Luxury Kitchen Styles

If you are lucky, you may have $20,000 for a kitchen remodel or like most of us, need to take out that home equity loan for kitchen and bath upgrades. What if you had a $100,000 budget? If you could take a peek into the kitchens of the new loft condos begin built on Park Avenue in New York City, or in the Marina District of San Francisco with views overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge, what would you find?

Yes, you would probably still find tile on the floor (like the masses) but it would most likely be porcelain and not ceramic. You and I can load our station wagon up with tiles from Home Depot at $3 per square foot, but even stores for the masses like Lowes and Color Tile have tile that run over $20 per square foot in their showroom so as you can imagine there are many varieties of tile at over $50 per square foot to please the hedge fund managers. (Other floors you may find in these posh settings: cork, marble, travertine tile and seamless hardwood.)

Under the tile you may find an electric heating system because no one wants to creep down out of bed at 2 a.m. for cookies and milk, and have their feet get cold. The electric line snaking under each tile will perpetually remove the chill.

Looking at the countertop you can bet you will find granite 80% of the time, but for completely custom jobs with unlimited budgets you will find a lot of custom concrete. And yes, the Wall Street tycoons can find granite about as exotic and expensive as you could want to pay for it. (Five thousand dollars for a countertop would embarrass many of these people.) Adding an inch or two to the thickness of the granite and sourcing the granite from some of the most remote countries on earth should add $10,000 to the cost, just enough to not be embarrassed at holiday parties.

The range would be a 17,000 BTU stainless steel, six burner with dual ovens below, costing $10,000 to $15,000. Of course, there would be a wall mounted chimney hood for venting, above the cook top with six speed settings, dual halogen lights, and rated at 650 CFM. You could see the food cooking, you just won’t be able to smell the food cooking!

The refrigerator will probably be a Sub Zero built right into the kitchen cabinets, because Maytag or Amana just won’t do. This $10,000 beauty will be able to hold enough food to feed a small Icelandic village.

The kitchen cabinets would still be wood, like we have in most houses, but the wood would be imported and exotic. Solid under the countertop and glass door above, so the fine dishes and the sushi sets can be seen without opening the door. The “hardware,” meaning the handles on the cabinets and drawers, would be more than $10 each or it just would not be a posh kitchen. Actually, this “hardware” is getting more and more expensive for the rest of us too, as it’s almost impossible to replace your hardware today for under $4 per handle. Let’s hope we can live with what came stock.

On the kitchen island you would have another sink and perhaps another cook top. Over the island you would have recessed lighting and a pot holder. The dishwasher, would be a 3 rack stainless steel, because the common people have two racks. Enhanced insulation would make this thing quieter than a small fan humming, not the beast that sloshes water around in our kitchen, forcing us to crank the volume on our televison sets. Of course, on this dishwasher, no need to pre-wash!

Average price tag for all of this installed, about $90,000Business Management Articles, however if you have to ask you can’t afford it.

Essential Tips for Business Cards Online Buyers

As soon as you start a business, one of the most important factors that you need to consider is to come up with business cards online. When it comes to advertising whether online or offline, it is necessary to spread the word about your business and one of the most effective ways to do this is through the cheap business cards

Searching the internet is the best way to shop around for professional printing companies. This is where you can compare the prices, designs and quality of services from different providers.

As you shop for business cards online, you can compare from one website to another to find the right one for your needs and requirements. You can do it without the need to go out of the comfort of your home. You can save on fuel, time, money and energy. It is easier to look for different designs and templates that will match your business. A good and professional online printing shop can provide a huge selection of designs and templates. It is important to do your own research regarding the reputation of a particular provider to avoid waste of time and money. Once you have found out the one that you can trust, then that is the time when you can select from their long list of creative templates and designs for cheap business cards.

You can find some providers that can offer fast, free shipping service for bulk orders. You may find one that can do next day shipping, but it depends on your location. You can also find companies offering two to three days shipping service. A reputable and experienced printing company offers free shipping for a minimum amount of purchase. There is always a great deal that you can find if you are on a tight budget.

Even if you do not have your own business, you can still order business cards for personal use. If you are working for a law firm, then you really need to have your own business card. You can become popular in your field by just handing out business cards to friends, relatives and acquaintances. The beauty of having a business card is the fact that you personally interact with people that you meet. You will have a personal relationship with your prospect clients and be able to build a long term camaraderie. Even if you are working offline or you have an online business, business card can help you become popular in your chosen niche.

It is vital that you choose business card designs that go along with the kind of business or career that you have. If you are a lawyer, then you do not want a card that will make you look childish. If you are into daycare business, then colorful business cards are just right for you. This is also the same with print brochures if you want to attract new clients or customers to your business. There are endless possibilities when it comes to designsArticle Submission, but you need to choose one that will make you stand out. It is important to make sure that you have acquired the right type of business cards that will fit into the needs of your target clients. It is important to pick the types and the materials to use.

Big Muscle Building Myths Revealed!

Learn the 3 most common myths of muscle building.  Do you believe these muscle building myths?  If so you are hurting your muscle growth and are destined to struggle to gain muscle.

As a professional strength coach I sometimes get asked some pretty strange questions on training.  It’s become pretty clear to me that the general public is misinformed on a lot of issues that relate to muscle building and training for muscle growth.

Whether this poor information gets passed on through bodybuilding magazines, friends, or supplement companies is anyone’s guess.  All I know is that these myths about training for muscle gain are harmful to your progress.

I am going to dispel some of the more common myths here.  If you currently believe in any of these myths then it’s time to change!

Myth #1: More is better

Whether it’s more protein, more creatine, or more workouts, it seems that people have a tendency to take a good thing and overuse it.  This is a symptom of our culture of excess, which is especially present in the bodybuilding community where everyone wants to build as much muscle as possible.

Unfortunately life doesn’t work like this.  Just because eating 200 grams of protein a day gives you good results doesn’t mean that 500 grams will give you great results.  In the case of protein, there is a definite limit to what your body can utilize to build more muscle.  If you aren’t on steroids there is no way that you need 500 grams per day.

I hear the same type of thing with creatine.  Five grams of creatine everyday will give you good results, but increasing the dose to 15 or more grams per day won’t give you any additional benefit since there is a limit to how much creatine can be stored in your body.

The same goes for your workout schedule.  If you’re working out 3 days per week and getting good results, this doesn’t mean that 6 days per week will bring you twice the results.  Keep in mind that muscle growth occurs while you are resting.  For most people training 6 days per week will not allow for enough recovery time between sessions.  This leads to a plateau in strength and muscle gains.

Myth #2: Supplements are the answer

No one ever comes right out and says they believe supplements are the answer, but based on the number of questions I get about which supplement to use I know this is the case for many people. 

The fact of the matter is that your training and nutrition programs are going to bring you 95% of your results.  That’s a hard pill to swallow for a lot of people (pun intended).  Properly executing a solid training and nutrition program will never be as easy or cool as taking the latest miracle supplement, but the results are always better.

If building muscle were really as easy finding the right supplements don’t you think everyone would be huge and muscular already?

Listen, if 95% of your results come from your training and nutrition program, don’t you think you should invest some money in a good one?  Here’s an idea, give up your supplements for a month and spend that money on a professional training and nutrition program.  This investment will give you a much better return on your money than any supplement, but it will never be as cool or sexy.

Myth #3: Your genetics are to blame

I get this all the time from the skinny guys.  They tell me that it’s impossible for them to gain weight no matter what they do.  They tell me how they eat thousands of calories and train hard, yet they don’t gain an ounce.  They may as well resign themselves to being skinny because they don’t have the genetics to build muscle. 

This is not true!  Sure, some people are more genetically gifted in the muscle building area than others, but we all still have the same basic physiology.

When I look at these guys’ training and nutrition programs I can usually spot at least 10 huge mistakes that are holding back their gains.  They think it’s genetics, but really it’s the actions they are taking.

These guys need to stop using genetics as an excuse.  What they need is an objective observer to put together a training and nutrition program that is suited specifically to their needs. 

As one of my trainees once told me, “The better I eat and harder I trainScience Articles, the better my genetics get.”

Home Improvement Items to Adore Your Home


Your home is a sweet home. You love it. You adore it. But you never feel satisfied with the decor of the home. So you constantly endeavour to do one or the other kind of improvement in your home. Have you used love sacs, beanbags, or the game chairs to do up your home? They are great stuff to give a contemporary make over to your home. They are cost effective, cosy and comfortable, and convenient to use. Love sacs, bean bags and the game chairs are available in different attractive colours, designs and sizes to suit your need. Cute looking colourful love sacs and bean bags lift your mood up, when you find them in your home. As love sacs, bean bags and game chairs are available in wide range of varieties; they can be placed and arranged in different combinations to suit your liking. If you like to vary the look of your bed rooms or the drawing room, love sacs, bean bags and the game chairs are great items to use, as they offer you the unmatched flexibility. They are easy to lift and shift. They fit into the available space of any shape. If you have unexpectedly high number of guests in your house that is forcing you to think as to how to create some space and reorient the furniture in the bed rooms or in the drawing room, your easiest options are obviously the charming love sac and beanbag furniture items. You can rearrange them in no time according to your immediate need. Love sacs are meant for lovely couples. They are so inviting that the couples just feel like snuggling into them. The cozy and comfortable feeling of love sac ignites the spark of romance in the couples and thereafter what happens is none of our business. Bean bags and game chairs are irresistible attractions for the kids. They just love to jump into it. Why shouldn’t they do? The bean bags and game chairs don’t hurt. Bean bags, love sacs and the game chairs look great in your home, lawn, and balcony or even on the terrace of your house. And if you happen to have a swimming pool of yours, you cannot find better options than these items to add life to the ambience. If you are going to arrange a party in your lawn, bean bags, love sacs, and the game chairs make your job easy. Whenever you think of home improvement, do think of love sacs, bean bags and the game chairs.

Article Tags:
Love Sacs Bean, Sacs Bean Bags, Home Improvement, Love Sacs, Game Chairs, Sacs Bean, Bean Bags



The love sac is also a type of bean bag and has almost all properties of a bean bag chair.

Will the Launch of Google+ Be Useful for Your Business?

Google has tried two times in the past to compete with
social networking sites by launching two initiatives in the social media world:
Google Wave and Google Buzz.Unfortunately for them, both of these ventures have
ended up in failure.However, they have tried again with the recent launch of
the Google+ (pronounced Google Plus) service.This time, demand seemed to be far
greater.In fact, according to Googles Vice President of Engineering, Vic
Gundotra, there has been insane demand for the service, which has forced Google
to temporarily suspend new registrations while they were updating their systems
to be able to better handle the extra load. But will this service really be
useful for your business? If you have an Internet Marketing Agency, should you
recommend that your clients establish a presence on Google+? We all know that
social networking websites such as Twitter and Facebook have been very useful
for business owners in the past few years.If you are already present on social
networks, it is never a bad idea to join new social media sites and build your
business presence on them.It is free to join and will take you at most a few
hours to get everything set up. But does the Google+ social media site actually
have potential? Will it really get off the ground or end up being just a flash
in the pan like Googles two previous social media experiments were? Opinions
are varied on this topic.According to one CEO of a Digital Marketing Agency,
there is always room for one more major player in the world of social
networking.But some other industry experts disagree and believe that Google
does not offer anything new with their service and is simply trying to force it
down the users throats.While the site offers some interesting collaboration
tools, unique contact management capabilities as well as video and text chat,
none of these features are truly revolutionary and can be found on many other
services.Still, it is too early to say whether Google+ will experience any real
success.But as a business owner, it costs you nothing at all to join the site,
so you may as well do so in order to be among the first businesses present on
the site. Another thing to remember is that while Google may be struggling in
the social media world, they are still the champion of search engines.As such,
it is important not to neglect SEO and take the right action to make sure your
site can easily be found, whether or not you participate in social media.There
are also local SEO specialists which help local businesses with their SEO needs.So
if your company is based in BostonFeature ArticlesFree Reprint Articles, then a Boston SEO Services
company can be hired to manage your position on search engines like Google and

The Romance-less Life of Doctors in Doctor Who Episodes


Viewers consider the doctors of Doctor Who episodes, the most fortunate
guys in the world, as they always get the opportunity to travel with
sexy sidekicks in space. Although the doctors of this show keep on
changing from time-to-time, but they have been extremely blessed, as
every generation of altered doctor has come-up with a new foxy
companion. Well,
this is done intentionally by the creators, as watching Doctor Who
without a companion would have been quite boring. As in all its
episodes, the associates of doctors have been breathtaking beauties;
this beamed a ray of hope in the hearts of its followers to expect
possibility of some bubbling romance. The TV buffs tirelessly started
spending days and nights on the internet to watch Doctor Who online.But
unfortunately, in the old series, the followers never got the chance to
swing around, in the wonderful colors of love. The basic concept of
this show always prevented creators to induce a flavor of intense
passion and love in it. That’s why they concentrated on keeping the
relationships of doctors strictly to the extent of friendships and
didn’t take it to the next level. Indeed, there always has
been a close intimacy and warmth in the kinship of doctors with their
female allies, but this closeness never got transformed into romance.
It has been intentionally depicted to pull romance seekers and to
prompt them to watch Doctor Who online. But the lasting romance between doctors and female stars was not at all permitted.Well
guys, now you can comprehend how unfortunate all the doctors of this
series have been. Despite staying in the company of ravishing beauties
all the time, still they limited themselves to a friendly relationship.
But after keeping the viewers waiting for 42 years, in the new
series of Doctor Who, creators decided to mix some crispy flavor of
romance in its episodes. They tried to heat-up the things in the
romantic front also and that’s why started showing closeness between
doctor and their assistants. This compelled viewers to secure Doctor
Who download from web by burning midnight oil.The era of love
affairs started with the flirtation between doctor and Rose. But soon
things took a wrong lane, when Rose started living together with a
duplicate doctor from Journey’s End. And this forced the universe
defender, the legendary doctor to live an alone and deserted life. Well, only the future can predict whether in Doctor Who episodes, our loved doctors would ever be able to find contention of heart and permanent peace for themselves or not. But
the fact is if situations are analyzed from other side, it clearly
indicates that building a permanent relationship in the series will
lead to its complete wipe-off. The fact that doctors are fighting with
the odds alone and have enough fighting spirit to defend us forever,
actually keeps the show going.So cherish Doctor Who episodes, the way they are.



Pick doctor who if you are feeling bored yourself and for that visit through a junction to watch Doctor who online. You can also get all latest info, updates and all Doctor who episodes collection through this link.

A Guide to Bathroom Remodeling

There is a reason why many Hollywood actors keep their awards in their bathrooms — all their guests will visit that room at some point, so why not put the trophies were everyone will see them? But even if you haven’t won any Academy Awards, your guests will be still checking out you bathroom.  A well-done bathroom remodeling can impress your guests and boost the value of your home.

Bathroom remodeling can be as simple as new paint and fixtures, or it can be a total renovation and expansion.  If you want to begin bathroom remodeling, the first thing you should do is assess your current bathroom.

Think about these questions to make sure you get the most out of your project:

How many people will be using the bathroom? If a family shares one bathroom it may be a good idea to have a separate area for the toilet and shower so that someone can be showering while another person uses the mirror and vanity.

What is the bathroom’s current condition? Attacking grimy tile with bleach or industrial tile cleaning solution, polishing the fixtures, and adding brighter lights can put the sparkle back in your bathroom and cost lest than a renovation. But if the bathroom is out-of-date, falling apart or just boring, consider more intense changes.

How much money do you have for the renovation? Before you begin, think of how much money you can realistically afford. No remodeling project should put you in debt. Once you have a budget, take a trip to your local hardware store to check out prices.  Comparison shop and start looking for deals before you start your renovation project. You don’t need to buy everything at once; you can easily wait for store sales to buy the tools you need and store them.

How much work can you do one your own? If this is your first remodeling project, go easy on yourself. You will need to use this room, so make sure you don’t get yourself into trouble. If your bathroom needs new wiring, plumbing, or even tile, don’t be afraid to ask for professional help. Just make sure you account for it in your budget.

How much space do you have? If you can knock down walls, be sure to plan ahead. Pocket doors and a shower, not a bathtub, are easy ways of conserving space.

How long will you be using the bathroom? If you are remodeling to help sell your house, or might be selling soon, it may be best to stick with simple, conservative changes. Make things work and look clean, but don’t add your dream whirlpool tub.

These questions address some of the most basic points of bathroom remodeling. Plan ahead, budget, watch for deals, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Remember, bathroom modeling should be fun, and the results are all for your enjoyment. Make the most of it.

The Economy and Your Remodeling Project

Here are a few things you can do to get ready for the day you feel comfortable about spending the money. 

First, collect magazine photos and other information about the items you like, and put them into a folder.  This can be fun, and you will probably get several good ideas.

Second, make a wish list of all the items you want and prioritize the list.  This might include appliances, plumbing fixtures and faucets, cabinetry, or room colors.  Prioritizing allows you to choose which items can be postponed until you feel you can purchase them without straining your finances.

Next, project a start date, and/or a finish date.  These aren’t carved in stone, but you should have goals to shoot for. 

Caution: don’t shoot for a holiday (like Thanksgiving) that is too close. This will put you under a lot of pressure and could force you into bad decisions.  If you believe the project can be done in 2 months, give yourself 10 weeks.  Things always come up that you didn’t expect.

In the event that your remodeling project will require an architect or designer to make drawings, you can have the drawings done once you have your wish list finalized and prioritized.  This will cost some money, but only a small percentage of the overall job. 

And it could take a few months, so it’s a delay you won’t have once you get excited about going forward.  Don’t concern yourself with permits yet – they expire (usually after one year), and you may not proceed before the expiration date.  The future is getting harder and harder to predict.

Determine your budget.  If you intended to finance the project, now is the time to talk to your lender.  Make sure you know how much money you have to spend.  With finished drawings in hand, get prices from at least 3 contractors. 

Then adapt the scope of your project to fit your finances.  This is why the wish list needed to be prioritized.  Postpone the items which were not high on the list, if you have to. 

Once you have decided how you want to make the job fit the financing, discuss this (in detail) with your chosen contractor.  Get a revised price from him – understand that these prices are only good for a limited time (usually 90 days).  Once you’re fairly certain that you will proceed within 3 months, have the contractor go for the building permit (if applicable).

With all of this preparation, you will be ready to start your remodeling project whenever you deem it appropriate.  It will be well thought outHealth Fitness Articles, so you’re sure to be happy with the results.

Small Online Business Ideas For Home Entrepreneurs

These are a few small online business ideas suitable for home entrepreneurs to turn into a profitable home business with nothing more than a computer and Internet connection.

Home entrepreneurs are one of the fastest growing type of business owners in the world today. It is very appealing to have your own business and do it from the comfort of your own home. Here are a few small online business ideas you could turn into a profitable home business.

1. Join a network marketing company. There are thousands of people making money with this small business idea.

It is also known as multilevel marketing or having your own mlm business. Today making money in this business model is easier thanks to the Internet.

It’s easier to sell products online because you do not have to collect the money or deliver products to your customers directly. It’s also easier to sponsor people into your downline because you can use the Internet to automate much of the prospecting and sponsoring process.

You can literally build a worldwide operation if you’re in the right type of MLM program. Programs that have products that do not require shipping allow you to enroll people in virtually every country of the world.

As your business grows you will have thousands of people underneath you that you are making money on. This gives you the benefit of having a small online business without needing to hire employees to grow.

2. Sell affiliate merchant products as an affiliate marketer. There are millions of affiliate programs you can join right now for free.

This is an excellent small business idea because the products are provided for you, and you get marketing materials to promote them with. This is a hands-off way to make money because you do not have to ship the products to get paid.

Examples of how you get paid include pay per click, pay per lead, and pay per sale programs. You can do one or more of these to make very good money and you can do it on your computer at home.

3. Start a service business taking care of other Internet marketers’ needs. There are plenty of Internet businesses that will pay you to do things they do not have time to do. Examples of this include blog writing, graphic design, blog set upFind Article, and becoming a virtual assistant.

4. Flip domain names. This can be a lot of fun and very profitable as well. You purchase domain names that you think have value to them. This could be an existing domain name or one you think of yourself.

You then turn around and market these online. People will pay good money for a domain name that they need for their own Internet business. This has low overhead and your main business expense is the time involved.

This is a handful of small online business ideas for home entrepreneurs. Every one of these can be run with nothing more than a computer and Internet connection.

Great Tips On Home Improvement


Getting started on a home improvement project in the living room is very
tricky. While some homeowners may choose to focus specifically on
style, others may choose to go for a new design. Therefore, there may be
some light demolition and reconstruction before getting into design

A home improvement company can help with this first step, since many
homeowner’s are less skilled in home construction. In many instances,
the homeowner can hire a home improvement contractor to come into the
home to asses the home and determine how they can reconstruct the living
room. Many times the homeowner will have an idea of how they would like
the reconstructed living room to look, and the contractor can work
closely with the homeowner to create that particular design. There are
many other options in reconstructing the living room that can make a big
difference in the final look.

For instance, many homeowners may not consider the use of space, and how
certain construction techniques can create a living room that is both
larger, and more space efficient. Shelves, cabinets, build-in storage
under seating and closets are all ways to improve storage space in the
living room.

New lighting is another option that can make all the difference for your
home improvement project. One example is recessed lighting, which has
become so popular because it both adds more lighting to the room and
allows the homeowner to control how much light is in the room at any
given time. You can also add a variety of lighting fixture to your room,
accenting some areas with different amounts of light.

After reconstructing the living room, there is a new blank canvas with
which the homeowner can begin to redesign the room. Although some
homeowner’s will have an idea of how they would like to design the room,
the home improvement contractor can be a big help with this step as
well. For instance, many contractors will have a catalog of classic,
modern, and contemporary design options for everything from paint and
flooring to blinds and curtains. Additionally, they have a direct
contact to wholesalers that can ensure lower prices and a greater
variety of materials for your needs.

Taking on a home improvement project involves making many choices. If
some of those choices are a little too difficult, consider consulting
with a home improvement specialist to help you decide what design
options your home needs. You never know what your options are until you
consult with a professional.

Article Tags:
Home Improvement Project, Home Improvement, Improvement Project, Living Room, Design Options



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