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Cleaning Supplies Turn Hovels Into Homes Once More

How Clean is your House? Is a popular channel four programme documenting the filthy homes of UK residents. The hosts of the show Kim and Aggie recoil in horror every episode at the unsavoury conditions that some people choose to live in. We take a look at the cleaning supplies that are needed to tackle homes turned hovels to make sure that basic health and hygiene is in action.

Although television commercials are packed to the hilt with adverts for bacteria busting all purpose cleaners, the need for anti bacterial sprays is sometimes overstated. An element of common sense is required, and although it seems sensible to say that most people would mop up an area where raw meat has been prepared with a suitable spray, the guests of the show clearly miss this important health and hygiene point.

There are a wide variety of cleaning supplies that are manufactured to deal with all types of dirt, visible or microbial, and the daring duo happily go to work using these products to get horrible homes back to a standard where guests feel welcome and rats just walk on by. Surface cleaning can be carried out effectively and efficiently by using a multipurpose cleaner on skirting boards and window sills followed by a good Hoover of soft furnishings and a squirt of polish on wooden furniture.

Deep cleaning however requires some hardcore cleaning supplies. Scouring pads, scrubbing brushes and heavy duty Marigolds are order of the day to deal with kitchens and bathrooms that haven’t caught a whiff of pine fresh detergent for a decade! To perform a thorough deep clean, it is essential to buy a wide range of cleaning supplies that not only deal with in grained dirt and lime scale, but also tackle harmful build-up of bacteria.

Some of the homes that appear on the TV show have endured years of negligence and pose a real hazard to the health of anyone who enters. From excrement to engine oil, the show’s hosts really do have their work cut out to bring these homes up to a normal standard of cleanliness. If you are moving into a property that has seen this type of neglect, it is wise to purchase an arsenal of cleaning supplies that have the capabilities to tackle such conditions.

However, if you are seriously concerned about the health implications of entering a property, it is recommended that advice from a commercial cleaning company is sought, either that or put yourself forward for the next Kim and Aggie series!

Dom Donaldson is a hygiene expert.
Find out more about Cleaning Supplies to tackle every type of dirt at VIP Clean.

‘Humane’ Newt Gingrich Stumbles; Jon Huntsman Steps Into Spotlight








Newt Gingrich wants to keep illegal aliens in this country so their children can work as school janitors.


OK, the former House speaker didn’t exactly utter that sentence at Tuesday night’s GOP 2012 presidential election, but he fully embraces the concept.


Following his proposal last week to fire school custodians and turn their work over to children — child labor laws are “stupid,” he says — Gingrich played the “humane” card at the CNN national security forum.


It was a Rick Perry moment for the Georgian, who disingenuously asserted that no “humane” immigration policy would “break up families.” You’ll recall what happened when Perry tried that sanctimonious approach.


In fact, Gingrich’s position is founded less on humanity than on fuzzy thinking and ethnic pandering. Always the clever rhetorician, his meandering discourse on illegal immigration was an attempt to justify his vote for amnesty in the 1980s — a position that he holds to this day.


Gingrich was similarly mush-minded on foreign affairs.


He sounded like John McCain — cranky and jingoistic — when he blustered about Iran. “We can break them in a year,” he vowed.


Then, returning to the kinder, gentler Newt, he called for budget cuts in defense.


But don’t worry, neocons. Gingrich’s tenure at the globalist Council on Foreign Affairs will always have him toeing the internationalist/interventionist line.


By contrast, Jon Huntsman made eminent sense on Tuesday night’s 2012 presidential election. More than any other candidate on the stage, the former Utah governor clearly articulated the need to fix our own crumbling political system before shopping “democracy” abroad.


The former ambassador to China came off as less extreme than Ron Paul and far more reasonable than Gingrich, who alternates between glibness and bellicosity — neither of which is endearing or attractive in the long run.


Of course, Huntsman has his own explaining to do in regard to his service for Barack Obama and his issuance of driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants as Utah governor. But, for the first time, Huntsman at least showed he can compete effectively on the debate stage, if moderators afford him equal time with the presumptive front-runners.


For all his supposed smarts as a Ph.D. holder, Gingrich and his spiel are getting old. Look for his bump in the GOP polls to flatten and fade after the immigration issue blew up in his face during the 2012 presidential election debate.


The tea party is over for Newt. In reality, it should never have started.








The original article by Kenric Ward was published in Sunshine State News on Nov. 23, 2011. Sunshine State News focuses on the relationship between politics and business in Florida, speaking to an audience of lawmakers, lobbyists, business and opinion leaders, and all Floridians who expect their leaders to make common-sense decisions. SSN fills a void as the only Florida news outfit that believes free-market, less-government solutions will address the problems challenging our state. For more Rick Scott News or coverage of the 2012 Election, visit Sunshine State News. Contact Kenric Ward at kward@sunshinestatenews.com or at (772) 801-5341.

Janitors Of Super Rich Tenants Thrown Out As Trash Into The Dumping Ground Of The Unemployed

Destitution is facing Martha Escobar. There are fifteen other janitors like her who have lost their jobs in a luxury rental complex at Los Angeles of the super rich. JP Morgan Asset Management part of the sprawling empire of JP Morgan Chase owns the unit. The maintenance contractor ordered termination of their jobs.

Century Plaza Towers (segment of this complex) praises itself on its own website claiming that it has “one of the most prestigious tenant rosters in the country, which includes some of America’s mot prominent business leaders” The work of the janitors involved keeping things as good as new for these gods in heaven who hardly noticed their existence.

The janitors were also engaged in back breaking cleaning jobs at another segment of the complex – 200 Avenue of the Stars. It hosts many glamorous business outlets like Creative Artists Agency.

Few weeks previously the janitors lost their jobs. Except to suffer from anxiety they have very little work to do considering the job climate of America.
Escobar aged 41 years is the mother of two daughters aged 14 and 10. She is not conversant with English and speaking through an interpreter said that she had money to pay for her September rent only. School would soon resume but she does not know from where the money for the uniforms will come since she has no savings.

What is unique about these retrenchments is that there have been loud protests against the callous treatment they have received. The rich had engaged them at the measly rate (hourly $ 13.50) and then got rid of them as trash to be thrown into the dumping ground where millions of unemployed are sweating and fuming. The janitors have staged demonstrations and resorted to fasting outside the buildings where they had once worked.

Recently Escobar and a colleague Elba Polanco were taken to New York City by Service Employees International Union to present their case before Jamie Dimon the CEO of JP Morgan Chase. Dimon is famed for his fabulous lifestyle and for borrowing staggering amounts to purchase firms and then giving employees the boot.

It seems ridiculous to think that Dimon would lend them an ear. While stark hunger and life without a roof above their heads faces them Morgan Cahse has noted a profit of $ 4.8 billion during the quarter starting from April this year. The salary of the likes of Escobar would not pay for a single dinner feast of Dimon!

Kevin Simpson, has been working on USRepos.com studying the foreclosure market, helping buyers on the finer points of California repo homes. Try to visit USRepos.com and find all related information about Repo Homes.