Tag Archives: Honor

Best Friend Maid Of Honor Speech

Marriage, the social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship, is also defined as the sacred ceremony when two souls unite. It is in marriage that man and woman agree to a covenant that nothing but death will ever destroy their love for each other. A wedding reception, which celebrates the union further, takes place after the ceremony. Here, now, is an example of a best friend maid of honor speech.

In order to begin your speech, you have to greet the wedding guests warmly, welcome them to the celebration, and thank them on behalf of the bride and the groom for their presence. Also, be sure to introduce yourself and to state how you are related to the bride or the groom. This is for the benefit of the guests who may not know who you are.

Take a look at this example: “Family, relatives, and friends of the bride and the groom – a pleasant afternoon! I can see that a lot of you are wondering who I am and what I’m doing here in front of all of you. And so, for your benefit, please allow me to introduce myself to you first. Ladies and gentlemen, I am the bride’s bestest friend in the whole wide world and maid of honor. I stand here today to deliver a speech, and what better way to begin it but by welcoming you all in this celebration!”

“On behalf of the newly weds, I also wish to thank you all for being here. I know that this means so much to them that you found the time to share this wonderful moment with them. You see, a wedding is one of the most joyous occasions a person will probably celebrate, but it won’t ever be as magical and memorable without the people who are important to you to share it with.”

“And now, I would like to congratulate the bride, my best friend, and her groom. I am truly happy for the both of you. It was a rare and wondrous moment when you met – two people who deserve each other and who are perfect for each other rarely do so. Today, I am blessed for having witnessed this union and for being a part of this beautiful beginning. My wish is that your marriage will remain as strong and as magical as ever. May your love survive anything that tests it.”

This, now, is a sample best friend maid of honor speech.

Go To Best Man Speech Examples or Best Man Speeches One Liners For The Latest Offers.

Example Maid Of Honor Speech

In the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony, man and woman exchange vows to stay together even during the ugliest and most difficult of times. The ceremony precedes a banquet or a simple feast when wedding speeches are traditionally delivered by the newly wed couple’s best man and maid of honor. Here, now, is an example maid of honor speech.

“Family, relatives, and friends of the bride and the groom – a wonderful evening to all of you! For those of you who don’t know me, I am the bride’s best friend and maid of honor. Now, on behalf of the newly wed couple, I would like to take this chance to welcome you all in this celebration. Also, let me thank all of you for being here today. I know this means so much for this lovely couple here that you found time to grace this joyous occasion with your presence.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, I have been best friends with the bride since elementary. We knew each other very well, being together practically every hour of every day. We studied in the same school, had the same classes, joined the same group of friends, enrolled in the same college, and spent most of the time in each other’s company. As her closest friend, I know that she’s been dreaming of this day for so long. If there was one wish that she always had, it was to find the man who will love her forever and to have a family of their own. Today, her wish became a reality and I am happy for her.”

“And so to the bride, this I say to you – congratulations! I am proud of you and I am glad to see you that radiant and beautiful in your wedding gown. To the groom, all I ask of you is to take care of your wife, my best friend and the kindest person I know. Please love her with all of your heart and soul, and do not give her up no matter how hard it will be in the future. Hold on to your love and hold on to your marriage.”

“My wish for both of you is that you’ll have a happy and lasting relationship. May you be blessed with a dozen kids to call your own. May your future be as bright as your beginning. May your trials and challenges be few, and may you be strong enough as a couple to overcome them.”

This, now, is an example maid of honor speech.

Go To Father Of The Bride Speeches Examples or Toast To The Groom For The Latest Offers.

Maid Of Honor Example Speeches

Marriage is when man and woman decide to become husband and wife, and make this decision in front of a legal authority or in front of God and the Church. This sacred ceremony is traditionally followed by a wedding reception, during which selected people are asked to deliver a speech or to make a toast to the bride and the groom. Here, now, are maid of honor example speeches.

For the beginning of your speech, what you have to do is to greet the wedding guests warmly and then to politely introduce yourself to them. You may say something along these lines: “A wonderful and magical evening, ladies and gentlemen! For those of you who do not know me, I am the bride’s best friend and maid of honor. With that settled, I now wish to congratulate this lovely couple here, and to express my joy at having witnessed two people who deserve each other finally join hands in marriage.”

“To the bride and the groom, know that I am truly happy for the both of you. I have seen you together during the happiest and the saddest of times, the easiest and the most difficult, the best and the worst. And the fact is that, you amazed me. The depth and strength of your love for each other is just so overwhelming that I cannot help it but be amazed, and yes, perhaps envious. I want to find that for myself – to be with the man with whom I can be myself and he’ll still love me for it. I wish to join hands with the one person who makes my heart beat and ache in a good way. I wish to have someone to call my husband and to spend the rest of my life with him.”

“I’m glad you found that. You two deserve each other perfectly, and I know that nothing will ever tear you two apart. So if I believe in your love, you should believe it yourselves too. Every time that you feel like giving up, remind yourself that your marriage is not worth losing over a simple problem or misunderstanding. Hold on to your marriage, and aim at forever.”

“With that being said, may I please ask each and every one of you to raise your glasses as I propose a toast. To the bride and the groom! To their love. To their forever.”

These, now, are maid of honor example speeches.

Go To Best Man Speeches Son Of Groom or Brother Of The Bride Speech Examples For The Latest Offers.

Maid Of Honor Speech For Sister

Marriage joins a man and a woman in the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony. Apart from the bride and the groom, the happiest people during a wedding day are the newly wed couple’s family members. This happiness can especially be seen once these members of the family deliver their speeches at the wedding reception that follows the ceremony. Here, now, is a sample maid of honor speech for sister.

A great introduction for your speech would be something along these lines:  “Family, relatives, and friends – good afternoon! I know that I am not nearly as renowned as the beautiful bride here and so l wish to begin my maid of honor speech by introducing myself. I am, for those of you may be wondering who I am, the bride’s very proud little/older sister. Given the privilege of being blood-related to one of our main stars for night, and being the maid of honor, I stand here in front of all of you to formally welcome you in this celebration. Also, I wish to thank you on behalf of the newly wed couple for gracing this moment with your well-cherished presence.”

After finishing the introductory part of your speech, what you can do next is to congratulate the bride and the groom and to express your own joys owing to your sister’s wedding. “With that settled, I would now like to congratulate my little/older sister and her groom, my brother-in-law, on their wedding day!”

Sis, I know that you’ve dreamed about this for a long time – that you wanted nothing else than to find the man who will love you forever, to have charming little kids, and to raise a family of your own. Now that you’ve realized this dream and you’re about to begin a new chapter in your life, forget not to look back on us and to remember that we’re still here for you – dad, mom, and I.”

“My wish for you and your husband is that you’ll find the happiness that you deserve within your marriage. I am a witness of the strength of your relationship, and I can honestly say that no two people deserve each other better than you two do. May your love for each other remain stronger than anything, and may your relationship last for the rest of your lives. I love you, sis, and once again congratulations!”

This, now, is a sample maid of honor speech for sister.

Go To Wedding Bride Speech or Groom Speeches Examples For The Latest Offers.

Sister Maid Of Honor Speech Examples

Marriage is the social union or legal contract between a man and a woman that makes their being husband and wife legal, sacred, and official depending on whether they were married under a legal authority or through a religious commitment in the Church. Wedding ceremonies are usually followed by a reception, during which the sponsors may deliver their individual speeches. Here, now, are sister maid of honor speech examples.

To begin your speech, what you can do is to introduce yourself to the wedding guests. Take a look at this example: “Guests, relatives, and friends of the bride and the groom – I wish you all a pleasant evening! Some of you may be wondering who I am, I know, and so I would like to take this opportunity to make myself known to you. I am the bride’s very proud little sister, ladies and gentlemen, and it is for this reason that I was also given the privilege, and perhaps the burden, of being her maid of honor. And so, on behalf of my sister – the bride – and her groom, I would like to formally welcome you all in this celebration!

“But more than just that, I would also like to thank each and every one of you for finding the time in your busy schedules to be here and to share in the magic of this moment. It surely means a lot to the newly wed couple here to see so many of the people who are dearest to their hearts gathered here in this hall to help them celebrate what is probably one of the happiest days of their lives. Thank you for all your support and for your assistance. Your kindness and generosity, I am certain, will forever be remembered.”

“And now, to the bride and the groom, congratulations! Sis, envious as I may be since you have caught yourself a nice young husband, and I haven’t yet, please know that I am truly happy for you. You deserve it. You’re a good person and you’re the greatest sister anyone could ever wish for. I will never forget how you took care of me and how you inspired me to become the kind of person you are – brave, intelligent, and kind-hearted.”

“With that being said, I now propose a toast. To the bride and groom. To their happy and lasting marriage.”

These, now, are sister maid of honor speech examples.

Go To Best Man Speech Examples Brother or Groom Speech To Bride For The Latest Offers.

Maid of Honor Toasts

You’re the Maid of Honor. Congratulations!

You’ve got a lot of responsibilities in your position as the bride’s best friend and helper. For example, did you know you’re required to make the Maid of Honor Toast?

Yes! Really!

Okay, relax. This is not as scary as you’re probably thinking. Take a deep breath and sit down. Here are some suggestions:

1. You’re not expected to be polished and professional. After all, you’re the bride’s best friend, not Colin Powell! The reason you’re here now is to honor the bride and groom. It’s not about you. It’s about THEM. Remember that and you’ve mastered half the battle!
2. Start with a brief introduction of who you are. Most likely at least half of the guests (the groom’s side, anyway) will not know who you are. You could start with something like, “I’d like to introduce myself, I’m Olivia, and I grew up with (bride’s name).”
3. If you have a funny story about you and the bride, share it. Wedding guests love to hear stories, and it will help you warm up to the audience a little. After all, who doesn’t like to hear a funny story? (And a little laughter will help you feel better!)
4. Say something nice about the bride and groom, maybe how nice they look, or how much in love they are, something that you’ve noticed and think others will see also. Remember, it’s about them!
5. One of the advantages of giving the Maid of Honor Toast is that you know of one of the bride’s funny quirks that the groom is now going to have to live with. Share it! Everyone deals with some silly habit from a loved one, you know, Grandpa leaves his teeth on the kitchen counter and Grandma constantly drops them in the garbage disposal, or Aunt Lucy leaves the cap off the toothpaste and drives Uncle Joe crazy.

If the bridal couple are of a spiritual frame of mind, you can offer some Bible verses or other spiritual thoughts.
7. Advice! If you want to, that is – you can offer some words of advice to the new couple, things like “look at each new day as a new beginning,” “treat each other like fine china, gently and with care,” “tell each other I love you every day,” “start each day with a kiss,” and so on.
8. Offer your best wishes to the couple. Again, this is about the bride and groom and their new life together. Tell them what you wish for them, long life, happiness, many children, etc. These are things that you wish for them, but also things that you know they are hoping and planning for also.

Some Maids of Honor Toasts are long, and some are short. There is no hard and fast rule. You may want to have a list of things you want to cover, or you may not, depending on if you want to be spontaneous. Most Maids of Honor bring at least a small outline. It is very possible that you may feel all conscious reason leave your brain when you stand up to speak, so an outline may be helpful to keep your thoughts together!

Generally a Maid of Honor Toast is made within the first half of the reception, after the initial excitement of the meal but before people start to leave.

Remember, this toast is about the bride and groom, not about you. If you can keep this in mind, your toast will be beautiful!

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Speeches Maid Of Honor

Marriage, the social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship, is also defined as the sacred ceremony when two souls unite. It is in marriage that man and woman exchange vows to love each other and remain bound in the sacrament until death. Traditionally, a best man and a maid of honor are named for the wedding. Now, if you were chosen as the bride’s maid of honor, then you will have to help the bride in her preparations. More importantly, you will be tasked to deliver a speech at the reception. Here, now, are sample speeches maid of honor.

In order to begin your maid of honor speech, you may say something along these lines: “Family, relatives, and friends – a wonderful afternoon to all of you! I can see that a lot of you are wondering who I am and what I’m doing here in front of all of you. And so, for your benefit, let me introduce myself to you first. Ladies and gentlemen, I am the bride’s only (and favorite) little sister and maid of honor. I stand here today to deliver my wedding speech, and what better way to begin it but by welcoming you all in this celebration!”

“It is so great to see so many friends, relatives, and family members gathered here today to help us celebrate our marriage. Truth be told, this wedding wouldn’t have been this joyous and memorable if it weren’t for all of you. So, thank you. Thank you so much for your kindness and your generosity. It means so much not only to the bride and the groom but also to us to have you here sharing with us this wonderful moment. We truly appreciate your efforts and we will forever remember your presence here today.”

After that warm welcome and words of gratitude, you may then proceed with expressing further how happy you are for the newly wed couple. “And now, to the bride and the groom, congratulations! Earlier today, as you were exchanging wedding vows, I couldn’t help it but be thrilled. I am rooting for you as a couple; I always have. Sis, I am happy for you, I truly am. You deserve all this because you are a great person – the best sister in the world in fact.”

“To finally end my speech, I guess a toast is in order. Ladies and gentlemen, raise your glasses and drink to the bride and the groom. To their love and to their forever.”

Here, now, are speeches maid of honor.

Go To Groom Speeches Jokes or Father Of The Groom Toast For The Latest Offers.

Maid of Honor 101

The most important people outside the bride and groom in a wedding is the bridal party. Both the groomsmen and bridesmaids play important roles in helping get the bride and groom ready for the big day providing emotional support and help organizing key events and helping with the other details of planning a wedding.

If you are reading this you are most likely a bridesmaid given this honor and are looking for ideas to help you if this is your first time in this role. Well I am here to help. The following are just some ideas to get you started and thinking. In the end it is all on you to interpret your duties in interesting and fun ways that will make the wedding a success.

One thing you need to know is that you are in charge of key events like the bridal shower and the bachelorette party. These will be your biggest duties in terms of planning and execution. The best part about this is that you can rely on the help of your fellow bridesmaids for assistance. Here are some tips to help you execute the planning for these events.

Get together with your fellow bridesmaids and come up with a budget for these events. The decorations, food, entertainment, and even favors will cost money. So you need to know how much everything will cost theoretically and plan accordingly. Planning your expenditures will also help give you a map of where to start when looking for all the previously mentioned items and do it in good time.

When you are done split the duties between yourselves and get started. The good news is that traditionally a bridal shower is about 4 weeks before the actual wedding and the bachelorette party is the night before so this gives you breathing room to plan for both and not feel as overwhelmed.

Now to actually find items to use as decorations think about what will be the party’s theme.

A good place to start is to use information you’ve gathered from helping the bride plan her wedding. If she has picked a particular theme or color scheme use that as a guide.

If not use any specific design element that echoes something she wants in the wedding. Otherwise it is up to you to pick the theme. Make sure that it is something interesting and gets guests thinking about weddings. You can also keep a lookout for decorations online. The internet and modern manufacturing have made it possible to find items and decorations to fit almost any occasion.

Also look into the type of favors that you can give to guests. Some great gifts ideas are bath sets or soaps. Also you can go with scented candles. These are gifts that are useful and yet are popular and will be great mementos.

Aaron Hu is a leading author on a wide range of well published wedding articles. If you are looking for Bridesmaid Gifts, E-weddingfavors has the biggest selection available. You will also find Unique Wedding Favors and much more, all at very affordable prices.