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Wood Floors Or Tile Floors – That Is The Question

Ever since ancient times people realized what excellent decorative elements tiles were and therefore had a few millennia at their disposal to develop this concept into modern industry. Tiles were first used as decorative elements, as they were fragile, but years later people learnt how to develop them into strong, resistant elements and therefore used them for floors, walls, roofs, etc. Nowadays the industry built on this decorative element has developed so much, as it had to satisfy the imagination of every client and to meet every need on the market.

There have always been pros and cons when discussing about tile floors as opposed to wood floors. One must admit that wood floors offer a classical tone to one’s house and that their elegance is incontestable. However, they do present some disadvantages if we think of how easily they scratch or that cleaning them might be an ordeal.

Tile floors have been developing so much lately, that they can nowadays take over the properties of wood, too. The applestone limestone is just one of the examples that can offer your house a classical design or a modern one, according to your imagination. Tiles are best for kitchens and bathrooms, as they are highly resistant to humidity and dirt, as they clean up very easily and they look like brand new afterward. In such situations the wood floors would deteriorate very quickly, not to mention how difficult it would be to maintain them in such humid rooms.

In fact, tiles are a good choice no matter what room we speak of in the house, as they offer a lot of benefits when combined with a floor heating system. First of all, you will be able to save energy and money, not to mention that there will be no heaters in the house, therefore, you will have more space for other objects.

In conclusion, wood floors can be elegant, warm and classical, but they’re nothing a tile floor couldn’t be and even more. The tiles will offer you an exquisite design, a cozy, warm house and the chance to save money and energy, not to mention that cleaning them will become a real pleasure.

The creamy, beige applestone limestone tile is the perfect choice no matter if you are looking for a modern look or a traditional one for your home.