Tag Archives: Safety

Non Toxic Cleaning Supplies: For Your Health Safety

Prior to the invention of these all-natural cleaning products, most of the cleaning products before are highly toxic which were found that could cause sickness. Mostly, people that are suffering from asthma and allergies are prohibited to use these products. However, even if you are suffering from asthma there is a possibility that it will affect your health especially your lungs from breathing these chemicals. That’s why manufacturers of these cleaning products have come up with a brilliant idea to produce non toxic cleaning supplies. Today, there are already numerous pf cleaning products that contains pure all-natural ingredients. That’s why these cleaning are considered to be health friendly.

It’s now time to get rid of it and switch to non toxic cleaning supplies which are literally made of all-natural ingredients if you are still using high toxic cleaning products. In the market, not all cleaning products that are available are all made of all-natural ingredients, just a piece of reminder. There are actually a lot of manufacturers of these cleaning products that claims that their ingredients are all-natural but the truth is it still contains some harmful chemicals. They did not show it on the labeling. That’s why you need to be careful by double checking the labels before buying it.

All-natural or non toxic cleaning supplies will help you provide a healthy environment for you and your family. Inside your home should be a protection from any sickness and not a source. Your health and the health of your family are the most important factor. This harmful chemical that is responsible for killing all the germs and bacteria inside our home doesn’t mean that we are already safe. What most people don’t realize about these chemicals, this could cause harm to our health and well-being.

Aside from protecting your health and your family’s well-being, these non toxic supplies are also protecting the environment. Because it doesn’t contain any toxic chemicals, this will not cause any harm to the environment. These all-natural ingredients include plants, herbs, and mineral based compounds and aside from that, they are also biodegradable.

If the information you’ve read above is not enough then you can search more of these in the internet. For sure that you will get a lot of ideas on how to choose cleaning products that are made of pure all-natural cleaning products. One more thing, you will be able to know the difference between highly toxic cleaning products and the non toxic supplies. You will know understand other advantages why you need to use all-natural cleaning products.

Looking to find the best deal on non toxic cleaning supplies , then visit www.naturalorganicgreenclean.com to find the best advice on non toxic cleaning supplies for you.

Over Use of Cleaning Supplies Can Be Dangerous – A Workplace Safety Issue

If own a small business, or you are the manager for a franchise chain outlet, then you need to pay special attention to your younger workers, and any workers that you have that speak broken English about their use of cleaning supplies. All too often, the mixing of cleaning supplies and chemicals is done on the property. Unfortunately, workers tend to mix the cleaning chemicals too strong and they put them in squirt bottles and use way too much.

Not only does this end up damaging, tabletops, coatings, paints, and windowpanes, but it also discolors toilet seats in the bathroom, and stainless steel equipment. And that is the least of your worries. The younger generation often doesn’t notice when they use too much cleaning chemical, because it doesn’t affect them very much, but older workers, are affected, as their lungs are not as strong as a young person. You may have customers in the store who have health problems or are hyper allergic to such things.

You can ask just about anyone that works in a fire department and they’ve all been called out to businesses where workers have collapsed because they mix the wrong type of cleaning chemicals, or someone is having a respiratory issue or they have fainted because of the use of cleaning supplies. It is a very serious issue and when the fire department comes generally an ambulance will take someone away.

In case you didn’t know that will cost you a lot of money, not to mention it could cause a worker’s compensation lawsuit, or increased premiums which is something you don’t need right now.

I sure hope you will pay attention and train your workers properly as per the OSHA standards. Then I hope you will monitor your employees to make sure that they are following those directions, even when you aren’t watching. Please consider all this.

Lance Winslow is a retired franchisor – Lance Winslow’s Bio. Lance Winslow is formerly the CEO of WashGuys family of franchises for instance one of Lance Winslow’s favorite companies on the team; http://www.windowwashguys.com/links.shtml.

Basic Safety Tips for Janitorial Workers

Washing workers or janitors are cleaning workers or housekeepers of workplaces, educational organizations and homes. Imagine our lifestyle without their services! Washing job is all about keeping our operating and residing atmosphere fresh and clean. Their participation in the community, in leading a healthy lifestyle is much valued. People often consider their job easy, but only an individual providing as a janitorial worker will know how difficult and dangerous their job is. As janitors put in all their determination in providing us a fresh home, it is the job of the business employers to deal with the protection needs of the workers. Janitorial workers are suffering from various actual and substance threats. Physical threats include the use of hefty devices to fresh, constantly raising factors, rotating often etc., While substance threats are due to the use of powerful substances to fresh requirements. These threats may lead to severe damage to an individual and may also cause a lifelong damage. So, what is it that the business employers need to deal with, to make sure appropriate protection of the janitors? Here are a few guidelines to reduce the threats of threats and injuries. Tips For Janitorial Safety Following are the guidelines to be followed to avoid a dangerous situation; Washing places may vary, if a janitor is associated with an organization offering cleaning solutions to various organizations.

In such a case, janitorial workers need to drive through their way to offer their solutions. Workers should follow secure generating to make sure their protection and prevent road injuries. If a worker is generating the organization’s automobile, it is the job of the organization to make sure that the automobile is secure for generating. An automobile protection rule book should be passed over to the individuals to go through, before using the organization automobile so as to make himself aware of the organizational policy for secure generating. Lifting hefty devices is a very common task for janitorial workers. Proper raising techniques must be used to evade returning injuries and muscle strains. Workers must practice rotating the keenswhile raising factors from the earth and prevent rotating and turning the returning. When raising hefty devices, workers must take help and prevent holding the fill all alone, as it may negatively affect the system and cause damage. Lift devices can also be used while raising hefty a lot or furniture. Falling and dropping can be prevented by putting a warning call on the wet ground and guaranteeing no one taking uses it. House cleaning golf trolleys help in holding fill and cleaning devices from one place to the other. They must be in an even moving condition. Workers must lean forward while forcing the golf trolleys. Well managed golf trolleys prove really helpful in reducing the amount of work of the janitors. Washing flooring is one of the main responsibilities of janitorial workers. As it is an ongoing process, workers must sustain the appropriate system position while cleaning the floors.

The purifiers can be held gently and cleaning can be done in a rhythmical motion to prevent exhausting. Equipment like purifiers and ground machines must be used, when few individuals are around. The cabling and electrical accessories of these devices must be examined every day before use, to prevent electric excitement and other threats due to electricity. Rubbish hand bags can contain anything from blood marked tiny needles to sharp glass pieces. These can hurt the worker if not got rid of properly. It is therefore advised to carry garbage hand bags using hand safety gloves and away from the system. Training For Janitorial Safety It is the liability of the business employers of janitorial workers to make sure enough protection of their workers. It is important to perform janitorial protection solutions for the workers. Whenever a new worker connects this job, his first and major need is an exercising that provides him sufficient knowledge for his own protection, the protection of his co-workers and other individuals. Such an exercising will help in avoiding unwanted injuries and threats. The occurrence of injuries is one of the highest among janitorial workers. They perform really hard to sustain hygiene all around. Every individual must be pleased to janitors and one way to be pleased with them is to sensibly make sure a secure workplace for them. As our well-being is somehow related to them, their protection should be our concern.