Tag Archives: Floors

Wood Floors Or Tile Floors – That Is The Question

Ever since ancient times people realized what excellent decorative elements tiles were and therefore had a few millennia at their disposal to develop this concept into modern industry. Tiles were first used as decorative elements, as they were fragile, but years later people learnt how to develop them into strong, resistant elements and therefore used them for floors, walls, roofs, etc. Nowadays the industry built on this decorative element has developed so much, as it had to satisfy the imagination of every client and to meet every need on the market.

There have always been pros and cons when discussing about tile floors as opposed to wood floors. One must admit that wood floors offer a classical tone to one’s house and that their elegance is incontestable. However, they do present some disadvantages if we think of how easily they scratch or that cleaning them might be an ordeal.

Tile floors have been developing so much lately, that they can nowadays take over the properties of wood, too. The applestone limestone is just one of the examples that can offer your house a classical design or a modern one, according to your imagination. Tiles are best for kitchens and bathrooms, as they are highly resistant to humidity and dirt, as they clean up very easily and they look like brand new afterward. In such situations the wood floors would deteriorate very quickly, not to mention how difficult it would be to maintain them in such humid rooms.

In fact, tiles are a good choice no matter what room we speak of in the house, as they offer a lot of benefits when combined with a floor heating system. First of all, you will be able to save energy and money, not to mention that there will be no heaters in the house, therefore, you will have more space for other objects.

In conclusion, wood floors can be elegant, warm and classical, but they’re nothing a tile floor couldn’t be and even more. The tiles will offer you an exquisite design, a cozy, warm house and the chance to save money and energy, not to mention that cleaning them will become a real pleasure.

The creamy, beige applestone limestone tile is the perfect choice no matter if you are looking for a modern look or a traditional one for your home.

Best Hard Wood Floors In Frisco

Installing hard wood floors in your Frisco home is quite possibly one of the best choices you can make. Wood is beautiful and inviting, it is environmentally friendly, durable and easy to care for. On top of all this, wood floors will add value and an undeniable appeal to your home that only comes with hard wood floors. Wood is quite possibly one of the most customizable flooring options you have where you can choose everything from the type of wood to the depth of the stain you finish with. You can even choose a handscraped floor, providing with you with a completely unique floor every time.

There is nothing more inviting than the beauty of a hardwood floor. But when you choose hard wood for your flooring material, you are doing more than creating an inviting space. You are helping the environment. Wood has environmental benefits that other choices do not have. Carpet will sit around a landfill and pollute for a very long time, stone tiles are cut from rock that takes thousands of years to create. Wood comes for a renewable resource like the trees. The industry currently plants 2 trees for each one it cuts down, helping to replenish years of irresponsible cutting while saving the natural resource. Wood is also completely biodegradable and recyclable. It can be used to make paper and countless other wood products or it can be left to decompose and nourish the environment around it.

Hard wood floors in Frisco are also very easy to take care of. Simply sweeping and mopping regularly will be enough to keep your floor clean; much easier than vacuuming and shampooing carpets, which still does not get all the dirt out. (Wait until you have to rip some carpet out, you will see what we are talking about.) You may have to occasionally condition your wood, but this is normally as easy as adding oil soap to your mop water. You may even choose to sand down and refinish your floors whenever you like, but you can only do this as many times as the thickness of the planks of your floor allow you too.

Wood gives you a lot of choices. You can choose any wood you like, the stain you want, even how old you want the finish to look these days. Stains come in all shades from nearly transparent to stains so dark they are almost black. With handscraping, you can create your own personalized look which makes your floor look a few years old, or centuries old. Installing hard wood floors in Frisco homes can also help to raise the value of your home and make it feel more comfortable.

If you are interested in Wood Floors in Frisco, this article is for you. Katherine Smith is an author on a variety of topics, and strives to help consumers make informed choices when selecting service providers. One of her interests is HardWood Floors in Frisco. For more information about Katherine, visit her blog at http://katherinegsmith.wordpress.com

Hard Wood Floors In Plano

There are a variety of reasons to install hard wood floors in Plano homes. Wood floors are durable, offer near endless options, are environmentally friendly, they are beautiful, easy to maintain and affordable. When you install a wood floor in your home, you are not only improving the aesthetic beauty of your home, you are investing in the resale value of the home as wood floors are very desirable by most home buyers.

First, let us look at durability. Carpet will need to be replaced within a few years of installation because they are going to look dirty and used. Tile floors last forever, but you drop one wrong thing on them, and you are looking at cracked tiles that are expensive to replace if you can even find a matching tile. Wood floors, on the other hand, will last a long time. Even if they do sustain dents or scratches, these often only add to the character of the floors.

Wood is one of the most environmentally friendly flooring materials you can get; if not the most. Wood is a renewable research, and the industry has taken steps to insure that they never run out. On average, 2 trees are planted for every one that is cut down by the industry. This insures they never run out of their resource, and we are all going to enjoy forests for a long time to come. When the wood floors are eventually removed and thrown out, wood is biodegradable, whereas carpets could sit in a landfill for a very long time.

Nothing compares to the beauty of hard wood floors in Plano or anywhere else. The most inviting room you ever see in any house has two things: Hard wood floors and a fire in the fireplace. It does not get much better than that. The image itself brings to mind thoughts of roasted marshmallows and family gatherings, of good times and holidays spent with loved ones. There is also no more impressive view of a home than walking in the front door and seeing those warm, inviting hardwood floors maybe a well placed rug and a few cups of coffee, waiting for the guests.

Installing hard wood floors in Plano homes is an excellent investment. The floors will always raise the value of your home, because many homebuyers find wood floors to be very desirable. You lose nothing by installing these floors in your home, they will not need to be replaced during you lifetime, and they will look beautiful during your entire lifetime. Installing hard wood floors in Plano homes is an excellent investment in both the beauty and value of your home.

If you are interested in Wood Floors in Plano, this article is for you. Katherine Smith is an author on a variety of topics, and strives to help consumers make informed choices when selecting service providers. One of her interests is HardWood Floors in Plano. For more information about Katherine, visit her blog at http://katherinegsmith.wordpress.com

Methods To Clean Wood Floors

It has been noticed and observed that most of the individuals are in dire and extreme need to have such a scheme that will bring back their wood floors in the normal position. Due to advanced type of research, many and large number of improvements are being made that will immediately and instantly clean the wood floors in a best possible way. This decorative and timeless design will surely be booming up and rolling up with full excitement as soon as you are going to follow some efficient and effective methods. It has been noticed and observed that wood floors are quite and rather easy to maintain. You need not to put large amount of effort in cleaning the wood floors. Read on further and you will be able to get to know the details in a prcised way.

The quickest method is the damp mop! But before doing this, you need to remove each and every kind of dust and dirt particles from the surface. This can be done with the help of a broom. Make sure that you make use of a soft broom to avoid any type of scratches. Mopping is the most effective method. Change will be immediate and instant. Another method is with the help of a neutral cleanser and water. Avoid excess water because it will only ruin the wood floor in a terrible and horrible way and mode. So, care and attention needs to be given in this area.

You may also go for polyurethane! It will make the wood floor to look shiny and glossy. This is the best way to get your task done in a minute. Individuals may also adopt a wax or polish. Wax or polish should only be needed in a situation when you still feel that the wood floor is not looking that much thrilling and attractive. It is totally up to you that whether you want to for this step or not. However, this step will surely add some extra effect in the glow of the wood floor.

It has been noticed an extreme type of fine wool will also allow the individual and user to remove any type of stains or spots from the wood floor. You may also apply alcohol to speed up the process and will also take less time. All these techniques are quite effective and will definitely work if you are going to make use of them as soon as possible! Be sure to go for a good quality wood floor cleaner that will make your task easier and smoother.

Hence, from the above mentioned discussion it is quite and rather evident that the methods and schemes to clean the wood floors are various. They do not involve any kind of technicality. We just need to regularly clean our wood floors to avoid any kind of mess or haphazardness. These methods will surely work for you sooner or later. They are not at all difficult and can easily and conveniently be carried on.

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Carpet or Solid Wood Floors?

Making sure your home is as economical as possible could involve all sorts of tasks and renovations but it could also simply be down to the type of floor you choose. With so many options, styles and designs now on the market this can be a difficult decision to make, however, once broken down it always comes to a choice between carpets, tiles or floorboards.

The age old debate on whether it’s better to have the soft and cosy feel of carpets or the natural warmth of wood flooring is still around but quite often the need for co-ordination or a ‘wow’ factor to any room can more often than not be the deciding factor on what to choose, rather than whether it can save you money on your heating bill.

Carpets are becoming out-dated with more home owners choosing wood flooring now that there is an increasing amount of variety on the market and they are also available in a variety of prices depending on your budget. They can also be bought in a variety of colours, adding warmth and texture to a room, with most wood floors quality getting better over time, it not only adds character but also value to your home.

Everyone loves the feel of a soft carpet underneath the feet but there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration if opting for a carpet instead of a wood floor. As well as attracting dirt and dust mites they can quickly become unattractive if not taken care of properly and those with young families might want to consider the wear and tear a carpet might endure around children.

Removing stains from a carpet can also be a costly venture and over time a carpet can become littered with different spots where stain remover has been applied. A wipe and sweep of a laminate floor is often quick and easy and any spillages or stains are removed immediately without altering the finish of the floor.

If you are a little sensitive to the cold and keeping a room warm is a main factor on deciding against a wood floor then this should make you think again. Now with state of the art heating systems it is possible to save money and keep your home warm by adding under floor heating.

The only way to do this is by installing a wood floor and it is fast becoming the perfect way to have a low maintenance heating system rather than a conventional boiler. This is because under-floor heating is so simple and has no working parts, the likelihood of it breaking down or failing is minimal.

So if we want to go back to the debate on whether it’s better to have wood floors or carpet, the argument is clearly leaning in the favour of the wood floor.

As well as being economical, it looks better, is easier to maintain and makes no difference to how a home is heated thanks to under-floor heating.

Contacts For information, sales and advice on flooring solutions, contact Floors Online 0800 731 2374 / 01827 283 184 http://www.floorsonline.co.uk UK Flooring distributor Floors Online supply a range of laminate flooring, solid wood floors, engineered wood floors and vinyl flooring products.

Information About Wood Floors

There are obviously a considerable number of decisions concerning flooring, but for a long time wood floors have remained near the most ubiquitous and the most unbelievably solid of flooring surfaces. From the timeless marvelousness of hardwood floors to the sport of bamboo flooring, wood flooring positively has various vital preferences over floor covering, tile and different sorts of flooring.One of the most obviously huge favorable circumstances of wood floors, obviously, is their momentous toughness. An amazing wood floor, respectably instated, can hold its magnificence for quite some time, and a considerable number of homeowners today exist in homes with wood floor that have been around subsequent to the home was first constructed.As with all home work in progress undertakings, obviously, value might as well be the foremost concern with regards to acquiring wood flooring or whatever viable sort of flooring feature. Notwithstanding, instituting a floor, if in a lone room or all through the whole home, is no minor venture. Few homeowners will prefer to rehash the method of establishing a unique flooring surface each couple of years, but in the event that you picked substandard flooring features you might consider yourself doing simply that.

It is far preferable to purchase the best equipped value wood flooring features you are able to manage, regardless of the possibility that they cost a small more up front. In the extended run, it can be far less excessive, also significantly less of an irritate, to purchase a value floor that will final for a considerable length of time than to reinstate a second rate floor in just a few years.Because value is quite an impressive significant thought regarding wood floors, it actually bodes well to look around, and to pose more than enough approaches as you shop. Deciding on and introducing a wood floor is one place where it unequivocally encourages to solicit the presumptions of masters. Provided that a part of your family or round of partners has encounter with wood floors, or even more terrific depending on if they have established a wood floor of their particular, by all denotes require their estimation.

Depending on if no such direct information is good to go from your round of companions, it is a great brainstorm to request guidance from the save where you purchase your wood flooring. The representatives at countless extensive home enhancement warehouses and modest ma and pop household shops might be fabulous origins of qualified data on what to search for in a value wood floor, and ideal of all they are able to give you the tips you will instate that wood flooring similar to an ace.It is obviously noteworthy to institute the wood floor legitimately, and each homeowner will choose for him or herself if commissioning the wood flooring is something they are able to do themselves. Fixing a wood floor is one of the aforementioned tasks that now and then needs the utilization of a pro flooring builder, so it is noteworthy for the aforementioned in necessity of wood flooring to choose the instatement before making a buy. Numerous folks feel very pleasant introducing their particular wood flooring, but others do not.

How to Install Ceramic Tile Floors

Ceramic tile flooring is a great option for your home. Some of the advantages of ceramic tile flooring are ease of maintenance, ease of repair and good style. Ceramic tile is also very durable and cost effective. When you’re considering what flooring to put in your home, ceramic tile is a options that you want to consider.


A good way to save money with ceramic tile floors is to install them on your own. Following are a few instructions that can help you in installing ceramic tile floors.


Measure the length and width of the floor and find out the center point in the room.
Lay down the ceramic tiles on the floor to check how they fit on to it before using mortar.
Find out the number of ceramic tiles required using this layout.
Put tile spacers between each tile so that your grout lines are even. Smaller grout lines are easier to clean, but require more accurate cuts.
Now apply mortar (tile adhesive) in the center of the subfloor and start laying the ceramic tile.
Choose a direction. Move from left to right or right to left.
Continue laying the tiles and reach to the edge of the room.
Cut the tiles to fit the edges of the room using a sharp tile cutter or wet saw to cut the ceramic tile. Make sure to measure carefully before you do any cutting.
Once you lay all the tiles completely, let the tile and mortar set for at least one day. Leave the spacers until the next day.
After a day, add grout. Make sure you mix the grout thoroughly according to the specifications given by your manufacturer, or it can fall apart after a few years and have uneven color.
Apply the grout across the ceramic tile flooring.
Wipe the excess grout from the ceramic tile, but make sure you do not wipe away the grout lines.
Leave the grout to dry for another 24 hours.
Seal the grout lines with a sealer so that they do not stain with every day wear and tear.


Installing ceramic tile flooring takes extra time, but if you follow the proper steps you can save money and still have a beautiful, durable floor.

Visit Aggieland Texas Carpet Service for Bryan Texas carpet, ceramic tile and Laminate flooring services in Bryan, College Station, Houston and Brazos Valley. Our team specializes in custom area rugs and ceramic tile floors.

Solid Wood Floors Vs Engineered Wood Floors

Installing any of the hard wood floors Frisco can offer you is an excellent choice for raising the value of and adding beauty to your home. Whether you plan to hire professionals for the installations, or you are a hardcore DIYer, there are a few things to consider about your hard wood flooring options.

True hardwood flooring is available in either solid wood or engineered wood solutions. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and certain things are required for each. Different locations may require a different type of flooring, so make sure you do your homework before you go out and spend a fortune of flooring you may or may not be able to use.

Engineered Wood Floors

Engineered floors are quickly becoming the favorite around the world. These floors are constructed much like plywood, with layers of wood pressure glued together with the grains alternating. The top or wear layer is a hard wood veneer that is the surface that people will see and use. Engineered floors are available in most, if not all, the same woods as solid floors. The advantages of this type of flooring are ease of installation and durability. Due to the ply construction, these floors handle moisture and temperature changes much better than solid wood floors will. These floors can be installed in places such as basements and garages, thanks to their ability to handle temperatures and moisture. The disadvantage is that you are limited in the amount of refinishing you can do, dependent on how thick the wear layer is.

Solid Wood Floors

For the time being, these are still more popular in North America. These floors are not made like engineered floors, instead, each plank is made of one piece of solid hardwood. Engineered and solid wood floors will look the same because the top layer of and engineered floor is real hard wood. From the side you will notice the different. Solid floor slats or planks are more susceptible to changes in temperature, as well as moisture. This can be bad, or it can give the wood more character as it ages as long as they are properly cared for. The major advantage of this type of floor is that you can refinish it many times and with proper care it will last for more than a century. These floors can not be installed below grade, or in places that are not temperature controlled.

Engineered wood floors are best for DIYers in general, because solid floors require a good amount of know-how. Either solution will give you great looking hard wood floors in Frisco.

Katherine Smith is an author on a variety of topics, including Wood Floors Frisco. She writes to educate and enlighten people so that they can make informed decisions about Hard Wood Floors Frisco related topics. Katherine Smith is a freelance writer who resides in Chicago. More info at http://www.hswfloors.com.