Playground Flooring

Playground Flooring construction and design is extremely important when undertaking this type of installation. There are many different aspects to constructing a playground floor such as; what type of material, and is there adequate access facilities.

In America playground surfaces should be firm enough to meet the requirements of the ADA (American’s with Disabilities Act) this means it must allow easy mobility for children in wheelchairs. Playground surfaces should be soft enough to cushion falls, and this means choosing the right material.

There are several types of material used in the construction of playground surfaces and some of these will include:

• Rubber mulch

• Artificial grass

• Asphalt

• Concrete

• Wood chips

• Sand & gravel etc

• Engineered wood fibre

• Poured Foam & foam tiles

Rubber mulch usually consists of pieces of rubber from tires that have been ground up after having their steel bands removed. Rubber mulch provides several advantages over plant based mulches. One advantage is its elasticity which gives it a springy quality when used in a sufficiently thick layer, this makes it ideal for playground surfaces.

Wood chips are made from woody biomass. The logs are peeled and the bark chips and the wood chips processed by different processes.

Artificial grass or turf is a man made surface manufactured from synthetics and made to look like natural grass, and is most often used in arenas for sports. The main reason is maintenance. Artificial grass is extremely hard wearing and requires no irrigation.

Engineered wood fibre is the most cost effective material for the construction of a playground surface. The wood is shredded into specific sizes and then put through sieves. The finished product is then tested for any toxicity which it may contain.

Engineered wood fibre offers a complete playground surface system which uses a geotextile fabric between the wood fibre and the ground which improves drainage, and surfaces can be played on even after a heavy downpour of rain.

When constructing a playground surface careful consideration should be given to access and particular wheelchairs.

If you are in need of this service check out our product pages, they contain many companies that specialise in this. John Cheesman writes about Playground Flooring. Visit the Businessmagnet product page for details and suppliers of Playground Flooring.

Luxury Interior Design

Choosing the right floor for your home is essential, whether it’s where you currently live, your commercial office space, or simply an investment property to sale at a profit. For lobbies, bathrooms, kitchens choosing to have marble installed will add a sense of luxury and class that no other material will be able to provide. When looking to purchase your marble, though, you need to make sure you are getting the best possible—marble can be expensive so making sure you receive the highest quality and get what you pay for is essential. Follow these simple guidelines to make sure the marble store you choose will give you the best material and support possible when choosing your new marble flooring.

Go for experience.

With any service, experience can make a lot of difference—a marble store is no different. The problem that you can run into when working with a store that has not been in the market for very long is that you run the risk of dealing with a store that doesn’t actually sell marble.

Marble is a very high-end material and, because it is a naturally created stone, not every store actually sells the real thing. Some shops may think they are selling marble but they could be selling something that simply looks similar to marble but isn’t the real thing. When it comes to high-end luxury interior design, the minute details (like making sure your marble is real) matter more than anything else.

With an experienced retailer you don’t run the same risk because if they were selling imitation marble they simply wouldn’t be in business. 

Check for insurance.

When dealing with marble, these stores typically have a lot of very expensive inventory in their store or warehouse. If anything were to ever happen to that material, the marble store would suffer huge losses (often times in the hundreds of thousands of dollars depending on how much marble they had in stock). Due to this, a marble store that uses authentic material will have some type of insurance on hand—simply asking if the company is insured (or asking to see their certification) will mean they deal with real marble in most cases as insurance will not cover fake marble being passed off as the real thing.

Prices can make a difference.

It’s important to realize that while marble is a high-end luxury material, that doesn’t mean every marble store will have slabs and tiles priced the same way. Prices for marble can fluctuate a great deal depending on the marble store you go with, and the difference in a few dollars per square feet can make a great deal of impact if you are having marble floors installed over a very large space—this holds even more true if you are investing in a real estate property. 

Yomar Consulting is a Fort Lauderdale Interior Design Firm with more then 10 Years of experience. Our Marble store is here to help with any questions you may have, Even if we dont offer the lowest price we want to offer the best in educating our customers to find the best. Our team of Fabricators and Remodelers will help you in the installtion phase, We are experts in Countertops, Flooring and Bathroom Renovations.

Green House Cleaning – Using Green Cleaning Supplies

With the increase in allergies in children and cancer in adults, many people are concerned with the chemicals they are using in their home and garden. There are effective alternatives to clean your home using green cleaning supplies. These green cleaning tips will save you money and help save the environment. Best of all – you probably already have these supplies in your cupboard – so you can start green cleaning right away! Some of the best natural cleaning products are baking soda, lemon juice, vinegar, and water.

Lemon juice: Get rid of stains on your kitchen counter top by applying lemon juice and letting it sit for a few minutes. Then simply scrub the area with baking soda and wipe with a damp cloth. In your bathroom, clean your glass shower door by applying pure lemon juice onto the glass. Just spray it with warm water and wipe it off with a clean cloth.

Vinegar: Use vinegar to kill weeds that pop up between your interlock bricks in the driveway. It is best to spray the vinegar on the weeds after a few days of hot, dry weather, when the weeds will really soak up the liquid. Diluted vinegar also serves as a good floor cleaner for ceramic tiles – it leaves behind a nice shine & does not dull the finish. Vinegar is also a natural fabric softener. Add half a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle for soft, static free clothes.

Baking soda: Use baking soda to control odours around the home. Put an open box in the refrigerator to control odours from food. Keep a box in the locker or closet where you store shoes and sports gear. Sprinkle some baking powder in the garbage can or cat litter box before you insert the liner. Baking soda is also a natural stain fighter for fabrics. Just apply a mixture of 6 tablespoons of baking powder with a half cup of warm water to stains before washing.

For an all purpose cleaning spray, combine baking soda with white vinegar, water, and a few drops of antibacterial tea tree oil. Wash out empty spray bottles and reuse them with this natural cleanser.

Steam cleaners are a great alternative now that they make ones for the home costing around $ 100. Some brands are Haan FS20-Plus 800-Watt Steam Cleaning Floor Sanitizer, H2O and Shark, which come with reusable, washable cleaning pads. You can use the cleaners on tile, marble, wood, etc. You will be amazed how clean your floors will be using only water (turned into steam).  I own a Haan steam cleaner and absolutely love it. I have not needed any cleaning solution for my floors for over 8 months! Steam Cleaning Floor Sanitizer.

Rather than chemical sprays to make your home and bathrooms smell like flowers, why not put out some fresh flowers or potpourri in a decorative container? Potpourri lasts a long time and can be placed in decorative bowls in bathrooms, halls, bedrooms, etc. You can also make little satchels out of mesh bags and put them in your drawers to make your clothes smell nice.

Stephanie Browning, also known as Eco Chick, writes and educates on green living, environmental issues and raising healthy, eco-conscious kids. For more information on green living, visit

Carpet Cleaning Preston

Keeping your house clean and tidy is likely to be high on your list of priorities when it comes the jobs to do around your home. Most of us take pride in the way our home is presented and this means ensuring that all parts of it are looking their best all the time.

Most of our home we can clean ourselves – dusting, polishing and hovering etc. However sometimes there are parts that just need a little extra boost to get them even cleaner. For example we can hoover our carpet which will in general keep in clean however once in a while it would benefit from a proper, deep clean.

No one is expecting you to get on your hands and knees and scrub your carpet because that would be too much for anyone to be able to do. Instead what you should do is contact a company that specialises in carpet cleaning. These can come to your home with their selection of tools and get your carpet looking as good as new. This whole process is usually over very quickly which means you don’t have to take out a large chunk of your day to fit it in.

The trick is to find a local company that can supply this service for you. Of course prices will vary between companies, as will the services that they offer so it is a matter of searching for the company that best suits you. In order to find a company local to you, the best bet is to start a search online. Bear in mind though that you do need to make sure the search is tailor made to your local area. So instead of just searching for ‘carpet cleaning’ search for ‘carpet cleaning Preston’, which will return results from over the North West. This will make your search for a carpet cleaning company close to you much easier than having to filter through loads of results that are no related at all to what you are looking for, which only adds to the hassle of searching for a carpet cleaning company. use the latest technology and have the experience and knowledge to make your property sparkle; visit our site for Carpet Cleaning Preston and Carpet Cleaning Bolton


Best Friend Maid Of Honor Speech

Marriage, the social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship, is also defined as the sacred ceremony when two souls unite. It is in marriage that man and woman agree to a covenant that nothing but death will ever destroy their love for each other. A wedding reception, which celebrates the union further, takes place after the ceremony. Here, now, is an example of a best friend maid of honor speech.

In order to begin your speech, you have to greet the wedding guests warmly, welcome them to the celebration, and thank them on behalf of the bride and the groom for their presence. Also, be sure to introduce yourself and to state how you are related to the bride or the groom. This is for the benefit of the guests who may not know who you are.

Take a look at this example: “Family, relatives, and friends of the bride and the groom – a pleasant afternoon! I can see that a lot of you are wondering who I am and what I’m doing here in front of all of you. And so, for your benefit, please allow me to introduce myself to you first. Ladies and gentlemen, I am the bride’s bestest friend in the whole wide world and maid of honor. I stand here today to deliver a speech, and what better way to begin it but by welcoming you all in this celebration!”

“On behalf of the newly weds, I also wish to thank you all for being here. I know that this means so much to them that you found the time to share this wonderful moment with them. You see, a wedding is one of the most joyous occasions a person will probably celebrate, but it won’t ever be as magical and memorable without the people who are important to you to share it with.”

“And now, I would like to congratulate the bride, my best friend, and her groom. I am truly happy for the both of you. It was a rare and wondrous moment when you met – two people who deserve each other and who are perfect for each other rarely do so. Today, I am blessed for having witnessed this union and for being a part of this beautiful beginning. My wish is that your marriage will remain as strong and as magical as ever. May your love survive anything that tests it.”

This, now, is a sample best friend maid of honor speech.

Go To Best Man Speech Examples or Best Man Speeches One Liners For The Latest Offers.

Home Improvement Remodeling

What to add and what not to add is the question every home owner seeking improvement will ask. Home improvement involves the reorganization and upgrading of the indoor and outdoor environment.

For a lot of home owners, the landscaping is really important. Landscaping influences the mood or aura of your home, a home with a pool and a fountain translates to a tranquil and serene environment. Moreover, a garden that is well kept with beautiful landscaping could be an attraction to homebuyers when and if you do eventually decide to put your home on the market.

Home improvements are a great investment in your house and you get a more comfortable and beautiful home in the process. There are two main methods of home improvement; you could choose to do a complete overhaul of your home or just do a remodeling project.

Home improvement remodeling is much less expensive than a complete overhaul and could be anything from changing your kitchen floors to changing the heating system in your home.

The kitchen is one of the more popular home improvement remodeling projects. The areas for remodeling in a kitchen are vast and there is always something extra you could do to enhance the look of your kitchen and add more value to the home as a whole. Some kitchen home improvement remodeling projects could be as complex as placing an island in a kitchen that had none before or could be simply refacing existing cabinets.

The bathroom is another area that is the focus of home improvement remodeling. There is just so much that can be done in a bathroom. You could simply change the tiles and there are many tiles to choose from including ceramic tiles or you could change the whole look of the bathroom; add an oriental or eastern feel to your bathroom.

You could also decide on an addition to your existing home such as a patio. You might want to change the look of our present patio or add a patio where one did not previously exist. Concrete slabs are quite common even though tiles of different materials are gradually gaining popularity.

Whatever form of home improvement remodeling you eventually decide to engage in, it is realy important to make sure that you are making the most of your money. This should be done by ensuring that the materials you are using are of the highest quality, to avoid your having to replace materials soon after the project is done. Furthermore, working with a qualified and reputable home improvement company is imperative to make certain that you are getting value for your money.

Home improvement means that you are adding value to your home, which translates as a prudent investment. You get the added advantage of living in a beautiful environment that affords you maximum comfort.

Shawn Hickman is the Search Marketing Manager for Sears Home Improvements. If you would like more Home Improvement Ideas, visit the Home Improvement section of the Sears Home Services website.

Do It Yourself Divorce Tampa

Divorce is scary. It doesnt have to be hard either. It can be an easy process. It changes lives. It doesnt have to be a fearful event, however. Let Dr. Robert G. Hetsler take the fear and stress out of your divorce. Are you looking for an uncontested divorce or have you thought about a do it yourself divorce? Get started now, and begin your new life sooner, and without spending a fortune. Divorce mediation can help you save money. Divorce mediation is a meeting between the parties involved in a divorce and a third party mediator trained in dispute resolution. Divorce mediation still feels like a new idea in some parts of the country, but it’s increasingly well-known and widely accepted. Mediation means different things to different people. Divorce ranks among the most stressful and traumatic experiences in life. Divorce is the legal procedure that formally ends a marriage. Divorce mediation speeds up negotiating and reduces costs. No one wants a divorce to happen. Divorces are hard on everyone involved. It is a blow to the entire family including children, parents and even grandparents. How you handle your divorce can have a big impact on the outcome, and fall-out of a divorce.

When you know for sure you are headed for a divorce, talk to us. Let Dr. Hetsler show you how your divorce can be handled peacefully and quickly without the added aggravation of drawn-out court battles. Let us show you how handling your divorce through mediation can save you thousands of dollars in legal and court related fees. Dr. Robert Hetsler is the most reasonably priced, full-service divorce mediator in the Tampa, Florida area. You can even find out how you can do it yourself when it comes to your divorce.

Dr. Robert Hetsler is a Professional Divorce Mediator based in Jacksonville, Florida divorce mediation firm with locations in Miami, South Beach Miami, Orlando, and Tampa. Divorce mediation can save up to 85% of the costs of a litigated divorce process. Divorce mediation allows you to have more control over your divorce resolution.

Cheap divorce is possible if you are fully aware of all the possible expenses involved. And keep an eye on them. There are many occasions when folks do not want to spend a lot of money on lawyers. Do it yourself divorce is becoming a more popular option for couples divorcing amicably enough to handle dealing with one another. Do It Yourself Divorce Forms are the same legal documents as a lawyer uses and files on your behalf at the courthouse. Do it yourself divorce is generally an option only for those entering an uncontested divorce. Youll have to serve the do it yourself divorce papers so that the person youre divorcing knows the divorce has been filed. When you use a lawyer, oftentimes a server will be used. This is a person whose job it is to serve people important papers.

If you need fast divorce then divorce mediators in Tampa is not only but an inexpensive divorce. Your solution is to contact Tampa Mediators. Divorce is one of the most stressful times a person in an unhappy marriage can take. It is time to take the first steps to divorce by talking to an online divorce Tampa mediator.

Starting Author making a title for himself. Has started off writing about what he is aware of greatest by way of a challenging practical experience.

Do It Yourself Divorce Tampa, Do It Yourself Divorce Tampa,

Example Maid Of Honor Speech

In the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony, man and woman exchange vows to stay together even during the ugliest and most difficult of times. The ceremony precedes a banquet or a simple feast when wedding speeches are traditionally delivered by the newly wed couple’s best man and maid of honor. Here, now, is an example maid of honor speech.

“Family, relatives, and friends of the bride and the groom – a wonderful evening to all of you! For those of you who don’t know me, I am the bride’s best friend and maid of honor. Now, on behalf of the newly wed couple, I would like to take this chance to welcome you all in this celebration. Also, let me thank all of you for being here today. I know this means so much for this lovely couple here that you found time to grace this joyous occasion with your presence.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, I have been best friends with the bride since elementary. We knew each other very well, being together practically every hour of every day. We studied in the same school, had the same classes, joined the same group of friends, enrolled in the same college, and spent most of the time in each other’s company. As her closest friend, I know that she’s been dreaming of this day for so long. If there was one wish that she always had, it was to find the man who will love her forever and to have a family of their own. Today, her wish became a reality and I am happy for her.”

“And so to the bride, this I say to you – congratulations! I am proud of you and I am glad to see you that radiant and beautiful in your wedding gown. To the groom, all I ask of you is to take care of your wife, my best friend and the kindest person I know. Please love her with all of your heart and soul, and do not give her up no matter how hard it will be in the future. Hold on to your love and hold on to your marriage.”

“My wish for both of you is that you’ll have a happy and lasting relationship. May you be blessed with a dozen kids to call your own. May your future be as bright as your beginning. May your trials and challenges be few, and may you be strong enough as a couple to overcome them.”

This, now, is an example maid of honor speech.

Go To Father Of The Bride Speeches Examples or Toast To The Groom For The Latest Offers.

Janitors Of Super Rich Tenants Thrown Out As Trash Into The Dumping Ground Of The Unemployed

Destitution is facing Martha Escobar. There are fifteen other janitors like her who have lost their jobs in a luxury rental complex at Los Angeles of the super rich. JP Morgan Asset Management part of the sprawling empire of JP Morgan Chase owns the unit. The maintenance contractor ordered termination of their jobs.

Century Plaza Towers (segment of this complex) praises itself on its own website claiming that it has “one of the most prestigious tenant rosters in the country, which includes some of America’s mot prominent business leaders” The work of the janitors involved keeping things as good as new for these gods in heaven who hardly noticed their existence.

The janitors were also engaged in back breaking cleaning jobs at another segment of the complex – 200 Avenue of the Stars. It hosts many glamorous business outlets like Creative Artists Agency.

Few weeks previously the janitors lost their jobs. Except to suffer from anxiety they have very little work to do considering the job climate of America.
Escobar aged 41 years is the mother of two daughters aged 14 and 10. She is not conversant with English and speaking through an interpreter said that she had money to pay for her September rent only. School would soon resume but she does not know from where the money for the uniforms will come since she has no savings.

What is unique about these retrenchments is that there have been loud protests against the callous treatment they have received. The rich had engaged them at the measly rate (hourly $ 13.50) and then got rid of them as trash to be thrown into the dumping ground where millions of unemployed are sweating and fuming. The janitors have staged demonstrations and resorted to fasting outside the buildings where they had once worked.

Recently Escobar and a colleague Elba Polanco were taken to New York City by Service Employees International Union to present their case before Jamie Dimon the CEO of JP Morgan Chase. Dimon is famed for his fabulous lifestyle and for borrowing staggering amounts to purchase firms and then giving employees the boot.

It seems ridiculous to think that Dimon would lend them an ear. While stark hunger and life without a roof above their heads faces them Morgan Cahse has noted a profit of $ 4.8 billion during the quarter starting from April this year. The salary of the likes of Escobar would not pay for a single dinner feast of Dimon!

Kevin Simpson, has been working on studying the foreclosure market, helping buyers on the finer points of California repo homes. Try to visit and find all related information about Repo Homes.

Contract Cleaning London


City Care Cleaning is an established independent contract cleaning London business that specialise in providing cleaning manpower and facilities management across our nation’s capital. 
City Care Cleaning was established to provide professional businesses with flexible and meticulous services to suit your hours of business. Our contract cleaning London management and personnel have a wealth of experience in the soft service sector and understand that it is paramount for all customers to receive a level of customer service and affordability that they deserve.
All of our contract cleaning London services is backed up by stringent quality control and customised cleaning procedures to meet the demands of our clients. As well as these bespoke and thorough services we’re additionally regularly screen and train all of our manpower with the latest products and cleaning procedures to ensure that each of our contract cleaning London customers receive the optimal service. 
As we can all appreciate a clean office environment increases productivity and staff happiness. After all, if you work in a fast-paced environment then the last thing that you want to occupy your mind is a messy work environment. Additionally, our office cleaning London is able to make sure that your work place environment is free from any potential situations where accidents may occur. Our innovative contract cleaning London service will create an environment where you, your staff can work efficiently without every worrying about the cleanliness of your work space.
Our contract cleaning London professionals can fulfil a number of requirements for each and every customer. These include, vacuuming and dusting, telephone sterilizing, specialist cleaning of VDU’s, toilet hygiene maintenance and internal window cleaning. We also operate a quality assurance of all our cleaning services which means that our contract cleaning London professionals will conduct a full inspection of your premises to target those areas of our premises where our services are most important.
For a complete look at our contract cleaning London services then come and visit us online at: