Tag Archives: Loan

A Small Home Improvement Loan Can Sell Your Home…and Make You Money

The United States is deep into a housing slump which means that a lot of people are trying to sell their home but having a difficult time doing so. There are basically more homes for sale than there are home buyers right now, which means that home sellers have to lower their asking prices just to get people interested in their home. Lower home prices mean that people selling homes are not making as much of a profit off their home sale as they’d like.

If you are trying to sell your home right now and not having much success then you may want to consider ways of using a small home improvement loan to actually help you sell your current home and actually make a little more money than you might expect. This is not as difficult as it seems.

First, home sellers should look around their area to see what prices similar homes are selling for. This can be done by simply driving around the neighborhood and looking for home sale signs, but it is better to use several different real estate websites and look for homes for sale in your surrounding area. Real estate websites will not only give you the price of the other homes for sale, but many will also list key features and upgrades the home might have as well as offer interior and exterior photos of the home that may not be seen from a simple drive-by.

Now that you have a list of homes that are “competing” with your home that is for sale, it is time to start figuring out how you can improve your home without spending much money. Look at the other homes. Do many of them boast new windows, new carpeting or new roofs? Is their landscaping new and pleasing to potential buyers? What about an upgraded kitchen or extra half bathroom? How about simple interior decor items like crown molding, new baseboards or fresh paint?

Some of these home improvement projects are not very expensive to complete and can really make a big impression on prospective home buyers. This is where you may need to look into some sort of home improvement financing or small home improvement loan to complete your projects. A loan as small as a few thousand dollars could help you change your home enough to attract and win over a home buyer. Here are a few suggestions in different price ranges:

For $ 1,000 – $ 2,000: Consider updating the interior of the home you wish to sell with fresh neutral colored paint or new baseboards and crown molding. If you have wallpaper you may want to pay to have it removed and painted a general light color. Depending on the size of your yard you may also consider spending that money to have someone remove overgrown bushes and plants from your flower beds and put in smaller more manageable ones. Simply being able to advertise “crown molding” in a home sale ad will garner more attention than you normally would get with a regular listing.

For $ 2,000 – $ 5,000: Replacing worn flooring or carpeting is a good idea at this level. Simply having your carpets steam cleaned is a good start, but putting down new neutral colored rugs or tiling will go a long way to making a great first impression.

For $ 5,000 – $ 10,000: This is for larger home improvement projects that could really increase your return on investment. When people look to buy a home they really like updated kitchens and bathrooms. You don’t have to choose the most expensive materials for these, but you do want to choose neutral colors that many different people may like. Updating your kitchen with stainless steel appliances or replacing your counter tops with any sort of granite will definitely bring more buyers to look at your home.

How do you make extra money with this home improvement loan? For all of these improvements consider raising the asking price of your home by the amount you borrowed to improve it. You may even want to add on another 20%. If you had a home improvement loan of $ 10,000 you may want to increase your asking amount by $ 12,000 to account for the inevitable offer and counter-offer process that usually accompanies a home sale.

When you sell your home you’ll quickly be able to pay off your loan with the profit from the house sale. If you don’t sell your home right away you’ll still be able to enjoy the home upgrades until you do.

Visit the Home Improvement Financing Site to learn more about receiving home improvement financing and applying for home improvement loans.

Add Luxury To Your Home With a Home Improvement Loan

Your home is your most valued possession. With changing time and family requirements you thought of adding another room or to extend the garden by a few yards. The architect gave you a long bill well beyond your financial budget. You thought of postponing the idea for a few months but the pressing needs have made it difficult. Home improvement loans can be a remedy to your problem.

Secured home improvement loan are provided to homeowners who are looking for loan with low interest rate and low monthly repayment. Secured home improvement loan pays the entire cost that the homeowner has borne on making repairs to the home.

A secured home improvement loan is a loan laid out by either a finance company or bank to finance your home improvement project. You need to pledge your home as collateral in order to avail a secured home improvement loan.

Once you have collected all the necessary information, now its time to choose a home improvement loan with a particular lender as per one’s need and capability. The last step is to make a loan application. You can always sit in front of a computer and apply online through websites

Bad credit is born out of late payments, arrears, CCJs, IVA, bankruptcy etc. Bad credit again is of two types secured and unsecured. When bad credit secured home improvement loan is taken the interest rate is lessened as compared to unsecured bad credit home improvement loan.

You can choose to repay cheap home improvement loans in larger duration that ranges from 5 to 30 years. So on opting for larger repaying duration your monthly payment for the loan installments gets reduced substantially and you repay the loan easily as cheaper rate has already reduced the repayment burden.

Get useful tips and advice on Home Improvement Loans by visiting http://loans-pages.info, a loans website that has a comprehensive list of loan articles that are packed with useful advice.

Loan Modification -2 Mistakes To Avoid If You Want To Do It Yourself

The loan modification business is exploding. With interest rates at the lowest levels in history, many homeowners are taking advantage of the opportunity to negotiate a lower interest rate and better terms with their bank.

Doing a loan modification yourself is a much more economical, and many times a more effective option, than refinancing. For one thing, if you do it yourself it doesn’t cost anything (unlike a refinance -which can cost $ 1,000s). Therefore, the only risk is the investment of your time. The rewards can be great if the bank approves your modification. Many times you can achieve the same or better results than if you had refinanced. However, many loan modification applications are denied because of simple mistakes that were made during the application process. These mistakes can be very easily corrected.

Here are the 2 top mistakes to avoid when preparing your loan modification:

1-Poor hardship letter- Your bank will require you to construct a detailed letter explaining the circumstances leading up to your hardship. Although it might sound simple, one mistake here will get your modification denied immediately. Here is an example of what not to say, ‘I took out a loan to buy furniture, wallpaper, appliances, some landscaping and now the payments on that loan are making it difficult for me to keep up with my mortgage payments’. Now, I am not suggesting that you lie, but here is a better way to say the same thing. ‘I recently took out a loan to make necessary home improvements and I am now finding myself struggling to keep up with the payments’. You are just presenting the same thing, but differently. The conclusion here is that if your bank thinks in any way that you went on a spending spree, you have blown your one chance for an incredible rate.

2-Overstating your expenses- As part of the loan modification process, you will be required to complete a monthly financial budget. Many people instinctively think that the worse off you present yourself to the bank, the better your chances are for help. Be careful, as this is not true and can actually hurt you. In this situation, the bank will conclude that even a loan modification is not going to help and it will only delay the inevitable, a foreclosure. As a result, you will be denied. All banks use a formula to determine your income and expense ratio. You must fall within the proper range to qualify.

You only have one chance to get it right when speaking to your bank. You can’t go back and change the numbers or rewrite your letter. It is important to have a basic understanding of the process before you even begin to speak to anybody. A Do-It-Yourself guide will provide you with all the necessary information and help you through the process. Armed with these tools, you have the potential to significantly reduce your mortgage payments for good and get back on the right track.

J. Pisicchio is a mortgage professional with 20 yrs industry experience. Working at small banks & large institutions (Chase), he was formally trained as a credit analyst. His goal is to help consumers make the best financial decisions regarding their mortgage needs. For information on the Do It Yourself Modification guide, visit www.mortgageloanmodificationsecrets.com

Do it Yourself Loan Modification- With Assistance From a Guide

The laws and guidelines are changing to make loan modifications easier for homeowners. Not more than a year ago the word ‘modification’ sounded scary and complicated. Homeowners had only heard of these words from attorneys or loss mitigation companies. Although sometimes they can be helpful if your situation is complicated (or you don’t have a little time to invest), many times it’s simply not necessary to spend thousands hiring a professional. A little knowledge from a good Do It Yourself Guide is all you need.

As banks begin to change and adapt to the situation that homeowners are now facing, they are learning to embrace the concept (and willingness) of offering loan modifications to their customers. In fact, many Banks prefer you don’t use modification companies at all. Chase, one of the largest banks, is an example of this. When you call their main mortgage customer help number, they have an outgoing message ‘warning of the use of 3rd parties modification services’. The message goes on the say that they do not charge money to complete a modification and it is not necessary to use a third party service to help with one’. Remember, professional services do not actually perform Loan Modifications, they only put your information together and present it to the bank. Ultimately, the decision is made by your current lending institution. However, I would not suggest speaking with your bank until you have done some research on your own as the approval process does require some qualification.

With just a little bit of knowledge, some understand of what banks are looking for, and a few hours of time you can do a loan modification yourself. For the most part, there are three main considerations when preparing your own modification:

1) Writing a detailed hardship letter explaining to the bank the circumstances behind why you are requesting a modification.

2) Preparing a monthly financial budget outlining your incoming, expenses and how your money is appropriated each month.

3) Understanding the debt to income formula that the Banks use so that you can maximize your potential for qualifying for the lowest possible mortgage payment.

With a little help from a Do-It-Yourself Kit, you will be able to prepare a hardship letter, construct a qualified monthly budget, and most importantly understand the purpose of the Bank’s Debt-To-Income (DTI) Ratio. Once you understand the process and the requirements, you will be able to prepare a proposal for your lender that will not only increase your chances of getting an approval, but maximize your payment reduction at the same time.

It is not necessary to pay $ 1,000s to a company for something that can easily be completed on your own. With help from a step by step Do-It-Yourself Guide, it is VERY possible to reduce your mortgage payment by 30% or more—for Free! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as banks have never been as flexible as they are now. Don’t wait, take advantage of this incredible opportunity.

J. Pisicchio is a mortgage professional with 20 yrs industry experience. Working at small banks & large institutions (Chase), he was formally trained as a credit analyst. His goal is to help consumers make the best financial decisions regarding their mortgage needs. For information on the Do It Yourself Modification guide, visit www.mortgageloanmodificationsecrets.com