Tag Archives: Green

Green Cleaning Supplies: Fact And Fiction

The news prompts a good number of people to begin looking for ways to save the planet, at least for a little while and the current focus is on cleaning supplies. Green cleaning supplies have become the latest fad, but hopefully it is one that will stick around for some time. The one thing many people invariably ask when trends such as these start, is there really any need? This time the answer is a resounding yes! Cleaning and freshening your home with chemical based cleansers is polluting your air and may be leading to significant illness. Here are some common facts and fictions about green cleaning and the products involved.

Natural versus Green
Do not take the word natural as a substitute for green. There are many naturally occurring substances on this planet and some of them are quite toxic to human beings. Petroleum is one substance that has been in the news lately and it definitely is natural but there is nothing green about it! Labels on commercially manufactured cleaners can be misleading to say the least. Read the ingredients on the label before deciding to take any product home. If you want the convenience of purchasing your green cleaning products rather than making your own a good thing to watch for is the DfE symbol from the Environmental Protection Agency, it stands for Designed for Environment.

Studies indicate that the air quality in most homes is worse than what you find in most streets. Scientists have been looking at the effects of cleaning products and air fresheners for a long time and have found that homes where aerosol room sprays were used frequently resulted in higher risks for common ailments. Mothers from these homes were 25% more likely to suffer headaches and 19% more likely to suffer from depression and that is just the air freshener side effects!

Outside the home, the pollution continues to grow at an alarming rate. Today it is estimated that nearly 70% of the nations streams have trace amounts of laundry detergent. This may not sound like a big deal, but it does go to show how the chemicals people use at home are seeping into the very ground and water of this country.

You Need Strong Chemicals
Many people believe the only way to get their home clean is by using strong harsh chemicals. This is simply not true. Your home can shine like a diamond and be disinfected to boot when you use green cleaning supplies, you may need to use a bit more elbow grease in the process but isn’t it worth it?

Issues Linked to Cleaning Products
You may not want to face it but the facts are clear, cleaning supplies and especially the professional level ones have been linked to many common ailments and illnesses. Asthma, reproductive issues, ADHD and even cancer have been linked to harsh chemicals found in modern cleaning supplies. It is time to make the change to greener products. Not only will you do a great deal to save the planet you might even save your health.

The Green Way Store carries a large variety of top quality Green Cleaning Products that will not only clean your home effectively, but also help to keep your family and your environment healthy and safe. We offer Green Cleaning Supplies like all purpose cleaners, disinfectants,carpet cleaners, and laundry products to personal hygiene products, pest control and pet care, we’ve got it all.

Industrial Products Against Green Cleaning Supplies

Using cleaning supplies for a prolonged period, can do some damage to your skin and health if you are not protected properly. Many people, even in the comfort of their own, do not realise how important it is to their yellow gloves, whilst even doing the dishes. The chemicals used in most industrial are intensive in taking out the stain in difficult spots and places. Companies resorting to greener products may find that the cleaning products used may require much more time and effort, to gain the same effective results as normal products.

It is a fact that greener cleaning supplies are designed to be much kinder to your skin, health and the environment. However, in comparison to normal industrial or household cleaning products, these do not sustain the same effects as they would normally, which means that companies and businesses would need to spend out on more supplies and pay more for the time it would take to keep it maintained.

However, on the other hand, it may benefit the issues of health and the impact these chemicals on the environment. The advantages of using these products are that they last for a long time and provide the results that are needed for maintaining the cleanliness in a normal business environment. Therefore, they are more cost effective and need little effort and time, for continuous usage. These tend to last longer, in terms of the quality of how they work and tend not to lose their cleaning strength.

Industrial cleaning supplies always come with precautions and instructions on how to protect one when using these products. Many of the products may require special equipment, as they may be so concentrated and intense that certain fabrics are not suitable for use of these products. Natural cleaning methods are good if you looking to use them in your own home, however in an office environment this is not recommended, because office environments generally require stronger substances to keep things hygienic.

Natural cleaning methods involve using lemon, vinegar, coke, baking soda and more. These are very effective in getting the results you need when cleaning glass, mirrors, the oven, furniture etc. However, this very rarely leaves a pleasant aroma, so you will need to diluted this in water in order not to be overpowered by the strong fragrance. Some chemical products may not have the same results as natural products would, due to the concentrated amount of chemicals.

Often the natural acids are strong enough to tackle grease, grime and stains. However, on carpets and furniture, these may not be as effective as chemically produced products, as they are not potent enough. These do not necessarily require much effort during the cleaning process and tend to have lasting results. However, selecting the right green products will have similar affects. This may not be true to cleaning all household furniture and appliances, as it depends upon the amount of dirt build up.

It is thought that chemically produced cleaning supplies aggravate asthmatic conditions, cause allergies and irritation to the skin. In this instance it is best to keep with the deep cleaning once per week, dilute all cleaning products in water and keep the area circulated with air. Some chemically produced products can be allergen free and may not contain things like insecticide or even pesticide.

Anna Stenning likes to stock up on the right cleaning supplies, as she believes that good cleanliness is beneficial for one’s health.

Green and Natural Cleaning for Healthy Home

Most of the working women feel as if they are working for a second shift, when they have to spend hours to clean a house after coming from office. Many of them feel that they are not able to clean the house to that extent, which a healthy house requires. For them, availing home cleaning services is the best option. There are companies that offer green and natural cleaning services.

When reviews about cleaning services were taken from women availing these services, most of them accepted the fact that they were able to balance work and personal life. Now, they do not have to worry about the cleanness of the house. To keep the family healthy and safe is the major concern of women.

Living in a clean environment is beneficial for families in many ways. Some of the benefits are:

* Improves the mood and morale of occupants
* Improves health and prevents diseases and allergies
* Reduces pollution and dust in house
* Increases life of properties in house

In Ottawa, home cleaning companies offer natural and certified green cleaning services. They even offer specialized services like interior air quality improvement, which is especially beneficial in case there are kids in the house. Environment friendly cleaning is for women seeking long-term benefits for their families and pets. Green cleaning helps in reducing carbon footprint on the planet.

Home cleaning companies do not use cleaning products, which can lead to health problems like asthma and allergies, attention disorders, or cancer. Their cleaning professionals undergo special training for green cleaning. This educates them about the use of cleaning solutions and equipments like HEPA vacuums and microfibers that are Green certified. Basic principle of green cleaning program:

* Looking for inside and outside ways: Mostly, pollutants enter the house through feet; so, indoor air quality programs are important to trap and remove dirt before it enters the house.

* Use of Environment Friendly Products: Reduced usage of cleaning chemicals to provide natural and green cleaning.

* Vacuuming, extraction, rinsing and drying. Carpets are the favourite place for mould growth. Special vacuuming techniques are used for efficient cleaning.

* Mechanical capturing of dirt: Use products like microfiber dusting cloths and flat mops, to eliminate the need of chemicals.

* Focus on special places: Cleaning of special areas such as doorknobs, railing and other fixtures, to which people come in contact frequently.

* Applying disinfectant in restrooms: Bathrooms are the most germ prone area in the house; so disinfectants are used.

* Use of green products: Use of recycled chlorine-free paper tissues and towels

Green and certified natural cleaning companies follow these principles to make houses germ-free for healthy living.

Want to find out more about green cleaning products,green Ottawa home cleaning services,etc,you can go to Ottawa cleaning company for best home cleaning service.

Do It Yourself Green House

Green house, also known as the glass house are the house like structures where the plants are grown. These structures are made of glass and plastic. Depending upon the material used to build the structure, green houses are named as glass green house and plastic green house. The green houses are mainly for commercial purposes and are for the flowers and vegetables production.

The green houses are built with high tech technology, where in a computer system is installed to monitor the temperature and lighting installation. The glass and plastic walls used in the green house act as preventive walls for the free circulation of air.

The heat energy is trapped inside the green house.
Green houses keep the crops away from the climatic changes. It acts as a shield to protect the plants from pests, dust and snow. Hence green houses help to grow the crops perennially in spite of the climatic changes. Fruits such as tomatoes, tobaccos and flowers are been grown in the green house. In these days floating green houses have become common in areas surrounded by water.

Building a do it yourself green house is not just a profitable one. It is something more than the profit alone. One can derive the immense pleasure of gardening which cannot be amounted. We need not be afraid of the natural and artificial hazards that may spoil our crops.

Here is an idea for a simple do it yourself green house.
Planning the size of the green house This is the first and foremost step in building a green house. The sizes varies between 6 – 4.5 feet to 20 -10 ft. It is very essential to choose the more suitable size depending upon the plant we are to grow.

Now the decision has to be made whether to build a glass or a plastic green house depending upon the type of crop. Aluminum alloy frames can be used as it is durable and much cheaper than wood.


Concrete flooring with terracotta tiles are required in the center for the pathway.


As the green house is a closed place, rain water cannot be used for the growth of plants. Hence proper irrigation plans has to be laid down. A hose pipe or an artificial water trickling or spraying system can be used depending on the size of the house.

A thermometer and heating and cooling equipment needs to be fixed.

Thus a green house is done by ourselves and can be pursued as a hobby.

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Do It Yourself Go Green Projects

Green houses are the best options for go green projects. Green house, also known as the glass house are the house like structures where the plants are grown. These structures are made of glass and plastic. Depending upon the material used to build the structure, green houses are named as glass green house and plastic green house.

The green houses are mainly for commercial purposes and are for the flowers and vegetables production. The green houses are built with high tech technology, where in a computer system is installed to monitor the temperature and lighting installation. The glass and plastic walls used in the green house act as preventive walls for the free circulation of air. The heat energy is trapped inside the green house.

Green houses keep the crops away from the climatic changes. It acts as a shield to protect the plants from pests, dust and snow. Hence green houses help to grow the crops perennially in spite of the climatic changes. Fruits such as tomatoes, tobaccos and flowers are been grown in the green house. In these days floating green houses have become common in areas surrounded by water.

Building a green house is not just a profitable one. Its something that derives you immense satisfaction. One can derive the immense pleasure of gardening which cannot be amounted. We need not be afraid of the natural and artificial hazards that may spoil our crops.

Here is an idea for a simple do it yourself green house.
Planning Whether you are building the green house for your residence or office or for other commercial purpose its important to draft a blue print of the technical knowhow.

Also decide the type of plants you are to grow and then proceed with the set up. Then work upon the size of the house. The sizes vary from 6 – 4.5 feet to 20 – 10 ft. It is very essential to choose the more suitable size depending upon the plant we are to grow.


Now the decision has to be made whether to build a glass or a plastic or a wooden green house depending upon the type of crop. Aluminum alloy frames can be used as it is durable and much cheaper than wood. The ordinary PVC pipe frames are also available in plenty in the market. The wooden green houses are the most traditional one. But the wooden green houses are durable for only about fifteen years. When compared to the artificial materials such pipes and frames wooden green houses have a more natural appeal. Black wood is more suitable for the green houses.


Concrete flooring with terracotta tiles are required in the center for the pathway.


As the green house is a closed place, rain water cannot be used for the growth of plants. Hence proper irrigation plans has to be laid down. A hose pipe or an artificial water trickling or spraying system can be used depending on the size of the house.

A thermometer and heating and cooling equipment needs to be fixed.

Thus a green house is done by ourselves and can be pursued as a hobby.

Want to learn DIY( Do It Yourself) like paint wood and paint metal ? visit us today for more then 4000+ DIY methods at http://www.lets-do-diy.com

Go Green With Your Next Home Improvement Project!

Going green is one of the hottest trends in the home renovation world these days. This is because more Americans than ever are realizing that making their homes more environmentally friendly means reducing their overall energy bills. When your house is more energy efficient, it uses up fewer resources, and so you end up having to spend less money paying for utilities like gas and electric. Making your house into a well-oiled waste-free machine may require you to invest a little bit more into your home renovation project now, but it will pay off in the long run when you are saving money and saving the environment at the same time. Here are some of the easiest ways to make your house more green:

Invest in well-insulated siding

One of the most important things to remember when making your house more environmentally friendly is that you want to make sure that it is insulated as best as possible. This helps to reduce your overall energy consumption. If you have to redo the siding on your house or if you are adding on an addition, this is the perfect time to make sure that your houses outer materials are the best quality you can afford. On the other hand, if you choose shoddy materials to cut costs in the short-term, you will likely end up spending a fortune on your heating bills as the warm air escapes out into the cold all winter long. Either that, or you will have to seriously increase the number of sweaters in your wardrobe as you shiver through yet another wintry month with the heat on low because you just cannot afford to turn it up. So make sure that your siding is well-insulated. Some varieties even come with energy efficiency guarantees!

Install double-paned windows

If you are considering window replacement, there is only one way to go: double-paned windows. Your old windows will pale in comparison to these energy efficient babies, which help to trap the warm air in the colder months and the cool air when it gets hot. They work the same way that your houses outer materials do to regulate temperatures and make it so that you do not have to spend significant amounts of time adjusting the thermostat. Another benefit of double-paned windows is the fact that they increase the security of your home: a robber who wants to break in will have a hard time bashing in two thick, fortified layers of glass!

Turn off the lights whenever you leave a room

This is not a home renovation tip, but merely a common sense one. Far too many individuals will allow the lights in their homes to stay on all day and night even when they are not using them, simply out of carelessness or lack of attention. But make it a rule to always turn off the light when you leave a room. You will see all of your hard work pay off in the savings you receive on your next electric bill!

At Homeproimprovement.com, you can find great tips to make your house work for you and the environment. Click here for more information.

Green House Cleaning – Using Green Cleaning Supplies

With the increase in allergies in children and cancer in adults, many people are concerned with the chemicals they are using in their home and garden. There are effective alternatives to clean your home using green cleaning supplies. These green cleaning tips will save you money and help save the environment. Best of all – you probably already have these supplies in your cupboard – so you can start green cleaning right away! Some of the best natural cleaning products are baking soda, lemon juice, vinegar, and water.

Lemon juice: Get rid of stains on your kitchen counter top by applying lemon juice and letting it sit for a few minutes. Then simply scrub the area with baking soda and wipe with a damp cloth. In your bathroom, clean your glass shower door by applying pure lemon juice onto the glass. Just spray it with warm water and wipe it off with a clean cloth.

Vinegar: Use vinegar to kill weeds that pop up between your interlock bricks in the driveway. It is best to spray the vinegar on the weeds after a few days of hot, dry weather, when the weeds will really soak up the liquid. Diluted vinegar also serves as a good floor cleaner for ceramic tiles – it leaves behind a nice shine & does not dull the finish. Vinegar is also a natural fabric softener. Add half a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle for soft, static free clothes.

Baking soda: Use baking soda to control odours around the home. Put an open box in the refrigerator to control odours from food. Keep a box in the locker or closet where you store shoes and sports gear. Sprinkle some baking powder in the garbage can or cat litter box before you insert the liner. Baking soda is also a natural stain fighter for fabrics. Just apply a mixture of 6 tablespoons of baking powder with a half cup of warm water to stains before washing.

For an all purpose cleaning spray, combine baking soda with white vinegar, water, and a few drops of antibacterial tea tree oil. Wash out empty spray bottles and reuse them with this natural cleanser.

Steam cleaners are a great alternative now that they make ones for the home costing around $ 100. Some brands are Haan FS20-Plus 800-Watt Steam Cleaning Floor Sanitizer, H2O and Shark, which come with reusable, washable cleaning pads. You can use the cleaners on tile, marble, wood, etc. You will be amazed how clean your floors will be using only water (turned into steam).  I own a Haan steam cleaner and absolutely love it. I have not needed any cleaning solution for my floors for over 8 months! Steam Cleaning Floor Sanitizer.

Rather than chemical sprays to make your home and bathrooms smell like flowers, why not put out some fresh flowers or potpourri in a decorative container? Potpourri lasts a long time and can be placed in decorative bowls in bathrooms, halls, bedrooms, etc. You can also make little satchels out of mesh bags and put them in your drawers to make your clothes smell nice.

Stephanie Browning, also known as Eco Chick, writes and educates on green living, environmental issues and raising healthy, eco-conscious kids. For more information on green living, visit http://www.planetecochick.blogspot.com.