DIY Kitchen Countertop Replacement

There are all kinds of kitchen countertop replacement projects, and so there are several different methods that are used. Yet, there are a few concepts that are common to each countertop type. Here is a rundown of some of the steps you will take as you install any kind of countertop.

1. Removing Old Countertop

The very first thing you have to do in kitchen countertop replacement is to remove the old countertop. This has to be done according to the way it was installed. If it was just placed and glued, you might be able to pry it off. In some cases, it might have to be sawed away.

2. Measurement

The area to be covered with countertop must be measured precisely. Each part of the countertop must be measured, including the flat part of the counter, the sink cutouts and the backsplash. The slightest variation can make for an ill-fitting countertop. Inexperience can lead to faulty measurements, but an expert can get them right with ease.

3. Plumbing and Outlets

Before you do anything else, it is a good time to make sure the plumbing and electrical outlets are in good working order and located where you want them. If you are putting in new countertops, you might be changing their positions. If so, you will need someone who can handle this type of project.
4. Underlayment

Nearly every kitchen countertop replacement project will include some kind of underlayment in its beginning phase. For plastic laminates, the underlayment is usually two layers of plywood, which are cut to fit, glued together and affixed to the cabinet with wood screws. Stone countertops may also have plywood, and concrete types often have wire mesh and felt as well. Underlayment for tile consists of plywood plus a special backer board made specifically for tile.

5. Cutting

Kitchen countertop replacement jobs require cutting. Even if you use 1 inch tiles, you may come across places where those tiles will not fit the space exactly. Larger pieces of countertop materials will have to be cut to fit the overall design of the kitchen. The cutting methods used are at least as numerous as the number of different kinds of countertop materials. If you do not have the skill and experience to know how to make the cuts, call on a professional remodeler.

6. Fastening

Most countertops need to be fastened down in some way. Some will be screwed, some nailed, and some wedged into place. Tile must be placed carefully on the clean backer board surface with mortar. It must then be sealed with grout. No matter what kind of kitchen countertop replacement you do, each step of the process requires more skill and knowledge that many do-it-yourselfers are likely to possess.

Shawn Hickman is the Online Marketing Manager for Sears Home Improvements. If you are looking for more information on DYI Kitchen Countertop Replacement, visit the Sears Home Services website.

Interior Design Fundamentals

If you are looking for a way to make your living space appear to be a little more cozy and hospitable, there are certain areas that you will want to address with your design scheme. Some of these will relate to the color palate that you choose while others will focus more on the types of items which you use. Figuring out the best way to open up the space and make it comfortable to be in should be one of your top priorities while decorating your space. The first and most important thing to consider is what the room is going to be used for.

The space that you are decorating could be a living room or den. This means that you will want to have a space which is comfortable enough to relax in while still being able to entertain guests. This means that you will want to have enough furniture to accommodate seating for everyone and still have enough room for people to walk around and mingle. Additionally, you will want to have enough tables for everyone because when spending time together, most people will have drinks and they will need some place to set them.

On the other hand, if you are decorating for an office, you will want to head in another direction. You will want to have a space which is comfortable enough to spend a great deal of time in but still formal enough that a person will be motivated to work. If a room is too comfortable then a person will not want to do work and if the room is too rigid, a person will not feel comfortable spending great deals of time in there.

One area that can greatly affect the mood of a room would be the items which are chosen to be in it. Area rugs are one of the best choices that a person can make for a room because it will help to open up the room and set the mood almost immediately. The color of the area rug which is chosen will immediately establish the ambiance of the room and it can set a backdrop for all of the furniture to interact with.

The lighting scheme for a room is very important. Well lit rooms can be warm and encourage people to read or interact with each other, yet too much light and a person will feel uncomfortable, almost as if they were being scrutinized. On the other hand, if the light is too dim, the room can end up looking gloomy and dismal.

These two very basic parts of interior design can make a huge difference when it comes to how a room is perceived. They can make a person feel incredibly welcome in your space or they can alienate them and send them packing as soon as possible. Experimenting with different styles will be the best way to learn what elements work and what should be ignored for the future.

Don’t be ripped off by imitations. Be sure to buy authentic gray rugs directly.

‘Humane’ Newt Gingrich Stumbles; Jon Huntsman Steps Into Spotlight








Newt Gingrich wants to keep illegal aliens in this country so their children can work as school janitors.


OK, the former House speaker didn’t exactly utter that sentence at Tuesday night’s GOP 2012 presidential election, but he fully embraces the concept.


Following his proposal last week to fire school custodians and turn their work over to children — child labor laws are “stupid,” he says — Gingrich played the “humane” card at the CNN national security forum.


It was a Rick Perry moment for the Georgian, who disingenuously asserted that no “humane” immigration policy would “break up families.” You’ll recall what happened when Perry tried that sanctimonious approach.


In fact, Gingrich’s position is founded less on humanity than on fuzzy thinking and ethnic pandering. Always the clever rhetorician, his meandering discourse on illegal immigration was an attempt to justify his vote for amnesty in the 1980s — a position that he holds to this day.


Gingrich was similarly mush-minded on foreign affairs.


He sounded like John McCain — cranky and jingoistic — when he blustered about Iran. “We can break them in a year,” he vowed.


Then, returning to the kinder, gentler Newt, he called for budget cuts in defense.


But don’t worry, neocons. Gingrich’s tenure at the globalist Council on Foreign Affairs will always have him toeing the internationalist/interventionist line.


By contrast, Jon Huntsman made eminent sense on Tuesday night’s 2012 presidential election. More than any other candidate on the stage, the former Utah governor clearly articulated the need to fix our own crumbling political system before shopping “democracy” abroad.


The former ambassador to China came off as less extreme than Ron Paul and far more reasonable than Gingrich, who alternates between glibness and bellicosity — neither of which is endearing or attractive in the long run.


Of course, Huntsman has his own explaining to do in regard to his service for Barack Obama and his issuance of driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants as Utah governor. But, for the first time, Huntsman at least showed he can compete effectively on the debate stage, if moderators afford him equal time with the presumptive front-runners.


For all his supposed smarts as a Ph.D. holder, Gingrich and his spiel are getting old. Look for his bump in the GOP polls to flatten and fade after the immigration issue blew up in his face during the 2012 presidential election debate.


The tea party is over for Newt. In reality, it should never have started.








The original article by Kenric Ward was published in Sunshine State News on Nov. 23, 2011. Sunshine State News focuses on the relationship between politics and business in Florida, speaking to an audience of lawmakers, lobbyists, business and opinion leaders, and all Floridians who expect their leaders to make common-sense decisions. SSN fills a void as the only Florida news outfit that believes free-market, less-government solutions will address the problems challenging our state. For more Rick Scott News or coverage of the 2012 Election, visit Sunshine State News. Contact Kenric Ward at or at (772) 801-5341.

Carpet Cleaning: Do It For Yourself

Heating will help! Over 118 degrees fahrenheit, every single 18 degrees better improvements chemical reactivity through 100%. Warm water removal cleaning is conducted in between 150 and also 200 degrees. Is the fact that way too techie? And ofcourse in addition to that hot water removal, or maybe “steam cleaning” is actually considerably more advanced than “dry cleaning, ” although of which should you choose it yourself, make use of heat!

Essentially, you will discover three inter-related factors where you work whenever you clean carpet. Heat, Dwell Time, and also Agitation. By some extent, if you cannot maximise one of these, you may make up for it while using others. In other words, if you cannot find the clean-up remedy hot enough, allow it to sadly “dwell” a little more time from the carpet, and also scrub harder.

Secret Carpet Cleaning Guidelines

Cleaning agent sucks in dirt. For this reason absolutely vital to rinse out away every cleaning solution completely. This can be yet another reasons why hot water extraction becomes carpet cleaner approach “dry” techniques. All kinds of things you’ll want to rinse effectively once you clean carpet.

A proven way to clean stains is actually while using the shop-vac. Absolutely no, you simply can’t just simply suck out there the particular stain, nevertheless , you can certainly consistantly wash and also rinse out the area, and also suck out there the solution every time. This can be a more appropriate method compared to blotting up the water along with cloth, mainly when you wouldn’t contain the patience to wash, rinse out and also extract plenty of times making use of paper towels or maybe cloth.

Yet another very little secret from the carpet cleaners is actually putting rugs outside the house and also within the front door. They could catch high of the particular dirt men and women bring in upon their particular feet. This may not be just about less vaccuuming, even though. Dirt is similar to thousands of very little blades of which cut carpet fibers. The particular damaged floor covering stains with less effort then, and also it really is more difficult to eliminate the particular stains. A straight much better practice would be to take off your own shoes in their home.

Prepared to clean? Vaccuum first. After that, if you are using a version of those portable machines, at the least have the water as hot as possible. Dry out the carpet immediately, employing fans to move the air all-around. You’ll be able to at the least lengthen enough time between high priced expert cleanings, by employing these kinds of carpet cleaning guidelines.

Want to try this Carpet Cleaing Phoenix and this Carpet Cleaning Scottsdale this will clean up your carpet in a professional way.

Brake Repair Diy

Acquainting yourself with the basics of your vehicle’s brake repair instructions can help you alleviate a bit of time and stress and provide you with a newfound sense of independence, which always feels good after a successful job. In this article, we will outline a few basic scenarios which you can easily address yourself.


If your vehicle emits a squealing sound every time you press your foot to the brake pedal, it is generally an indication of issues which require immediate attention. The common cause is worn out pads. These pads must be replaced as soon as possible in order to keep you and your vehicle safe from harm. The high pitched sound you hear is actually the grinding of brake mechanism parts.

However, if your squealing tends to be a bit more muted or occurred intermittently, it be simply be a sign that your pads are surrounded by dirt and dust. This problem can easily be addressed by taking your vehicle over to your local car wash and having it cleaned throughout. Other reasons include low quality liners or worn out backing plates. Inspect your liners and backing plates and replace if necessary.

Additionally, you may want to inspect the alignment. You can generally tell if improper alignment is the cause if the squealing persists after you’ve added fluid and replaced the pads.

Wear Brakes

If the response of your system is low even when the pedal is pushed to the floor, you may be looking at low fluid amounts. Low levels of fluid can cause your stopping power to diminish, so be sure to check your levels on a regular basis. Another possibility is that your pads are simply worn out. Worn out pads can greatly impact your braking performance and should be changed regularly.

Hard Pedal

Hard pedals are quite common in older cars and trucks. This is typically caused by vacuum system leaks. These leaks result in the loss of negative pressure, and thus, the driver will end up pressing down harder in order to obtain the desired reaction from the vehicle. Another possible answer is a break in the boost. Breaks and leaks within the booster will inhibit the fluid flow and work to prevent it from accessing various parts of the system. Inspect your system for breaks and leaks and replace any broken parts you happen to find.

Intermittent Actions

If you notice a loss in power every few seconds while pressing down on the pedal, the issue may lie within the discs and pads. Inspect the condition of both the discs and pads and replace them if needed.

If you’re still looking for the answers and have come to your wit’s end, the best possible solution is to make the trip over to your local brake repair mechanic. Having the eye of an experienced brake repair specialists at your side is always beneficial and will have you back on the road in no time.

Find a brake repair Quincy, IL specialist that can finally give you confidence in that your vehicle is fully efficient and safe on the road. For more information, visit

Resin Flooring

If you have a business premises then the health and safety of your employees should be at the top of your list of priorities. There are many things that you should bear in mind when it comes to keeping the premises safe for the people that work there and the flooring is part of this.

This is vital in all business premises but is especially essential in manufacturing and factories. This is because there are often spillages or large pieces of machinery moving around which can cause accidents if not dealt with properly.

Resin flooring is a great choice because it is sturdy and lasts for a long time. The type of material that it is made from also means that it is perfect from a health and safety point of view because they have anti slip properties.

Another great benefit of this type of flooring is the fact that it can be printed on with almost anything. This means that it can be printed with hazard warnings and even directional arrows. This makes it even more efficient from a health and safety view point.

If you contact a company regarding industrial flooring types they should be able to go through your needs with you and help to recommend something that suits. Different flooring types will suit different needs and so it is important that you get the right type for you.

Part of the reason it is so important is so that you can ensure you get the maximum life time out of your flooring. Often it is quite a large investment to pay out for new flooring so it stands to reason that the longer you can make this last the better value for money you will get.

If you do not know where you can buy something such as resin flooring from then a quick search on something like Google should point you in the right direction. Looking online should also help you do your research into the type of flooring that you need, so you are better prepared when it comes to contacting these companies about the type of flooring that you want to buy. can install all types of anti-slip flooring systems both internal and external; visit our site today for more information on Resin Flooring and Industrial Flooring .

Warrington Carpet Cleaning

Warrington Carpet Cleaners Prokleen have already been in the the carpet cleaning sector for quite some time, and even in that period we have now proven ourselves as being a true industry leader. We are committed to presenting all of our customers with excellent cleaning results and superb customer service. Compared with a large number of companies throughout the industry, our own essential goal is customer satisfaction rather than main target profit margins.

 One of the many things we are most proud of at Warrington Carpet Cleaning is our affordability. We don’t claim to give the best value fees in the country, however , we do deliver the best value for cash. You may see steam carpet cleaning adverts at a small fraction of our prices, but our company is quite certain that it is not the total charge you can expect to pay for. We want to become as transparent as is possible with people for that reason our charges are fully inclusive of all surcharges and also VAT.

 Nothing at all is more serious than knowing youve paid hard earned cash for goods or services that are substandard. We pride our-self over the superior quality cleaning we will provide you with, and as such for anyone who is possibly discontented with the final result, we could return to clean the location all over again for you.

 Within steam carpet cleaning, equipment along with devices are generally everything. Whilst the ability and knowledge of the technician is important, the exact machinery used to clean the carpets is even more vital. At Warrington Carpet Cleaning we basically use state of the art equipment which is capable of removing enough liquid away from your carpets in order to avoid any mould or perhaps damp.

 Patiently waiting inside the house non-stop for your delivery can be a complete pain, this is why we offer you a precise meeting time. We paid attention to our own customers and decided to provide prearranged consultations and not just window time slots to prevent disruption in your day. At present, when you e-mail us in order to book your own cleaning, you will know just what time to expect us.

Darren Seans is an seo copywriter, website creator and computer engineer located in Cheshire


At the moment working for Warrington Carpet cleaning company Prokleen based in Warrington, this site was also created by Darren and also created the carpet cleaning blog

Cleaning the Bathroom

Okay, as troublesome as it can be cleaning the bathroom is a must. As being one of the most  frequently used rooms, along with the toilet and kitchen, the bathroom needs to be disinfected and purified at least two times a week. And no – the spent water when showering is not enough, so don’t think about it. The trick to a fast and efficient bathroom cleaning is to know how to keep your every motion to a minimum.

Cleaners St Kilda have some convenient tips for cleaning the bathroom, which can ease the whole process and make it less of a burden.
First of all collect your cleansers and cleaning materials – bleach, disinfectants, sprays, soaps and the needed cleaning tools. Also, do not forget to take protective measures – rubber gloves must be worn when you work with chemical cleaners. Although chemical based cleaning detergents are not exactly what the doctor ordered, chemical disinfectants work better than the natural ones.
Wear your rubber gloves to avoid getting harsh chemicals or irritants on your skin, then spray the bathtub and shower stall with mold remover. Let is sit for a while and work, and while you are waiting you may as well continue your cleaning process by spraying the toilet bowl. Use the best disinfectant for that matter, as the toilet tends to be the home of most germs and bacteria. Pour a little disinfectant in the bowl and while again letting it sit, you clean the other parts of the toilet. Wipe the seat and the exterior. Do not forget to clean and disinfect the lid and what hides behind. Clean the bowl with the use of a normal toilet brush. Make sure you put effort to the whole scrubbing process because it matters.
Spray some bleach on your shower heads. Showers and shower doors tend to accumulate stubborn soap build-ups. Bleach is a great ally in your fight, but you may as well use some other detergent of your preference. 
Remove all objects from the counter tops and shelves and wipe with a disinfectant. If there are any stubborn build-ups, use a little more of the cleanser you are using, and brush well with a cleaning brush or perhaps a rag.
Cleaning the bathroom can be really tricky and unpleasant so that is why most people hire cleaners for that specific task. Companies like spring cleaning Melbourne will be glad to make your bathroom shine and your toilet smell like flowers. 

Cleaning services Melbourne are happy to have an expert like Eric to deal with our clients’ after builders cleaning Melbourne issues. He came up with some innovative ideas on how to organize the whole process, and he can’t wait to share them with you. Eric has been in the Australian cleaning business for years and non-professional cleaners and laymen can learn a lot from him.

Caring For Your Wood Floor

If want to keep your wooden floor in tip top condition, you must practice proper maintenance to maintain the life of your floor.

All hardwood floors regardless of how they are finished must follow certain steps to maintain the beauty of your hardwood floor. All your floors should be dust mopped, vacuumed or swept with a soft bristle broom daily, or as often as necessary, to remove grit and dust from the surface. If your floor is dirty or dusty when people walk on it, will be the fastest way to damage the finish, unless proper cleaning is done.

You should try to use mats at all entrances so dust is caught before people enter your home. This will capture the harmful dirt before it reaches your beautiful floor. You could try the Asian way of life, where people will always remove their shoes before entering your home, eliminating this problem altogether. Felt or something similar should be placed under the bottoms of legs of the furniture. This will obviously prevent your floor from being scratched, and should be checked and replaced quite often.

If you or your guests are wearing high heels on your wooden floor, make sure the heels are in good repair, as unprotected tips can really dent any hardwood floor. The room with the most traffic in and out is normally the kitchen, try to prevent so much wear and tear by placing mats or rugs by you sink and stove area. And make sure they are shaken out or vacuumed frequently.

Using a humidifier or dehumidifier depending on where you live, in conjunction with a furnace or air conditioning system to maintain relative humidity at 30-50% will maintain the moisture in the wood and minimize cracks between the boards.

When looking after the finishing on your flooring, its water based urethane’s or oil based urethane’s, varnishes or moisture cured urethane’s. It is always better to use the manufactures recommended cleaning system on your prefinished floors. If you don’t have any from your supplier or it’s not known what they have recommended, try to use a cleaner that will not leave a residue that would inhibit bonding and recoating. NEVER wax a urethane finish. Do not generally wet a wood floor with water. When using any wood cleaner which requires mixing with water, you must follow directions precisely. If you take a wet cloth and squeeze it dry, you can use this to mop up food or other spills making sure the area is dried off immediately.

You should try to use the manufacturers recommended cleaning products as if your floor is under warranty it won’t be covered if you use other products such as oil soaps.

If you have a wax floor, never use a water based cleaner on it. Once you have removed dirt and dust you may get the shine back by buffing. Only apply additional wax in heavy traffic areas when needed, and buff to a beautiful shine.

Renier John is the owner of, and provides hardwood flooring for San Francisco and most of the Bay Area. If you are in need of hardwood floor installation, call or visit him today for all your flooring needs.

Small Bedroom Interior Design

Your bedroom is the only arena in your home that helps you relax and transcend into a peaceful state, after a stressful and hectic day in your office. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that each decorative, movable or immovable, contributes towards relieving you from your stress and tensions.

Your room ought to be clean and streamlined for an inviting and calm look. Below are some small bedroom interior design ideas to incorporate while planning to renovate your bedroom.

Choose the right hues: The colors and hues in your bedroom can render a vivid or a dull appeal to your room. Therefore, be very careful while selecting the right shade for your bedroom. Nowadays, muted / natural colors like beige, grey, and taupe are popularly picked by people planning their small bedroom interior design for a more subtle look. You can also opt from colors like brown, mauve’s at all for a more composed appeal.

Be selective with your furniture: A room populated with large and too much of furniture crowds the room. For your small bedroom interior design, look for petite and small pieces of furniture that gives a spacious look to your room. Do away with large and garish wardrobes in wood along with huge dressing table and king sized bed. Instead look for bed pieces in queen sizes that have no headboard. Make an intelligent use of modular furniture to make the best use of the little space available.

The aesthetic touch: In your attempt to avoid clutters in your small bedroom, do not forget to add essentials that may enhance the appeal of your room. The secret to a successful small bedroom interior design lies in accessorizing your room to give it a modern appeal.

Funky lamp shades, mirrors, beautiful carved glass pieces make for a great interior decor. Jazzy wall art, like painting a unique canvas on the wall with one color at all, instills life in your other wise dull looking room. The key lies in striking the right cord between funky accessories and a simple design to give it the right aesthetic touch.

Small bedroom interior design can really be a challenge. It should be taken care that it does not have a clustered look. For more bedroom interior design please visit Bedroom Interior Design.