Tag Archives: House

Do It Yourself Around The House

Doing some painting around the house?

Don’t forget to use primer! If you have a dark wall that you want to paint a lighter color, primer will reduce the amount of coats you will need to paint over the darker color. If you use primer, you don’t have to worry about any of that old color showing through. Additionally, make sure you pick a roll of painter’s tape so you don’t accidently paint unwanted areas like your ceiling or floor.

Do you have unwanted marks on your tile?

Sometimes kids like to use your nice tile floor as their art studio. Not to worry; there are a couple of ways you can get those unwanted permanent marker stains off your floor. First try using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (this is non-abrasive and won’t do damage to your home), if that doesn’t work you can try Arm & Hammer toothpaste and a tooth brush. As a last resort, a little nail polish remover is sure to trick! The acetone is not a very nice chemical to use, but it is a great stain remover for surfaces like tile. Make sure you wipe it off the surface as soon as the stain is removed (the acetone can peel off the coverings on many tiles).

Planning to plaster a wall?

1) Pick your plaster carefully-often times people opt for a quick drying plaster, but these can be hard to work with and cause your more trouble than they are worth.

2) Measure a little extra plaster than you think you will need; you would rather have extra then find out you poured too little. Make sure carefully follow the directions when mixing your plaster; if you use too much water, you plaster will be runny.

3) Thoroughly mix the plaster ingredients; you can use a paint stir stick-there should be now powder left at all.

4) Using your putty knife, you know smear a good amount of plaster over the area you are trying to fix. Scrape off the extra plaster and let it dry-the surface does not need to be perfectly smooth.

5) After the area has dried (you should let it dry over night, just to be safe), take a piece of sand paper and smooth out the surface.

6) Then paint to blend with the rest of your wall!

New England Design & Construction is an award-winning architectural design and remodeling company in the Greater Boston area. With over 25 years of experience, and countless happy customers, we are recognized as the most- trusted team to design and remodel your home.

House cleaning London style

When it comes to house cleaning London has a lot to offer. A London cleaning company is used to dealing with situations peculiar to life in a big city, where people are constantly moving houses and offices. For example, for end of tenancy house cleaning London firms will come in and do a fast, efficient job, getting your property ready for the next set of tenants in double-quick time. Equally, if you’ve just bought a new home, house cleaning London style will take the strain off the first week in your new home, leaving you to concentrate on where to put the furniture!


You’ll have no trouble finding a cleaning company in the big smoke. There are cleaning company posters and notices on the boards inside most blocks of flats and offices. And individuals new to London will often set up their own cleaning company to make money, many offering a cheap alternative to large cleaning company fees. Or look up ‘house cleaning London’ on an internet search engine to find any number of companies vying for trade.


However, there’s such a large demand for cleaning services in London, you may find there’s a waiting list, at least for the larger companies. When looking for a local company to do their house cleaning Londoners, especially those new to the city, could do worse than check out 0800 House Cleaning, where they’ll find listings of more cleaning companies than they could imagine.


Bear in mind when engaging a cleaning company for the first time, it’s worth being there while they do the work, as you may find questions come up which you can answer much more easily on the spot than you might be able to at the end of the phone. Always listen to the advice of a cleaning professional, too; they can often give great tips on how to improve your own cleaning skills, as well as how best to enable them to do their job.


Consider the sort of cleaning products the cleaning company might use, too. Many companies routinely use products that we might prefer were kept out of our house. Strong bleach or other chemicals, for example, might be the sort of thing those with sensitivities, or with young children in the house, would prefer to avoid. If you choose to limit their use, there’s no reason why your home shouldn’t be just as clean; using kinder products may result in it taking a little longer to do the job, but it’s worth it for your peace of mind. And these days even Londoners are trying to do their bit for the environment. A good London house cleaning firm will understand your concerns and do their best to accommodate your needs – after all, they’re keen to get your repeat business. So make clear to your cleaning company what you will and won’t accept in your home (most Londoners are good at making their needs clear!) and get your house cleaning London professionals working the way you want them to work.

house cleaning London style can bring your home up to London standards. Give 0800 House Cleaning the chance, and they’ll find you a local cleaning company you can begin to build a long-term relationship, whatever your needs.

House cleaning services

House cleaning services are some of the services which can be aptly described as essential. The need for house cleaning services is occasioned by several factors. Our health needs require that we live in clean and hygienically maintained environments. Our nature as humans drives us towards living in clean and serene places. Our daily lives make it inevitable to avoid generating dirt. There is also the dirt that is naturally produced by the environment in which we live such as cobwebs and dust blown by wind.


Due to some accidents, natural or manmade, we may encounter some dirt such when flood water enters our homes and soils the carpets or when foods drop on our carpets. Solid foods may not leave as much dirt on the carpet or floor as liquid foods but over time they will still occasion the need for some cleaning. House cleaning services are therefore some of the services that we are always in need of.


When changing residences it is mandatory to do some thorough cleaning of the new residence before moving in. House cleaning services become very vital at such moments because the cleaning that is required at such times is not the kind of cleaning that each of us is either familiar with or comfortable with. It requires the services of a house cleaning services company to do a thorough job and ensure that the new premises is not just cleaned of dirt but is also disinfected to ensure that any germs that can survive an ordinary cleaning process are cleaned.


A house cleaning services company comes complete with an assortment of the relevant and necessary tools for doing the cleaning which makes the process efficient and useful. These are in addition to the relevant cleaning materials and chemicals which ensure that a premise is as good as new and that even a new one is highly suitable for human occupation.


London house cleaning company, a well established house cleaning services company employs well trained staffs who know what is expected of them and only require a little guidance to do the right job. That they specialize in doing cleaning services and that they have done the cleaning job severally in different circumstances have equipped them with all the necessary and relevant experience needed to do a good job in every setup.


A house cleaning services company works well for both people who require complete cleaning of their homes all at once as well as for those who require piecemeal cleaning from one room to another such as when one already inhabits the home. The need for periodically cleaning our homes can not be over emphasized and so is the need for professional house cleaning services such as the London house cleaning company.




House cleaning services companies are natural responses to the growing needs of our changing society. With technological advancement have come many items in our homes some of which require special cleaning requirements as part of their maintenance requirements and which many people may not ordinarily offer. It is due to such needs that house cleaning services providing companies have developed. London house cleaning companies is one such a company offering great services at great discounts.

Doing house cleaning

House cleaning is one essential task you have to perform at one time or another. Different places in houses or rooms have different cleaning needs in terms of the nature of the cleaning work and the frequency of the cleaning exercise. Places like kitchen require to be cleaned more frequently than bedrooms and stores. Living room requires to be cleaned regularly though the main reason for keeping the living room neat may not be the same as those of tidying up the kitchen.


The kitchen experiences more movement and a lot of dirt drop down the floor in the course of preparing many foods. Quite often water is poured on the kitchen floor which requires regular mopping to ensure that dirt is not spread to other places in the house and that no ones life is jeopardized by slippery floor which can cause people to fall and get injured. House cleaning the living room is mainly for the beauty of the house as this represents the face of the house so to speak. It also requires regular cleaning but quite often just sweeping the room suffices to keep it clean.


The living room gets dirty quite easily because it experiences greater traffic flow. But much of the dirt that gets into the sitting room is dry and often in the form of dust which makes it easy to maintain by just sweeping. This is quite in contrast to the kitchen which requires a lot of mopping since much of the dirt that goes down on to the floor is wet and stains it even only temporary.


When people have to work until late hours then they usually find themselves with very little time to do house cleaning. The fact that they spend very little time in the houses also leaves them with very little opportunity to notice the cleaning needs of their houses. One fact we have to reckon with is that a house will get dirty whether it is inhabited or not and that the only difference between an occupied house and an empty one is that the former gets dirtier faster. An unoccupied house may also not require any cleaning because the dirt and dust in it do not affect anyone.


Following the realization that many people do not have time to clean their houses properly, some house cleaning companies have emerged in response to the demands of the society. 0800 house cleaning company is one such and is based in London. It provides comprehensive house cleaning services but also does specific jobs like cleaning the carpets, curtains and other fabrics among other things.





House cleaning is a basic and essential exercise one must undertake both for the sake of beauty and health. You can do house cleaning on your own or you can employ the services of house cleaning companies to do for you the job. The cleaners are easy to find especially on the internet where many such companies maintain their websites.

Green House Cleaning – Using Green Cleaning Supplies

With the increase in allergies in children and cancer in adults, many people are concerned with the chemicals they are using in their home and garden. There are effective alternatives to clean your home using green cleaning supplies. These green cleaning tips will save you money and help save the environment. Best of all – you probably already have these supplies in your cupboard – so you can start green cleaning right away! Some of the best natural cleaning products are baking soda, lemon juice, vinegar, and water.

Lemon juice: Get rid of stains on your kitchen counter top by applying lemon juice and letting it sit for a few minutes. Then simply scrub the area with baking soda and wipe with a damp cloth. In your bathroom, clean your glass shower door by applying pure lemon juice onto the glass. Just spray it with warm water and wipe it off with a clean cloth.

Vinegar: Use vinegar to kill weeds that pop up between your interlock bricks in the driveway. It is best to spray the vinegar on the weeds after a few days of hot, dry weather, when the weeds will really soak up the liquid. Diluted vinegar also serves as a good floor cleaner for ceramic tiles – it leaves behind a nice shine & does not dull the finish. Vinegar is also a natural fabric softener. Add half a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle for soft, static free clothes.

Baking soda: Use baking soda to control odours around the home. Put an open box in the refrigerator to control odours from food. Keep a box in the locker or closet where you store shoes and sports gear. Sprinkle some baking powder in the garbage can or cat litter box before you insert the liner. Baking soda is also a natural stain fighter for fabrics. Just apply a mixture of 6 tablespoons of baking powder with a half cup of warm water to stains before washing.

For an all purpose cleaning spray, combine baking soda with white vinegar, water, and a few drops of antibacterial tea tree oil. Wash out empty spray bottles and reuse them with this natural cleanser.

Steam cleaners are a great alternative now that they make ones for the home costing around $ 100. Some brands are Haan FS20-Plus 800-Watt Steam Cleaning Floor Sanitizer, H2O and Shark, which come with reusable, washable cleaning pads. You can use the cleaners on tile, marble, wood, etc. You will be amazed how clean your floors will be using only water (turned into steam).  I own a Haan steam cleaner and absolutely love it. I have not needed any cleaning solution for my floors for over 8 months! Steam Cleaning Floor Sanitizer.

Rather than chemical sprays to make your home and bathrooms smell like flowers, why not put out some fresh flowers or potpourri in a decorative container? Potpourri lasts a long time and can be placed in decorative bowls in bathrooms, halls, bedrooms, etc. You can also make little satchels out of mesh bags and put them in your drawers to make your clothes smell nice.

Stephanie Browning, also known as Eco Chick, writes and educates on green living, environmental issues and raising healthy, eco-conscious kids. For more information on green living, visit http://www.planetecochick.blogspot.com.

House Cleaning Choice

Indeed, having a spic and span house, which has fresh rooms, crisp linens, pristine bathrooms and a spotless kitchen, is a plus factor in keeping the in-dwellers happy as well as the guests. This is the reason why house cleaning services became popular. However, with all these existing cleaning companies that seem to be promising the same ultra-clean performance, how can everyone be sure that they’re getting the most out of it? Well, here are some tips that one should bear in mind in choosing the best house cleaning company. Or for those who already have one, then maybe it’s time to do some evaluation.
The first thing to take note with when choosing a house cleaning company is to know what services the company provides. Some companies may just deliver simple house services but some may include almost cleaning everything from the walls, to the floor, windows, rooms, and furniture. Well, in this case, it is of course wiser to choose the later. Some companies even provide air-cleaning services to make one’s indoor air free of dust, pollens, allergens and the like. 
It is also important to consider the company’s system of cleaning before choosing it. Some companies may only provide for two or three employees per house. On the other hand, it is best to choose a company that sends out a team of house cleaners to do the housework. Team cleaning is more efficient as one member takes charge of a particular task. For example, Cleaner A is assigned to the entire window, Cleaner B for the floors, Cleaner C for the bathrooms etc. And with team cleaning too, a team leader is present to supervise everything. 
Furthermore, before choosing a house cleaning company to have a contract with, ask for the equipments that they use for cleaning. Companies with high-end cleaning tools are much more preferable as it suggests that they spend a lot to provide quality service and satisfaction. Some companies even have vacuums with a HEPA filtration system to ensure that the indoor air is really clean. Also, checking the kinds of cleansers that the company provides for their house cleaning services is necessary to ascertain that these cleansing agents are non-hazardous to one’s health and is environment-friendly. It is essential for one to be concerned with the environment, that’s why choose those that guarantee natural but quality cleaning procedures.
Then here’s another factor which one should really be concerned about – the cost. It is important that a particular homeowner gets quality cleaning in a reasonable price. Before deciding on anything, be vigilant first. Compare prices of companies in contrast to the services they offer. If possible, get a copy of the company’s cleaning checklist. A checklist is a detailed list of all the services that a house cleaning company offers. It is always wise to get the most of what one gives, therefore, don’t get fooled by companies who offer cleaning services at a low price; it may be that their cleaning services are also budgeted.
Lastly, it is also important to investigate first a company before choosing it. Do some research, check on its background, review customer feedbacks, listen to a friend’s suggestion – these things are simple yet very important as to ensure one’s satisfaction — and safety too as there can be a possibility that a certain company may be fraudulent.
All these abovementioned tips are indeed helpful guides in choosing the best cleaning company, and homeowners should really read and understand these. Remember, it is not easy to entrust an investment as big as a house to just anyone – so choose wisely!

Learn more about Medfield MA House Cleaning. Stop by Rodrigo Pinto’s site where you can find out all about Medfield MA House Cleaner and what it can do for you.

Weekly House Cleaning

House cleaning can be a challenge to most people, especially for those working on very tight schedules. There are people whose lifestyles are too demanding and they do not find enough time to do thorough house cleaning. Leaving the house unattended for a long time can be quite hazardous to your health apart from looking unkempt and dirty. House cleaning services is a great way to go for those who cannot manage to spare some cleaning time.

There are various cleaning companies offering all kinds of house cleaning services to suit any kind of person or house out there. There is therefore no excuse as to why your house should remain untidy as the services offered by cleaning companies in Watertown are pocket friendly. Watertown house cleaning services are convenient since they come clustered into schedules making it possible for you to choose one that goes well with day to day activities.

For instance, you can choose to go for weekly house cleaning services if you only have a day off each week and need a helping hand on your rest day. Within the day of service, you will have your house well dusted, vacuumed and cleaned getting rid of the week long dirt. You can even have your trash cans emptied and bathrooms sanitized. All these services will definitely leave your house looking fresh and new and you do not have to worry about getting tired on the only day that you are off duty or have time at home.

Weekly house cleaning is advantageous since it will call for less cleaning as the schedule is regular. This will save you money as the cleaners will not have to do much when you stick to a weekly schedule. It also means that they will take a shorter time cleaning leaving you to enjoy your privacy in a clean dirt free home for the rest of the day.

A routine cleaning schedule leaves the house inviting and clean and no one will notice just how busy you are as there will be no evidence of your busy schedule. You will also feel great getting into a clean house after a hard days work which is quite relaxing.

Crystal’s Cleaning Services can take care of all your residential cleaning and commercial cleaning needs, leaving you to pursue work or play activities instead. From basic watertown house cleaning to corporate office janitorial services, we can ensure top notch quality cleaning services for your home or business.

Germ Busting House Cleaning

One of the big selling points for many commercial cleaners is their claim to kill 99% of germs in minutes. Since we discovered germs, we’ve realised why it’s so important to keep our houses clean. Dirt harbours germs, and germs make us sick. This is why we clean our toilets, clean our plates and clean our clothes.

We don’t want to get ill with some horrible germ.

However, pouring on pricey wonder-products blindly is not really the answer. Yes, it’ll kill the germs, but these cleaning products can damage the environment and fill your home with toxins that cause all sorts of damage to a number of your body’s systems. It’s time to stop and think exactly what’s needed to destroy germs, and what you’re trying to do when you clean your home.

Germs are not long-lived. And a single germ is easily dealt with by your immune system. The problem comes when germs thrive and multiply to a level that your body can’t deal with them without trouble – trouble in the form of vomiting, the runs and a high temperature in an attempt to purge the body. So the secret of good domestic cleaning is to make it hard for germs to reproduce.

Germs won’t reproduce if their cellular structure is damaged, and they won’t reproduce and thrive if they don’t have the basics of life, which are food and water. Any attempt at cleaning for hygiene should try to attack germs either by damaging them or by depriving them.

Depriving them. This is the harder part of cleaning. Grime is food for germs, so anything that you do to remove grime will deprive them of their food. Cleaning that deprives germs of food involves vacuuming, general scrubbing and wiping to remove grime, dusting, carpet cleaning and doing the laundry. It also involves flushing the loo and scrubbing/wiping away debris. Don’t forget to deprive germs of water, too.

Drying dishes, clothes and other items to be stored minimises water and makes it harder for germs to reproduce. This may also be why salt can be used around the home as a germ-killing cleaner: it dessicates the germs by drawing the water out of them.

Damaging the germs is a bit more straightforward. The only real problem is that the substances that can denature germs will also attack your skin cells (and other cells). However, your body, being a multi-cellular organism, can sacrifice a few cells easily enough for the sake of the whole being. So the secret is to use things that will damage the germs but won’t damage too many of your cells.

One of the simplest forms of denaturing the proteins inside bacteria and viruses so they can’t reproduce is by using heat.  This is why hot water and steam cleaning are so effective. Not only does this remove grime, it also kills germs. Boiling (pasteurization) is an excellent method of sterilization, so if you really need to shift germs and the item to be cleaned can stand it, boiling water works! The high temperatures in dishwashers also helps kill germs. Fire also sterilizes, but has some obvious drawbacks! The only place you can really use fire as a germ-killer around the home is for sterilizing a needle for lancing boils or digging out thistles.

You can also chemically dissolve the cell walls of germs. This is done by disturbing the pH of the germ. This can be done with acid (in the form of vinegar) or with alkali (in the form of soap). Other substances also seem to break down bacteria by unravelling or dissolving their makeup, with alcohol being one (it’s a solvent) – vodka, whisky, rubbing alcohol or methylated spirits all do the job of killing germs around the home.

Nick Vassilev is the founder of successful carpet cleaning London and domestic cleaning London businesses delivering quality cleaning services to thousands of clients.

Organized House Cleaning

House cleaning sometimes feels like endless drudgery. It doesn’t have to be that way, however. With a bit of forethought and organization, one’s home can be kept cleaner with seemingly less effort. What’s the secret? Here are a few tips:

– Pick up as you go: The mess won’t pile up if you put items back into their proper spots after using them. After folding the clean laundry, don’t just leave folded piles on the back of the sofa. Have every member of the family grab their clean clothes and put them away. After paying the bills at the kitchen table, mail the envelopes and file the payment stubs. After playing a board game, put the pieces back into the box and place the whole box in the cupboard. Try to never leave anything in a place where it doesn’t belong once you’re finished using it. – Only touch the mail once: When the mail arrives, sort it into appropriate categories. Have a basket for bills and one for “needs a response.” If it’s junk mail, immediately shred and recycle or dispose of it. Don’t let it pile up on the counter or the accumulation will begin to feel overwhelming. – Keep counters, tabletops and desks cleared off: Don’t let piles of miscellaneous items stack up on these surfaces. Messy surfaces generate an appearance of chaos. – Train everyone in your household to make their bed as soon as they get up in the morning: Even the youngest child or most rebellious teenager can pull a comforter up over the bed sheets. When the bed is made, the whole room looks neater. – Once a week, set the timer for an hour and have everyone in the family clean till the buzzer rings. Feather dusting, wiping countertops, sweeping the floor and sterilizing the bathroom can all be done in a short amount of time if everyone in the household pitches in.

When the hour is up, treat everyone to ice cream. – Twice a month, tackle one big job. Some examples of big jobs include polishing the woodwork, waxing the floors or dusting the mini-blinds. All of these items don’t need to be done every week. Just do one biggie every other week along with the quickie weekly cleanings and the house will be spic and span. – Every six months, clean out closets and drawers of clothing that no longer fits or hasn’t been worn for a while. Fill up boxes and black plastic bags to drop off at the local thrift store or Goodwill. There will never be an overstuffed feeling in clothing storage areas if they’re weeded out and maintained on a regular basis. – Rotate the food in the refrigerator every time you go grocery shopping. Don’t let items grow mold on the back of the shelves because new food gets shoved in front. A regular rotation will avoid wastefulness. – When a new item is purchased, such as a sweater, toy or socks, toss out one old one. If a sweater, toy or clothing item is in good shape, donate it to someone who can use it.

With a bit of organization and a house cleaning system, a person’s home should remain eternally tidy.

Dallas house cleaning services can make your home more orderly. Find one today at http://www.angieslist.com.

House Cleaning Caddy

One of the most important house cleaning tools that a homemaker can have is a caddy. What exactly is a caddy? Just like the human version totes around golf clubs for the professional golfer, the plastic model totes around cleansers and tools for a house cleaner. If a golfer had to carry his or her clubs by hand or look for them every time it was time to make a shot, what a slow game it would be! And the same is true for tidying up the interior of one’s abode. This plastic tote should be kept stocked with supplies at all time and stored in a closet. When it’s time to do the weekly tidying up, grabbing the tote along with a vacuum, broom, dust pan, bucket and mop will allow the home to be easily cleaned. What supplies should fill the receptacle?

– Feather duster: This is an essential tool for dusting every nook and cranny in the home. This duty should be performed in a left to right and up to down pattern, so that no areas are left dusty. During the feather dusting process, the stick should be tapped against a hard surface such as a table edge or a shoe to knock the dust from the feathers to the floor. The floor will be vacuumed or swept soon anyway, so this is a time saver. – Window cleaner: Window cleanser should be used on mirrors, windows, patio doors and shower doors. – Squeegee: The squeegee should be utilized in conjunction with the window cleaner. This tool is wonderful for all glass surfaces in order to prevent streaking. – Wood polish: A lemon wood polish is ideal for tables, shelves, stair rails and cabinetry. Some polishing products are designed to clean and polish at the same time. – All-purpose cleanser: For counter tops, bathrooms, appliances, painted woodwork, doorways, etc., an all-purpose cleanser will be ideal.

Spray-on products are preferable to dab-on types. – Floor cleaner: Depending on the flooring material your home has, a mild detergent for the floor should be stocked. These solutions are usually designed to be diluted with water to the appropriate strength. – Toilet cleanser and brush: Toilet cleansers should be squirtable so that they can drench the entire bowl and underneath the rim. A brush will double the efficiency. – Rags: Old tee-shirts make ideal rags since they are soft, washable and won’t scratch surfaces. Wash cloths will be advantageous for certain types of scrubbing, such as bathroom fixtures. – Sponges: Sponges that have both a smooth side and a scrubbing side will be useful for kitchen and bathroom tidying. Like the rags, these can be easily washed in the washing machine so that they may be used over again. – Paper towels: Some grimy jobs are better left to paper towels that can be thrown away. Keep a roll on hand in the caddy. – Toothbrush: Keep old toothbrushes in the plastic tote. These small bristle brushes are ideal for getting the crud out of small spaces. – Black plastic trash bags: Trash bags should be ready to take away the contents of each room’s wastebasket.

Once the caddy is stocked, the house cleaning can begin.

If you still can’t fill up your caddy for some Dallas House Cleaning, consider finding a top-rated service at http://www.angieslist.com.