Tag Archives: design

Interior Lighting Design

While many who move into new living spaces spend most of their time accessing the interior design of their new homes, many fail to realize the opportunity that exists in lighting potential. Lighting design is a field in which a professional maps out the layout of reflective surfaces in respect to the windows and direction of the natural lights to maximize or minimize the light per the resident’s specifications. Moods are often affected by the way a room “feels” and lighting variance is a large part of the process. If you are looking to create the perfect setting in your home, you may want to consider the use of an interior lighting designer to accentuate the natural feel of a room without spending a lot on furnishings. Opening a Room Up The opening of a room involves much more than simply taking out walls or eliminating clutter.

In fact, lighting has more to do with it than anything else. Many times, a room has certain areas that are dimly lit, reducing the amount of space that “appears” when you walk into it. However, when properly used, natural light can reflect into these dark recesses, unveiling the true size of a living area and helping to reduce any “closed in” feelings associated with the room itself. The Engineering Side of the Field Many lighting design professionals have contacts within the industry that can help you with your project. If you consult with one regarding the interior design of your fixtures, they can refer you to an electrical engineer that can re-wire your lighting system, giving you more options that suit the concepts that you have in place for your living area. This is why contacting an expert is very beneficial.

While a lighting designer may focus on the “directional” side of the natural light equation, they also have connections that can be utilized should the need for more work arise. Properly Integrating Lighting While the subject of lighting may seem minor when considering the interior design of a home, the illusions created by a lack of lighting are quite noticeable. Because you will want to have a consistent level of natural light throughout the home, you want a plan that uses the entire floor plan of the property to cut back on the need for artificial lighting.

The fees associated with hiring a lighting expert are minimal when you consider the amount of money you will save by eliminating the need for excessive lighting during the daytime hours, not to mention the environmental impact of utilizing natural lighting for your needs. Whether you have an interest in properly implementing skylights, ceiling to floor windows, or reflective surfaces in the interior design of your spaces, the need for an expert is apparent. Because so many areas require specific angles, textures, or patterns to get the most from naturally occurring light, getting the opinion of a professional can help you understand your various options and determine which are the best for your needs. Lighting design is a field that requires a solid understanding of the properties of reflective light and how certain colors and textures reflect or absorb it. With a bit of searching, you can find a professional that fits your budget and can help you get the most from the natural sunshine in your home. Why install expensive lighting fixtures when there is enough light for everyone shining in through the window? Maximize your home’s potential and consult with a lighting expert today. In the end, you’ll immediately notice lower power bills and a softer feel through all rooms in the house.

After buying a new apartment we were considering using a melbourne lighting designer. We found an interior designer who did a superb job at it.

Interior design malaysia

Interior Decoration and Design, although related disciplines, different in terms of its application. Home decor interior decoration process to completion (eg, wallpaper and paint, choice of furniture and accessories, as well as adding finishing and decorations such as paintings and objets d’art. They all offer a “feel” certain in a house but essentially the underlying structure of the house unchanged.

Interior decoration is usually done by a professional interior decorator, but recently the trend is that people know about the decor through a different program or book and then apply their own techniques with the general budget. The goal of interior decoration is to create an aesthetically pleasing home at a time, unique because it must reflect the unique personality of the owner and the palate.
The interior design is more integrated into the architecture and professional interior designers can work with architects and builders to make important decisions about the design of the house or building. This includes analyzing the options related to the layout of the room, closet and choose tiles and many other design factors. While the budget for the Interior Design for new developments that used to be minimal, acknowledged today that the addition of interior design projects: the difference between normal development and contribute to a lifestyle brand and image projects. The money spent on interior design, therefore, viewed as an investment that pays off in the process of property development.
Homeowners spend more and more to improve their homes. Because it is relatively easy to change the look of a house, change the finish and fittings of the big money goes into the interior. The growing popularity of home-made interior decoration is assigned to an entire industry around interior design courses, books and television programs also grew, and became a popular pastime for married couples. Innovative ideas interior decor, which costs less, but at the same time giving the impression of style and class, in fashion.
Young entrepreneurs also see a difference and there is a request for information and programs on how to enter the Interior Design and Decoration Industry. It also has given home interior decoration industry a boost {.
Although the latest trend is that the people in accordance with an interesting task to transform their homes, acknowledged that the fall in the field of interior decoration. Interior design still requires a study of the context of Interior Design, good design theory, knowledge of technical advances in the engineering industry, both residential and commercial buildings and knowledge of the latest trends and advances in the interior design industry.
In short, an interior design project in which all elements of the design still meets the scope of a professional designer should be able to develop projects that go beyond the boundaries of a hobby.

Interior Design Today

Today, interior design has become a means of making a statement on the latest designs, thus creating an identity. A professional designer can identify, research and creatively resolve issues and lead to a healthy, safe, pleasing, user friendly and comfortable physical environment.


Interior design in India, is now well in sync with the global trends like simple straight line designs, Italian design concepts, green ecofriendly design, smart automated homes and offices that invite transparency in design.


The international style of interior design continues to be minimalist, clean, clear, sophisticated and soothing. Space and light continue to dominate the ambience. The trend that is emerging now is to camouflage an eclectic element with this clean, bold look. In terms of colour, the same trend of vivid colour thrown over a predominantly light background colour scheme continues, but in a sophisticated manner. Move over you now witness more awareness on CO2 monitoring by the use of eco friendly paints, CRI rated carpets, solar energy, use of leds and cfls, sensors in water sources, etc.


Individuals today believe in individualizing their space. They hate to be cloned. What is in, is the concept of designer spaces. It takes a broadminded approach to achieve an outstanding effect, and can extend from decor, lighting, colour and of course space planning. Office interiors are now being designed in such a way that an individual is not lost amongst the associates who work there.


The need for an ’emotional culture’ in our living environment is rising. The designer needs to reach a level where the user and him can connect as only when their wavelengths match is when the desired result is achieved.

This is because interior designing is all about individualism. The best out of the designer will evolve only then as this is not a product to be sold, it’s a service which is unique for each individual. Work becomes relaxation, effort becomes challenge. People want to identify themselves with their environment .


Architects in Mumbaiand interior designersall over the world are engaged every day in adding value to our homes, workplaces and living environment. Delivering a fresh and unique design with an informative approach is what a designer should look at. Getting your facility done up by a professional is preferred by a lot of people today as the end product is quite satisfying and well thought of. It doesn’t end to the furniture design and space planning, inputs are required even on the kind of art décor, upholstery, lamps, etc. that will compliment the space. And that makes the outcome worthwhile and a treat. We at iDream, with our understanding of space, comfort, sustainability, functionality, efficiency, taste and above all beauty, shape places that identify individuals.

Loknath Swain is a Mumbai based writer. He writes on subjects related to architects in mumbaiand interior designers


Apartment Interior Design

You don’t have to wait to decorate your home the way you want it to be if you do not yet own your own home. You have to get permission for your landlord if you rent an apartment, of course, but there are things that you can do without having to change the walls if they don’t like the idea. Apartment interior design is a lot like designing for a whole house, but there are some minor differences. Make your living space your own while you are there. It’ll make you happier even if you are only going to be there temporarily.

In order to do apartment interior design on your own, you have to have some type of plan and some type of budget. If you know how much you can spend, you can start thinking about what you want to spend that money on. If your landlord grants you permission to paint, that can really change things up for you. If you are in a smaller apartment, you can go with one color and paint with variations of that color to keep it uniform. You can mix and match different colors in different rooms with a larger apartment. Spend as much time as you need because you are going to have to love what you choose.

Next, go for curtains, throw pillows, and even a couch cover to add color that compliments what you have put on the wall. Go with a neutral color for your couch, as you can add color to it with the pillows. If you are not sure about pillows, sew your own. You may love something bright and colorful, but you always want your couch to match anything, making neutral essential for this piece of furniture. The pillows are interchangeable and are much less expensive to change. Your curtains can be the same as the pillows ?change them as your mood changes for apartment interior design.

You may not want to spend a lot on finishing touches for apartment interior design, so see about saving money.

Go to rummage sales, thrift stores, and even take a trip through your parent’s attic to see what you can find to fill your walls or sit on your shelves. Even old books can look great, even if you will never read them. Look for old glass bottles and vases, small boxes that may have been jewelry boxes or small chests, aged photographs and even old jewelry as decorative accents for your new design ideas. These can make a good room into a great room.

Don’t think that apartment interior design has to be limited. You can usually make a lot of changes to an apartment without making a permanent change. That is what your landlord is probably concerned about when thinking about when you ask. You don’t have to remodel to change your apartment into the haven you seek at the end of a hectic work day. Just buy what you love and what makes you happy and bring those things home ?the rest will fall into place. If you love it and it makes you feel good, it is most certainly a success.

Read more about author at: True Religion Shorts, The Beach Club Gulf Shores and Rhema Bible College

Know your interior design

Interior design like clothing can either fit you and your personality enough to feel comfortable or it comes up short.

Interior design style can improve quality of life in addition to work surroundings. When businesses start-up, the majority hire in an interior designer: to ensure their business is aesthetically pleasing to both employees as well as clients.

Restaurants also use particular interior designers in order to draw the customer in, using certain colours and textures in a restaurant can boost sales by convincing customers they are hungry, when they may otherwise be full.

Interior design style can also be used to make life a little easier for the elderly and the disabled by incorporating user-friendly aspects into the home or environment that would not normally be found elsewhere.

Interior design style elements can be drawn from anywhere and anything. Many people choose an interior design style based on region, religion, mood, or simply on their personal taste.

While choosing an interior designer to decorate your home, you will be losing the personal aspect of having a home that feels like your own. This you should bear in mind. A big look that is about at the moment and that will always stay classic is the Americana look. This look takes objects from pre-Revolutionary times and utilizes them in the modern home. This is a broader range of interior design styles, covering decor from the 1770′s through the 20th century. The main focus is on red, white, and blue.

These are just a few of the hot trends that we continue to see incorporated into living spaces as well as businesses. But in no way are these the only ways to decorate your home.

The range is broad and only limited by your imagination.

Over the years, many looks have come and gone in home interior design style. The numbers of trends are infinite and people love to mix and match trends in order to customize their look to match their personalities. But there are some hot trends that keep popping up and sticking with our modern society. The number one hot interior design trend is the French Neo-classical. It is a look that mixes the style of old money with Hollywood regency.

There are numerous books and classes available on interior design styles, so you can familiarize yourself with the aspects of interior design aspects and have a home you can be satisfied of. Interior Design Style is a great arena to explore your creative self and be able to share with others.

To make the most of your sitting room use colour, texture and your favourite pieces of furniture.

Colour is an essential element of any room, orange and red hues tend to encourage people to eat, so they’re great for the dining room while blues, green and neutral tones encourage relaxation and might be more suited to the sitting room.  Meanwhile, lighting is an important aspect and can create the mood in a room.

Wooden flooring and textured wallpapers are great texture boosters.  Just as colour has a massive influence on the warmth or coolness of a room, texture also plays a vital role in a space’s ambient temperature. The darker the colour and more detailed its texture –such as, hard wood panelling – the warmer the look.  The lighter the colour and smoother the texture such as polished marble or industrial flooring resin – the cooler the look.

Jade webster is a digital marketer researching industrial flooring.

Victorian Interior Design

Victorian architecture is a name given to a very broad spectrum of different architectural styles that occurred during the middle and late nineteenth century.  Like many other things during this time, they were named after the reigning queen, Queen Victoria, a custom developed by the British and French people of the time period.

The period of the Victorian era encompasses a total of eleven different architectural styles that occurred during this period, each with their own distinctive styles and design elements.  There were several different architectural styles that came to be during this time period that didn’t necessarily have elements that fit in this style, because they started during this same period they tend to be lumped into the same category.

The decorative style associated with this architectural style had many distinctive elements that represented it.  Just like different countries influenced the architecture, they also had a heavy influence on what the interior looked like.  The Middle East and China were two of the biggest influences of interior design.  They also helped to establish several of the sub cultures associated with this time period.

Victorian homes were very orderly, yet still very elaborately decorated.

 Homes were very clearly divided into rooms, each with their own purpose.  No room, no matter how seldom used, was left undecorated, as this was seen as a sign of poor taste. Color schemes varied depending upon the location of the home. Lighter colors tended to be avoided in town and city dwellings due to pollution. Another factor in color choice was often determined by the availability of pigments. In country areas, interior decorations were often carried out by traveling craftsmen who carried limited supplies. Paint had to be mixed on site with whatever locally available ingredients could be found. For example, the blue-green colorwash used on wooden paneled walls in country areas was derived from the earth pigment terra verde, mixed with egg whites and buttermilk.

Homes, like today, were considered reflections of the people who live in them.  Walls and ceilings were painted to represent their purpose, and it was not uncommon to find plaster walls with carved designs in them. Wallpaper was quite popular and in the early and mid-Victorian period elaborate scrolled floral patterns were favored and primary backgrounds of red, blue and green overprinted with shades of cream and tan were common. Furniture, on the other hand, was not very dominant or exclusive to the time; the main focus was on all of the other elements in the room.

Kohn Coleman born in Michigan – received his Ph.D. from Iowa State University in 2000 – currently leads several online companies and ventures.

Interior Design Kitchen | Interior Design Color

Having the ideal kitchen lighting design can have a pronounced impact on your interior decorating scheme. It is a good idea for functional reasons as well as adding great decorative value. When thinking about kitchen lighting design, there are certain elements which you ought to consider. Below are some tips on how you can add wonderful kitchen lighting.
The type of lighitng you go with is pivotal and florescent lighting in particular is a huge no-no. Flourescent lighting is very stark and not charming at all. You can compliment your kitchen lighting design purposes by making use of an alluring dome or chandelier. You might also install a chandelier over the eating section.You might want to decide on using recessed lights in your kitchen lighting design plan. You can use them together with other methods of lighting fixtures. Recessed lighting won’t detract from your general interior decorating scheme as they are set into the ceiling . If you plan appropriately, they can supply even lighting all over the room. It is also practical to buy Pot lighting that you can move around to illuminate a chosen spot like cabinets or a certain display.Installing your lighting in the most fitting place is another thing that is important. You would be smart to place the lighting where it will be needed the most. You will need to be sure to plan for lighting in the food prep area of the kitchen together with the dining section. Aim for even, moderate lighting but steer clear of over lighting, which could be harsh and give off more heat. It is a fantastic idea to have each light be operated from a separate dimmer switch so you are able to adjust the level of light.For lighting above an eating bar or island, make use of pendant lights.

They can be bought in several distinct lengths and designs to match any kitchen. If your island is used for food prep, this style of lighting is great as it illuminates directly down to brighten a particular area.Since you will be chopping and preparing food in the kitchen, you also will need task lighting for those areas. Now, this can be accomplished with recessed lights, even still there are other places where task lighting should not be disregarded. Generally, undercounter lighting is practiced for these task areas. This type of lighting can kill two birds with one stone. They light up your food prep tasks. And they can also illuminate any decorations you have on your counter.To me home is the only place where I can be myself. It is where I shed my tiredness along with my inhibitions. It is the place where I am not judged for my actions and I can do as I please. Kitchen furniture today is simple and beautiful in appearance and available in a variety of colors and textures too. The kitchen appliances also include many features that makes life so simple, that it is surely the answer to a woman’s prayer. This place that is the hub of all activity, has today become a room, that needs to be shown off, just like any other in the house. It is important to remember that the home reflects the personality of the people living in it, so when you go shopping for kitchen furniture, buy furniture that suits the needs and styles of your family members and you.Selecting the right color is one of the most important elements to beautify your house. And your kitchen, like other parts, has to look good too. The color must complement all the components of your kitchen. If your dinning hall is attached to the kitchen, the color setting should be such that it blends well with the dining furniture. Given below, are some ideas to select right kitchen colors for your house.


Interior Design Bathroom | Interior Design Color

Your bathroom is a place for quiet solitude – your own personal spa, if you will, so you want it to have a comfortable interior design. Yet, remodeling or redecorating a bathroom that is small could be difficult. Thankfully, there are interesting options as there are many decorating philosophies now available for decorating small bathrooms.First, you must choose a design style that appeals to you but which will also add appeal to a tiny room. One big thing to avoid with small bathrooms is clutter since it is likely to make the room look a great deal smaller. The color palette is one more vital cosideration when enhancing your bathroom. You don’t have to just use white paint when making up for smallness in a room. You can toss out that boring white and apply a monochromatic palette, or use colors which have identical intensity without making the room appear cramped. So you can try all cocoa’s, or bright colors in pink and orange. Painting an opposing wall a deep shade will make it look further away, thus adding depth. Pale colors will recede, therefore making the room feel larger and blue gray is a fine overall color for a small room. If gray isn’t your favorite color, you may also paint with cool colors such as greens and blues for the same feeling. When decorating small bathrooms you must also be aware of things like furniture placement. Even though lots of people brush off the qualities of Feng Shui, the principle behind it can still be used when arranging the furniture and accessories in your bathroom. Furniture should be positioned away from the doors to allow unhindered open access to the rooms in addition to making it appear more spacious. This serves to also highlight a bigger piece like a mirror or medicine cabinet.

Use furniture sparingly and decorate with smaller pieces. Rather than having a hamper, try using a basket which will give the illusion of more space while still allowing towels and bath linens to be hidden away. You could also break up any monotony in the room design of your bathroom by mixing and matching small with large, so even though you might choose to try the small baskets, design in a large mirror, which not only gives a bit of appeal, but also provides the feeling that the room is larger than it actually is. If you focus on an explicit interior design style, then you can plan from the start on how to make best use of the bathrooms space. A sleek modern style can be ideal since this de-emphasizes clutter and tends to accentuate space. No matter what you decide on, don’t forget to be sure you can live with it, this is your room for personal care.If you are thinking of new ways for bathroom remodeling, how about installing bathroom paneling. Not only does it look good and elegant, it is also easy to install. Bathroom wall paneling is a great alternative to bathroom tiling. It is available in various designs, colors, pattern and various materials. There are several kinds of paneling options available for the bathroom. The below mentioned paragraphs talk about these options and how to install bathroom paneling. Scroll down to know the details.
Wood Wood is a good option for paneling a bathroom wall. Wood paneling for walls is available in plenty of colors and in many patterns. They make the bathroom look very chic and warm at the same time. Due to a wide variety of types of wood, there are a lot of options to choose in order to spice up the bathroom walls. Wood matching the bathroom decor or the wood that contrasts with the bathroom decor will definitely spruce up the bathroom. The up side is that this look cannot go out of fashion. On the other hand, though, this is one of those bathroom paneling ideas, that might be on the expensive side.Marble Using marble for bathroom wall paneling is a great option that will always look elegant. White marble, green marble, pink marble, Italian marble are the various options available when it comes to using marble to panel the bathroom walls. Marble, as bathroom wall panels, is durable and hence will remain great for a long time. Also, it is easy to clean. However it can be a little expensive compared to tiles.
Ceramic Tiles Bathroom tile paneling is not a new concept. Using tiles to cover the bathroom walls has been going since a long time. This is one of the cheapest methods of wall decorations. The tiles can be changed as and when needed and the cost involved is moderate. Ceramic tiles are available in a variety of colors and patterns and hence can be matched or contrasted with the bathroom design. This is one of the most commonly used bathroom panels.
Decorative Wall Panels Decorative wall panels is another great idea to cover the walls of the bathroom. These panels are available in stone, wood, brick etc. and can be matched with any kinds of bathroom designs. However, the cost involved in this kind of bathroom wall paneling, is huge.


Interior Design Company Interior Design Service, Interior Decorator, Interior Designers

It is a dream of every person to live in a home with beautiful interiors and perfect vaastu. This dream of perfect home can easily come alive with the outstanding interior design services offered by My Choice Interior. Located in Bangalore, My Choice Interior is an interior design company in India that offers innovative and trendy services for designing interiors of homes and offices. With commitment to excellence in craftsmanship, our highly experienced interior designers provide innovative ideas to design bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, dining room to make your home look really attractive.

Bedroom Design Services:

Everyone have his own ideas of preference. Keeping in mind this important factor we provide home interior designs to create an interior which suits the requirements of an individual as well as the client’s personal taste. We provide contemporary and oriental bedroom design services to add rich and aesthetic look to your sleeping room. While creating bedroom design we lay emphasis on the factors like arranging furniture and decors to provide maximum comfort with style within the space available. The bedroom is designed to make sleeping and personal care habits lot easier, so that one can just come and go with no added fuss. With our bedroom interior design services that lay emphasis on renovating rearranging existing things, redesigning your bedroom will not at all be a costly affair.

Living Room Interiors Design Services:

Living room is the most important room of one’s house.

It is the gateway to our house that gives a first impression on what is to be expected on the inside of our house. It is the main room that can be utilized for different purposes like entertaining guests, relaxing etc. Therefore it really becomes important for everyone to keep the interiors of their living room to match latest trends. Opting to renovate living room by hiring professional interior decorators like My Choice Interior, interior design company in Bangalore, can be the best way of designing your room balanced equally with style and comfort factors without any mismatch problems and at best affordable cost. While doing up for a modern living room we take into consideration even the minute details of color, design, furniture and other accessories to craft out most trendy design that best matches your requirements. With lot of trendy living room design themes available with us we also allow you to select from different living room interiors designs that suites your taste.

Kids Room Design:

Every parent wants to give his/her kids perfect fantasy room where the child can feel happy to stay and enjoy his liberty. For kids it’s really important to provide play areas where they can enjoy the best with their toys and books. We have different décor ideas for kids room interiors design with walls decorated in such a manner that not only do they act as a means of recreation but also provide them basic education. With innovative ideas of painting stories on the walls, attaching blackboard, pasting cartoon wall papers, animal wall hangings we try to decorate your kids room to best simplicity and best entertaining factors for your child so that he/she enjoys to stay in.

Our home design services also encapsulate services for kitchen design, bathroom design and dining room design. For details on our office interiors design services, landscape design, curtain design services and vaastu tips for home and offices visit http://www.mychoiceinterior.com.

My Choice Interior is interior design company in Bangalore that offers interior design services for bedroom design, living room design, kitchen design, kids room design, bathroom design, office interiors design, curtain design and vaastu tips for home and offices. SEO services provided by Jigney Bhachech, CEO, Opal Infotech, India.

Interior design

While door handles may be small objects they form an important part of your home’s interior design.  More Handles are dedicated to making sure you have enough choice to make your home the way you want it to be. Their range of Door Handles, Door Knobs and other Door Furniture is extremely extensive and forms an ever evolving catalogue of choices for your home.

Highlights from the 2010-2011 range include:

Kirkpatrick Door Knob On Backplate

The Kirkpatrick Door Knob makes an elegant statement, with its scrollworked backplate complementing the ornate knob itself. As part of the black antique range of Door furniture available at More Handles it is very suitable for cottages and period style houses, bringing a sense of weight and authenticity to the details of such a home.

Drawer Pull Shell

Drawer pull shells are a great alternative to the usual Knobs and Handles. This example is finished in brightly polished brass and beautifully fluted to add a touch of class to any drawer front, be it in a kitchen or on fixed furniture. Brass is an excellent material to match with either painted surfaces or bare wood and if kept polished it can add a lovely warm sparkle to any room in your house.

Iris Door Handle Shortplate

The Iris Door handle is one of those designs that one might feel has always existed.

The simple shaped extrusion is unobtrusive and yet perfectly designed for easy operation, perfect proportions and a subtlety that means it will fit with almost any contemporary design, from new build comfort, to severe minimalism.

Shakespear Ringturn in Pewter

The Shakespear Ringturn is an example of what is rapidly turning into a new wave of gothic chic products though it is almost unique in its presentation. The ring turn takes its styling from traditional lift latches but applies this to modern Door Knob mechanics so there is no extra wood work required to fit this product on any standard door.

Equi Door Handle Black Nickel

Black Nickel Door Furniture is an ideal match for any contemporary home. The designs from Carlisle Brass not only feature a deep glossy black finish that complements the white walls of modernist style homes, but the shapes of the handles are particularly elegant, almost severe in their functionality. The Equi is the perfect example of this elegance, with a no frills but balanced design that perfectly complements any surroundings.

More Handles keep up to date with the latest trends and the Door Handles and Door Knobs that you need to make your home as individual as you are. Check out their full range at morehandles.co.uk

More Handles Ltd

1-3 Harker Industrial Units

