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How You Can Create Exceptionally Good Maid of Honor Speeches

‘Who is the audience and what is the purpose of the speech’, are the two questions you should consider before writing your maid of honor speech. Writing a great maid of honor speech is no different than writing any other speech. Don’t be scared of it. There are two questions you should ask yourself. These questions are the backbone of the speech.

First, who is the target audience? Friends and family of the bride and the groom are the major target audience. What do friends and family want to hear about the bride? Answer that question and you now know the purpose of your speech.

Two people who are in love celebrate their commitment to each other through a formal wedding. The wedding day is generally one of the most memorable days in a bride’s life. It is her special day, and a great maid of honor speech will reflect that sentiment. The bride and the maid of honor being close friends, shared many special moments.

You two have cried together, laughed together and now, you will celebrate together. Being a close friend you will know and appreciate the various personality traits of the bride. Incorporating vignettes of the special moments, you shared as friends, and highlighting the things you know make the bride a special and beautiful, are the elements of good maid of honor speeches

This is the bride’s special day. It may be the greatest day of her entire life. On this momentous day, she should feel beautiful, special and loved. A crucial part is played by the maid of honor to help make the day a memorable one.

To deliver a great maid of honor speech, one that honors the bride, just remember speak from the heart about the bride who is a very special person to you. Tell all her friends and family, why she is so special to you. Do this, your speech is sure to touch hearts evoking all the sentiment and emotion a great maid of honor speech should.

The author is a writer who often writes about wedding and bridal speeches topics. The article you just read is onmaid of honor speeches like the one you just read. You can go to WeddingSpeechDigest.com for more such maid of honor speech articles.

Maid Of Honor Speeches For My Sis

The big day was approaching and I needed to find maid of honor speeches for my sisters wedding . My sister asked me to be her maid of honor, and I didnt want to disappoint her. I wanted to make the whole family erupt in laugher while at the same time pleasing everyone with an emotional speech.

I consulted her on some of my ideas without ruining the surprise of my entire speech and did keep some of it a secret. Knowing the direction of the wedding speech I should take really helped after talking with my sister, Kristin.

What To Say

My sister, who was on cloud nine at this time, had the bride speech finished months ago when she first become engaged, and our father was beginning to panic because he still needed to complete the father of the bride speech. My maid of honor speech as great because I took the necessary steps to ensure it was including finding direction by talking it over with those who are also speaking so there would be no repitition in what was said at the wedding. Nothing is more boring than a speech literally repeated twice in front of a large group of people.

Sometimes speeches are combined so there is no mistake of repetition. I have been to a lot of wedding where the wedding speech was delivered and composed by both the bride and groom.

The Perfect Speech

When we discussed my speech we were able to remember more ideas and stories of how we grew up together. By brainstorming with my sister Kristin I not only was able to uncover the details of many stories I had forgotten but realized just how amazing my sister really was.

When we did talk we also were able to put together similar stories but with our own point of views on the topic to make them more entertaining and exciting. No one wants to hear the same story from the same point of view so my maid of honor speech put a whole new spin on her story.

To get it right sharing ideas with my sister to come up with maid of honor speeches really helped me out. Instead of struggling to come up with ideas I suddenly had so many that I just needed to organize them in a concise fashion. Read more about other speech examples.

My dear friend Diana Taylor has a special site with killer maid of honor speeches . You will find her tips on speaking at http://maidofhonorspeechesreview.info really helpful especially if you are stuck.

Maid of Honor Speeches – How to Write Perfect Maid of Honor Sister Speeches

Well the day has finally arrived! your sister is getting married and she has turned to you to make the maid of honor speech. Maid of honor speeches are a difficult task at the best of times, getting them just right is an art and trying to write your own can give you sleep less nights, maid of honor sister speeches are even more daunting!

It’s reported that people fear public speaking more than death! Well whilst this seems to be extreme, it is a task which can fill people with anxiety, ensuring you have a great speech worked out before hand will give you added confidence to help you deliver the speech and put your mind at ease.
Preparing what you are going to say beforehand, writing your speech out clearly on cue cards and practice is essential for success, there is nothing worse than watching someone try to decipher what they have written.
As for what your speech needs to contain, here are some tips you need to keep in mind to ensure you write a great maid of honor sister speech:

Tell her how much she means to you and how you will miss her, tell your sister you will always be there for her.
Be sure to relay just how happy you are for her and welcome the groom into your family.
Include a tender moment as well as a funny one which the two of you shared growing up.
Tell everyone just how much you love your sister and that you wish the new couple all the best.

Remember to enjoy yourself, maid of honor speeches are only a small component of the day, try to stay relax armed with the knowledge that you have prepared and practiced your speech beforehand.
Writing a speech is not an easy task to get right, especially when it comes to conveying the right amount of emotion and humor, most public figures get a professional speech writer to write the perfect oration. Most of us can’t afford these professionals, but I have discovered a great resource that helps build perfect maid of honor sister speeches every time. 

To learn more about how you can put together perfect Maid of Honor Sister Speeches, with advice from professionals, click the following link Maid of Honor Speeches

Funny Maid of Honor Speeches

The maid of honor is a special person for the bride and has a special responsibility at the wedding: making a maid of honor speech. It makes perfect sense to deliver a funny maid of honor speech. After all the wedding is an event for joy and celebration. It is your responsibility to make it entertaining and not dull and boring.

Being funny can be quite difficult if you are not a stand-up comedian. But the good part is that no one is expecting you to be that funny. So you need not get worked up. Just using some punchy one-liners or some hilarious stories can make you look like a veteran public speaker.

Preparation is the key. Collect as many one-liners as you can from the Internet. Then jot down all the key things that you want to say in your speech. And then weave the one-liners in between wherever they are relevant. Here is one example – ‘To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all’. This is the simple recipe for funny maid of honor speeches.

Remember that your speech is about the bride since the best man will talk about the groom. So bring in various tidbits of facts and pieces of information from your memory about the time you spent with the bride in the past. You can get some good ideas from common friends so you can do well to request help from them. Think of all the things that the bride likes but the groom doesn’t and then try to create some fun by saying how the groom will have to put up with the new things.

Close your speech with a loving statement by wishing a happy married life for the couple.

Get 20 professionally written Funny Maid of Honor Speeches for immediate download. At our wedding speech resource site you will find all sorts of information on Funny Wedding Speeches and some serious stuff too – Come check it out!

Maid Of Honor Speeches Sample

Marriage is a social union or legal contract between two people, which creates kinship by joining them together in front of a legal authority or in front of God and by exchanging marriage vows to stay together through all of life’s ups and downs. A reception takes place afterwards, and it is during this time that the maid of honor and the best man, among others, deliver a wedding speech. Here, now, is a maid of honor speeches sample.

For the introductory part of your speech, you may say something along these lines: A pleasant evening, ladies and gentlemen! I look at you and I see wonder. A lot of you, I know, have been asking yourselves “Who is she and what is she doing there?” Well, for your benefit, please allow me to introduce myself. I am, ladies and gentlemen, the bride’s best friend and maid of honor. And so, I stand here today to welcome you all in this celebration, of course, on behalf of the bride and groom.”

“Also, let me extend our deepest and sincerest gratitude to all of you for finding the time to be here. I know how much this means so much for our newly weds here that you found time to bless this joyous occasion with your presence.”

“Now, to the bride and groom, this I say to you – congratulations! I’ve seen you together during the best and worst times, and I’ve seen how just how much you love each other. It’s no wonder that you got here – that you vowed to be together for the rest of your lives. To the bride, my bestest friend in the whole world, I am truly happy for you. You deserve this – finding the man who will love you forever and the man with whom you choose to spend the rest of your life with. I believe that a pretty amazing and blessed life awaits the both of you, and for that I am thrilled and glad.”

“To the groom, may I request you to please take care of your wife. She is the kindest and most loving person I know, and she deserves to be cherished and taken care of. Please be true to her at all times. On that note, I propose a toast. To the bride and groom. May you have a dozen kids, a great family, and a long and lasting marriage!”

This, now, is a maid of honor speeches sample.

Go To Groom Wedding Toasts or Wedding Speeches For The Groom For The Latest Offers.

Maid Of Honor Example Speeches

Marriage is when man and woman decide to become husband and wife, and make this decision in front of a legal authority or in front of God and the Church. This sacred ceremony is traditionally followed by a wedding reception, during which selected people are asked to deliver a speech or to make a toast to the bride and the groom. Here, now, are maid of honor example speeches.

For the beginning of your speech, what you have to do is to greet the wedding guests warmly and then to politely introduce yourself to them. You may say something along these lines: “A wonderful and magical evening, ladies and gentlemen! For those of you who do not know me, I am the bride’s best friend and maid of honor. With that settled, I now wish to congratulate this lovely couple here, and to express my joy at having witnessed two people who deserve each other finally join hands in marriage.”

“To the bride and the groom, know that I am truly happy for the both of you. I have seen you together during the happiest and the saddest of times, the easiest and the most difficult, the best and the worst. And the fact is that, you amazed me. The depth and strength of your love for each other is just so overwhelming that I cannot help it but be amazed, and yes, perhaps envious. I want to find that for myself – to be with the man with whom I can be myself and he’ll still love me for it. I wish to join hands with the one person who makes my heart beat and ache in a good way. I wish to have someone to call my husband and to spend the rest of my life with him.”

“I’m glad you found that. You two deserve each other perfectly, and I know that nothing will ever tear you two apart. So if I believe in your love, you should believe it yourselves too. Every time that you feel like giving up, remind yourself that your marriage is not worth losing over a simple problem or misunderstanding. Hold on to your marriage, and aim at forever.”

“With that being said, may I please ask each and every one of you to raise your glasses as I propose a toast. To the bride and the groom! To their love. To their forever.”

These, now, are maid of honor example speeches.

Go To Best Man Speeches Son Of Groom or Brother Of The Bride Speech Examples For The Latest Offers.

Speeches Maid Of Honor

Marriage, the social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship, is also defined as the sacred ceremony when two souls unite. It is in marriage that man and woman exchange vows to love each other and remain bound in the sacrament until death. Traditionally, a best man and a maid of honor are named for the wedding. Now, if you were chosen as the bride’s maid of honor, then you will have to help the bride in her preparations. More importantly, you will be tasked to deliver a speech at the reception. Here, now, are sample speeches maid of honor.

In order to begin your maid of honor speech, you may say something along these lines: “Family, relatives, and friends – a wonderful afternoon to all of you! I can see that a lot of you are wondering who I am and what I’m doing here in front of all of you. And so, for your benefit, let me introduce myself to you first. Ladies and gentlemen, I am the bride’s only (and favorite) little sister and maid of honor. I stand here today to deliver my wedding speech, and what better way to begin it but by welcoming you all in this celebration!”

“It is so great to see so many friends, relatives, and family members gathered here today to help us celebrate our marriage. Truth be told, this wedding wouldn’t have been this joyous and memorable if it weren’t for all of you. So, thank you. Thank you so much for your kindness and your generosity. It means so much not only to the bride and the groom but also to us to have you here sharing with us this wonderful moment. We truly appreciate your efforts and we will forever remember your presence here today.”

After that warm welcome and words of gratitude, you may then proceed with expressing further how happy you are for the newly wed couple. “And now, to the bride and the groom, congratulations! Earlier today, as you were exchanging wedding vows, I couldn’t help it but be thrilled. I am rooting for you as a couple; I always have. Sis, I am happy for you, I truly am. You deserve all this because you are a great person – the best sister in the world in fact.”

“To finally end my speech, I guess a toast is in order. Ladies and gentlemen, raise your glasses and drink to the bride and the groom. To their love and to their forever.”

Here, now, are speeches maid of honor.

Go To Groom Speeches Jokes or Father Of The Groom Toast For The Latest Offers.