Tag Archives: Durability

The Durability Of Ceramic Floor Tiles And Natural Stone Floor Tiles.


Ceramic floor tiles and Natural stone floor tiles are both known to be the most durable floor tile materials and are often the first choices in home design. The natural stone floor tile varieties are the more expensive option and this will make a difference to your choice if you are working to a tight budget. Many home owners like the idea of investment when installing natural stone floor tiles and they will add both beauty, style and value to the home.

Ceramic floor tiles are equally as durable but the one main difference between natural stone and ceramic is the price. Ceramic floor tiles are a cheap floor tile solution when you consider what they offer in terms of durability and design style.

Natural stone floor tiles come in many tile material choices such as marble tiles and granite tiles and each one has their own unique characteristics. Marble floor tiles for example have the characteristic vein thread like appearance running through each tile and this is particularly prominent in the black marble tile variety. Many Home owners like the idea of the variation that can occur between each tile and with natural stone, there may be many variations from tile to tile, which often only adds to the overall finish.

Ceramic floor tiles have more of a uniformed appearance style with little variations in each tile, many home owners like this flowing design but the choice between natural stone and ceramic tiles is often a personal choice.

The durability of ceramic tile and natural stone tile is excellent but if you had to choose a more durable tile, natural stone can be a little more durable than ceramic mainly because they are often thick dense tiles that will not break easily.

Ceramic tiles and natural stone tiles will almost certainly both need sealing but natural stone floor tiles have to be sealed prior to installation and after installation to ensure they are protected from damage. Ceramic floor tiles seal slightly easier with a less complex procedure required.

Ceramic floor tiles are also available in many design choices with many styles impersonating the natural stone varieties such as wood effect tiles. This gives home owners the chance to have a cheap floor tile with the look of natural stone which gives home owners the best of both worlds.

Crown Tiles offer a wide range of floor tile and wall tile choice, we also supply underfloor heating systems.