Tag Archives: Checklist

The Ultimate Checklist for the Maid of Honor

As the Maid of Honor, you have one of the biggest roles to play in the wedding. The wedding planning process is hectic and full of details, so it’s your responsibility to aid the bride through all the ruckus and ensure that her big day goes as smoothly as possible.

To help you out, we’ve put together a checklist of responsibilities that you should be aware of.

Act As Head bridesmaid

The Maid of Honor is bridesmaid numero uno and is in charge of making sure all the other bridesmaids are organized, show up for events, and get everything they need. All the bridesmaids will turn to you in time of crisis, so be prepared!

Host a Bridal Shower And/Or Bachelorette Party

With the help of the other bridesmaids, host, plan, and set up a bridal shower or bachelorette party (possibly both). Typically, the costs are split between the bridesmaids, but the Maid of Honor is usually in charge of making sure everything gets done.

Buy Your Wedding Day Outfit

Being a Maid of Honor or bridesmaid is pretty costly, since you have to buy a dress and often shoes and jewelry, too. Some generous brides will offer to foot the cost, but that’s pretty rare.

Go Shopping With The Bride

Finding the perfect wedding dress is at the top of the list for most brides, so she’s going to need your help! Go with her as moral support and be the voice of confidence she needs.

Play a Huge Part in the Pre-Wedding Tasks

There’s a billion things to do before the wedding, and your bride will thank you profusely if you are there to help.

Play Hostess During The Reception

Help guide wedding guests to their seats, restrooms, and answer their questions. Make sure the caterers, DJ, etc. are all doing their job properly.

Give a Speech

As the Maid of Honor, you are probably very important in the bride’s life. The highlight of her big day would be to hear about how special she is to you.

Most Important of All: Have Fun!

It is a wedding, after all. So, after all your duties are done, kick off those stilettos and dance your butt off!

Alex Polazzo President/Founder-Director of Event Operations. Alex Polazzo was born in Clearwater, Florida – an area where hospitality reigned. His mother and father have over 50 years combined in the business which has made Alex a sheer product of the Industry. He started unofficially working security at the age of 12 helping out at his mother’s job. From that point on he mastered the art of every single position from Bar Back to General Manager.He’s got a knack for detail and a must for perfection. His customer relations skills are impeccable and no job is done until the client is beyond satisfied. He has worked with endless talent such as Britney Spears, WuTang Clan, Elton John, Snoop Dogg and Rancid just to name a few of the more than 250 celebrities Alex has worked hand in hand with.

Cleaning Kitchen Checklist

The kitchen is a special place for every woman. It is also probably the one room that requires a lot of cleaning to keep it comfortable and fresh. We have prepared for you some ideas how to get organised and follow the cleaning activities to help you keep your kitchen clean and healthy place.

What You Need to Do to Clean the Kitchen

The cleaning in the kitchen could be separated by the different surfaces and areas that need to be treated. You may clean the different categories each day.

Large appliances

This is probably the hardest part of the kitchen cleaning – to get the cooktop, oven, vent hood and the refrigerator cleaned. For every appliance you need a special cleaning product. The problem is that you keep and cook your food in those appliances and we would recommend avoiding harsh chemicals, as they are rarely completely cleaned. Check for some homemade cleaning solutions that could clean the oil from the cooktop and the oven. The refrigerator could be cleaned with water and vinegar mixture. For the vent hood you may use commercial cleaner as it is not in direct contact with the food.


There are many different surfaces around the kitchen and different materials. You need to use appropriate cleaning product for every surface to avoid damaging it. Make sure you clean the countertops and backsplashes, cabinets, faucets and sinks, cutting boards, dishwasher and floors.

Small appliances

The small appliances also need eco cleaning as you are using them daily to prepare your food. Find appropriate green cleaning products for the toaster, knives, microwave, coffeemaker, kettle, coffee and spice grinder, stand mixer, wooden utensils and garbage can.


The windows in the kitchen will need to get cleaned more often that the windows in the other rooms because of the temperature condense. After cleaning the windows make sure you clean the draperies also. See below how to take care of the fabrics in the kitchen.


You will have different types of fabrics in your kitchen – draperies, furniture upholstery, and carpets. The fabrics may get harsh stains from food and beverages. You need to use appropriate cleaning products to remove the stains and keep the fabrics clean and fresh. We would also recommend using professional cleaning services for the household fabrics at least twice a year.

This will ensure your carpets, upholstered furniture and draperies are perfectly clean and all the unpleasant kitchen stains are removed.