Tag Archives: Small

A Small Home Improvement Loan Can Sell Your Home…and Make You Money

The United States is deep into a housing slump which means that a lot of people are trying to sell their home but having a difficult time doing so. There are basically more homes for sale than there are home buyers right now, which means that home sellers have to lower their asking prices just to get people interested in their home. Lower home prices mean that people selling homes are not making as much of a profit off their home sale as they’d like.

If you are trying to sell your home right now and not having much success then you may want to consider ways of using a small home improvement loan to actually help you sell your current home and actually make a little more money than you might expect. This is not as difficult as it seems.

First, home sellers should look around their area to see what prices similar homes are selling for. This can be done by simply driving around the neighborhood and looking for home sale signs, but it is better to use several different real estate websites and look for homes for sale in your surrounding area. Real estate websites will not only give you the price of the other homes for sale, but many will also list key features and upgrades the home might have as well as offer interior and exterior photos of the home that may not be seen from a simple drive-by.

Now that you have a list of homes that are “competing” with your home that is for sale, it is time to start figuring out how you can improve your home without spending much money. Look at the other homes. Do many of them boast new windows, new carpeting or new roofs? Is their landscaping new and pleasing to potential buyers? What about an upgraded kitchen or extra half bathroom? How about simple interior decor items like crown molding, new baseboards or fresh paint?

Some of these home improvement projects are not very expensive to complete and can really make a big impression on prospective home buyers. This is where you may need to look into some sort of home improvement financing or small home improvement loan to complete your projects. A loan as small as a few thousand dollars could help you change your home enough to attract and win over a home buyer. Here are a few suggestions in different price ranges:

For $ 1,000 – $ 2,000: Consider updating the interior of the home you wish to sell with fresh neutral colored paint or new baseboards and crown molding. If you have wallpaper you may want to pay to have it removed and painted a general light color. Depending on the size of your yard you may also consider spending that money to have someone remove overgrown bushes and plants from your flower beds and put in smaller more manageable ones. Simply being able to advertise “crown molding” in a home sale ad will garner more attention than you normally would get with a regular listing.

For $ 2,000 – $ 5,000: Replacing worn flooring or carpeting is a good idea at this level. Simply having your carpets steam cleaned is a good start, but putting down new neutral colored rugs or tiling will go a long way to making a great first impression.

For $ 5,000 – $ 10,000: This is for larger home improvement projects that could really increase your return on investment. When people look to buy a home they really like updated kitchens and bathrooms. You don’t have to choose the most expensive materials for these, but you do want to choose neutral colors that many different people may like. Updating your kitchen with stainless steel appliances or replacing your counter tops with any sort of granite will definitely bring more buyers to look at your home.

How do you make extra money with this home improvement loan? For all of these improvements consider raising the asking price of your home by the amount you borrowed to improve it. You may even want to add on another 20%. If you had a home improvement loan of $ 10,000 you may want to increase your asking amount by $ 12,000 to account for the inevitable offer and counter-offer process that usually accompanies a home sale.

When you sell your home you’ll quickly be able to pay off your loan with the profit from the house sale. If you don’t sell your home right away you’ll still be able to enjoy the home upgrades until you do.

Visit the Home Improvement Financing Site to learn more about receiving home improvement financing and applying for home improvement loans.

Home Improvement: Small, But Mighty Projects

If you know it is time to embark on a home improvement project, but don’t see the need in starting a big renovation or remodeling project, then start thinking details. When you look at your rooms, do you see unnecessary clutter on the desk in the office? Perhaps the wall color in the bedroom has begun to look a little drab. Look closely at the sofa. Those stains are difficult to ignore.

This is where the real home improvement comes in. Sprucing up your much-loved house and adding interesting detail to the rooms that already exist. There are ways, like adding custom cabinetry, to improve a room without changing it dramatically. For those people that enjoy their rooms the way they are now, but want the joy of improving the look or layout can find easy avenues of betterment.

For example, the clutter in your office could be easily cleaned up with beautiful custom-built cabinets. The inherited antique desk would look beautiful framed in matching wood shelving. The clutter that is not on the desk easily gets transported to the shelves. You don’t lose anything. In fact, you gain storage and turn what was once just an office into a stunning library. All the books, papers and magazines that are piled up on the floor and desk get a rightful place on the shelves and cabinets.

Perhaps custom cabinetry is not right for your house, then start thinking about color. Where can you improve on your room color? You may be surprised to find multiple options around the house when you start thinking creatively. One of the trendiest and most visually interesting things to do with room paint right now is the highlight wall. Find a wall in each room or in a few of your rooms to paint a bright interesting color. For example, if you love the color green but know that painting your entire kitchen green might be too much then just paint one wall.

You would be surprised how much painting can change the look of your hose and change your outlook as well. Home improvement doesn’t have to mean big projects. In fact, if you don’t have time even for repainting, you have another route you can take. Everyone loves shopping for the house. Look around and make a list of how old some of your furniture items are. Start replacing some of the oldest items, one at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself and try to replace everything at one. Just replace items one at a time. This is a very easy and subtle way to gradually improve your surroundings.

So, the next time you listen with envy to a friend talk about home improvement, look around and think of all the small ways you can make big changes to your environment.

When it comes to home improvement Sarasota homeowners have a wide variety of options to them. Some projects are less time-consuming and cost-prohibitive than you think! Learn more here: http://www.eurotechcabinetry.com/.

Small Bedroom Interior Design

Your bedroom is the only arena in your home that helps you relax and transcend into a peaceful state, after a stressful and hectic day in your office. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that each decorative, movable or immovable, contributes towards relieving you from your stress and tensions.

Your room ought to be clean and streamlined for an inviting and calm look. Below are some small bedroom interior design ideas to incorporate while planning to renovate your bedroom.

Choose the right hues: The colors and hues in your bedroom can render a vivid or a dull appeal to your room. Therefore, be very careful while selecting the right shade for your bedroom. Nowadays, muted / natural colors like beige, grey, and taupe are popularly picked by people planning their small bedroom interior design for a more subtle look. You can also opt from colors like brown, mauve’s at all for a more composed appeal.

Be selective with your furniture: A room populated with large and too much of furniture crowds the room. For your small bedroom interior design, look for petite and small pieces of furniture that gives a spacious look to your room. Do away with large and garish wardrobes in wood along with huge dressing table and king sized bed. Instead look for bed pieces in queen sizes that have no headboard. Make an intelligent use of modular furniture to make the best use of the little space available.

The aesthetic touch: In your attempt to avoid clutters in your small bedroom, do not forget to add essentials that may enhance the appeal of your room. The secret to a successful small bedroom interior design lies in accessorizing your room to give it a modern appeal.

Funky lamp shades, mirrors, beautiful carved glass pieces make for a great interior decor. Jazzy wall art, like painting a unique canvas on the wall with one color at all, instills life in your other wise dull looking room. The key lies in striking the right cord between funky accessories and a simple design to give it the right aesthetic touch.

Small bedroom interior design can really be a challenge. It should be taken care that it does not have a clustered look. For more bedroom interior design please visit Bedroom Interior Design.

Home Improvement Projects Start Small

Most people are about 90% satisfied with their home. For that small 10% though the urge to make adjustments and changes to their property have some homeowners doing projects that can make their house more appealing and livable. Home improvement projects often start out in one room and spread throughout the house. Working to make a house more livable for the family and meet the demands of each individual, the renovation projects that are contracted by professionals allow a homeowner to have exactly what they want from their house when all the work is done. By starting out small and doing simple improvements many homeowners are able to manage their schedule of changes and improvements throughout their home.

One way to start out making changes to the exterior of the house without disrupting the daily routine of the family is to install replacement windows. San Diego homeowners that are looking to increase their energy efficiency and lower their air conditioning costs have found that by using vinyl windows, San Diego property values have increased somewhat. With low E windows that have a high R value the resale market for homes has shown improvement. But most people just enjoy the benefit of having their house be more energy efficient with their window upgrade.

Once the windows have been brought in a number of homeowners chose to continue their treatment of the house by purchasing complimenting sliding glass doors that are matched to the vinyl windows and also provide a cost savings on the utility bills. With greater efficiency inside their dwelling many people go on to add new lighting fixtures and other small touches to their homes that can enhance the style of their living space.

For those that are more aggressive in their renovation strategy, the tearing down of walls and remodeling of the kitchen leads them to change out the floor plan of their house and create a space that is perfect for entertaining guest and preparing meals. With an addition to the kitchen the opportunity to add new windows that allow more light into the home or a set of stylish French doors give San Diego homeowners a more appealing place to live that is customized to their standards. Whether it is just making a home more energy efficient or doing a few renovations within the property many San Diego homeowners are finding that with the right touches to their windows and doors they have a beautiful house that looks great from the neighborhood and is practical and functional for them and their family.

Vinyl Masters (http://www.vinylmasters.com/) is one of the best sliding doors San Diego has to offer.