tints that may be matched to your tile color. Use a rubber grout float and work the tiling grout into the gaps between the tiles. Use your grout float at an angle so that you can fill in the joint gap with as much tiling grout as possible.

Once you’re done with applying grout along the tile gaps, wipe off the excess grout with a damp sponge. Rinse the sponge frequently to get as much of the excess grout off, and keep each tile clean. You have the option of applying a sealant to the grout lines after they dry.

Of course, make sure that you give time for the grout to dry before applying the sealant. These setting periods last overnight, at the very least, to twenty-four hours, at the most. Your sealant has dried, you are done! Congratulations! Now, you know how to install ceramic tile flooring.

Check out more regarding ceramic floor tile installation . Get the complete guide on how to install ceramic tile .

How To Install Ceramic Tile:Five Easy Steps

Step One: Get to know your tools.

Knowing how to install ceramic tile flooring starts with gathering the right kinds of tools and equipment for the project. You can buy most of the tools you’ll need for working on your floor tiling at your local hardware store or home center. For equipment that might be too expensive to purchase like a tile cutter, or hand held micro cutter, try your local home center or tool rental yard. They may have the tools you’ll need at affordable rental prices, or even at discount. And if you’re a newbie at tiling work, they may even help you with information. Here are most of the basic tools you will need for your tiling job:

a) Safety clothing and gear like a pair of safety glasses, heavy leather gloves, and long-sleeved work clothes. These are useful especially if your tiling work involves taking out the existing ceramic tiles. Broken shards and other debris from tearing out the ceramic tiles can cause nasty cuts.

b) Tools for carpentry like a tape measure, a carpenter’s square and a bubble level will also be needed.

c) A tile cutter (which you can rent), some tile spacers, a putty knife, a trowel (preferably, the notched kind), and a rubber grout float.

d) Other things you will need are mortar material for bonding your tiles to your subfloor surface, like a thin set mortar, or tile adhesive, tiling grout and sealant.

Step Two: Prepare your subfloor before installing your tiles.

Most tiling jobs start at this stage. It would be a great experience for you to learn how to install ceramic tile by learning about the type of floors you will be putting your tiles on. Always check for cracks and debris when If you’re working on a concrete subfloor. Make it is smooth and clean. Repair as many of the cracks as you can. If you see cracks that are too large to repair, replace the floor section where they are found with new concrete. For plywood subfloors, be sure that the wood is at least 1 and 1/8 inches thick and is supported by an equally strong underlayment. Otherwise, your ceramic tiles will dislodge easily, or worse, break and need replacing.

An existing ceramic tile floor may add another stage to your tiling job, and present something of a challenge for you. You’ll need to tear out the existing tiles. For starters, all you need to do is use a large flat-bladed chisel and a mallet, and just hammer away. Then, you’ll need to clean out the debris. If you to smoothen your subfloor — you may want to rent a sander to do the job. Be sure to keep yourself protected. Use heavy-duty leather work gloves, safety glasses, and long-sleeved work clothes.

Step Three: Measure and lay out your floor. To know where to start and how to install ceramic tile on your subfloor, begin by measuring the length and width of your floor. This will help you estimate the number of ceramic floor tiles you will need to purchase. Then, find the center point of your floor area. You Measure across floor area and mark the center. Do this in opposite direction and mark the center, as well. The intersection of the two lines is the center of the floor area where you can start your tiling work. To help with your tiling, run chalk lines over the intersection lines. These chalk lines will help you with how to install ceramic tile and help you keep your tiling straight and organized.

Step Four: Start work on your ceramic tile installation

Your first tile should be placed at the intersection of the two lines you made. Then, bond it to your subfloor by using a thin set mortar, or a tile adhesive of your choice. Using a notched trowel for applying the mortar is best on how to install ceramic tile. But you may actually use the more common trowel variety is you don’t have one. To secure the ceramic tile in its place, press down while twisting it back and forth till the tile no longer is set. If some of the mortar or adhesive oozes out, use your trowel (or a damp sponge) to scrape off the excess. Do this process over with the next tile, and so on and so forth, until you’ve finished your ceramic floor tiling.

Step Five: Finish your tiling job by putting in the tiling grout and sealant

It’s time to put the tiling grout in once the tiles have settled. Tiling grout is a material that you should know more about when you want to know how to install ceramic tile flooring. Grout is tiling material made cement, sand and water, and a little color. It is used to fill in gaps and seal in the spaces between tiles. Tiling grout comes in a wide variety of color tints that may be matched to your tile color. Use a rubber grout float and work the tiling grout into the gaps between the tiles. Use your grout float at an angle so that you can fill in the joint gap with as much tiling grout as possible.

When you’re done with applying grout in between tile gaps, use a damp sponge to wipe off the excess grout. Rinse the sponge frequently to get as much of the excess grout off, and keep each tile clean. You have the option of applying a sealant to the grout lines after they dry.

Make sure you allow some time for the grout to dry before you apply the sealant. These setting periods last overnight, at the very least, to twenty-four hours, at the most. Your sealant has dried, you are done! Congratulations! Now, you know how to install ceramic tile flooring.

Check out more about ceramic floor tile installation . Find the complete guide on how to install ceramic tile .

‘Humane’ Newt Gingrich Stumbles; Jon Huntsman Steps Into Spotlight








Newt Gingrich wants to keep illegal aliens in this country so their children can work as school janitors.


OK, the former House speaker didn’t exactly utter that sentence at Tuesday night’s GOP 2012 presidential election, but he fully embraces the concept.


Following his proposal last week to fire school custodians and turn their work over to children — child labor laws are “stupid,” he says — Gingrich played the “humane” card at the CNN national security forum.


It was a Rick Perry moment for the Georgian, who disingenuously asserted that no “humane” immigration policy would “break up families.” You’ll recall what happened when Perry tried that sanctimonious approach.


In fact, Gingrich’s position is founded less on humanity than on fuzzy thinking and ethnic pandering. Always the clever rhetorician, his meandering discourse on illegal immigration was an attempt to justify his vote for amnesty in the 1980s — a position that he holds to this day.


Gingrich was similarly mush-minded on foreign affairs.


He sounded like John McCain — cranky and jingoistic — when he blustered about Iran. “We can break them in a year,” he vowed.


Then, returning to the kinder, gentler Newt, he called for budget cuts in defense.


But don’t worry, neocons. Gingrich’s tenure at the globalist Council on Foreign Affairs will always have him toeing the internationalist/interventionist line.


By contrast, Jon Huntsman made eminent sense on Tuesday night’s 2012 presidential election. More than any other candidate on the stage, the former Utah governor clearly articulated the need to fix our own crumbling political system before shopping “democracy” abroad.


The former ambassador to China came off as less extreme than Ron Paul and far more reasonable than Gingrich, who alternates between glibness and bellicosity — neither of which is endearing or attractive in the long run.


Of course, Huntsman has his own explaining to do in regard to his service for Barack Obama and his issuance of driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants as Utah governor. But, for the first time, Huntsman at least showed he can compete effectively on the debate stage, if moderators afford him equal time with the presumptive front-runners.


For all his supposed smarts as a Ph.D. holder, Gingrich and his spiel are getting old. Look for his bump in the GOP polls to flatten and fade after the immigration issue blew up in his face during the 2012 presidential election debate.


The tea party is over for Newt. In reality, it should never have started.








The original article by Kenric Ward was published in Sunshine State News on Nov. 23, 2011. Sunshine State News focuses on the relationship between politics and business in Florida, speaking to an audience of lawmakers, lobbyists, business and opinion leaders, and all Floridians who expect their leaders to make common-sense decisions. SSN fills a void as the only Florida news outfit that believes free-market, less-government solutions will address the problems challenging our state. For more Rick Scott News or coverage of the 2012 Election, visit Sunshine State News. Contact Kenric Ward at kward@sunshinestatenews.com or at (772) 801-5341.