Tag Archives: Fact

Green Cleaning Supplies: Fact And Fiction

The news prompts a good number of people to begin looking for ways to save the planet, at least for a little while and the current focus is on cleaning supplies. Green cleaning supplies have become the latest fad, but hopefully it is one that will stick around for some time. The one thing many people invariably ask when trends such as these start, is there really any need? This time the answer is a resounding yes! Cleaning and freshening your home with chemical based cleansers is polluting your air and may be leading to significant illness. Here are some common facts and fictions about green cleaning and the products involved.

Natural versus Green
Do not take the word natural as a substitute for green. There are many naturally occurring substances on this planet and some of them are quite toxic to human beings. Petroleum is one substance that has been in the news lately and it definitely is natural but there is nothing green about it! Labels on commercially manufactured cleaners can be misleading to say the least. Read the ingredients on the label before deciding to take any product home. If you want the convenience of purchasing your green cleaning products rather than making your own a good thing to watch for is the DfE symbol from the Environmental Protection Agency, it stands for Designed for Environment.

Studies indicate that the air quality in most homes is worse than what you find in most streets. Scientists have been looking at the effects of cleaning products and air fresheners for a long time and have found that homes where aerosol room sprays were used frequently resulted in higher risks for common ailments. Mothers from these homes were 25% more likely to suffer headaches and 19% more likely to suffer from depression and that is just the air freshener side effects!

Outside the home, the pollution continues to grow at an alarming rate. Today it is estimated that nearly 70% of the nations streams have trace amounts of laundry detergent. This may not sound like a big deal, but it does go to show how the chemicals people use at home are seeping into the very ground and water of this country.

You Need Strong Chemicals
Many people believe the only way to get their home clean is by using strong harsh chemicals. This is simply not true. Your home can shine like a diamond and be disinfected to boot when you use green cleaning supplies, you may need to use a bit more elbow grease in the process but isn’t it worth it?

Issues Linked to Cleaning Products
You may not want to face it but the facts are clear, cleaning supplies and especially the professional level ones have been linked to many common ailments and illnesses. Asthma, reproductive issues, ADHD and even cancer have been linked to harsh chemicals found in modern cleaning supplies. It is time to make the change to greener products. Not only will you do a great deal to save the planet you might even save your health.

The Green Way Store carries a large variety of top quality Green Cleaning Products that will not only clean your home effectively, but also help to keep your family and your environment healthy and safe. We offer Green Cleaning Supplies like all purpose cleaners, disinfectants,carpet cleaners, and laundry products to personal hygiene products, pest control and pet care, we’ve got it all.