Vinegar Cleaning

If you’re into trying alternative green cleaning supplies, then on your next shopping trip, consider White distilled vinegar. White vinegar cleaning is often overlooked and can be an effective cleaner that has the bonus of being economical!  It’s natural acidity base that has antibacterial properties and you might find the smell at first can be overpowering, but the good news is it disappears when it dries. There are hundreds of different types of cleaning uses for vinegar and here are a dozen cleaning ideas:

Make a general all purpose cleaner by mixing vinegar with water in a spray bottle. Remember to label and never use vinegar solutions on marble as the acid can damage the surface.
Bathroom and kitchen faucets that have mineral buildup -apply a cloth or paper towel soaked in vinegar and wrap around the fixtures. Let sit for awhile then wipe and rinse clean.
Clean no-wax vinyl or linoleum floors, mix one gallon of water with 1/2 cup vinegar, in a bucket, then mop or scrub your floor with the solution. Optional – add a few drops of lemon juice for a fresh scent.
Create a scouring powder by combining two tablespoons of baking soda with equal part of vinegar
Clean and disinfect wooden cutting boards by soaking in vinegar for 5 to 10 minutes, rinse and dry
Cleaning greasy pots and pans can be messy, help cut the grease by adding a few tablespoons of vinegar in with your soapy water.
When the inside of the microwave needs cleaning, place in a microwave safe bowl 2 cups of water and half a cup of vinegar and let steam after it comes to a boil for 3 to4 minutes. Be careful removing the bowl of hot liquid and wipe the inside clean.
Vinegar can reduce soap build up inside the dishwasher by adding a cup of vinegar and put it on a full empty cycle.
Use full strength on a cloth to clean grease off of the stove top.
For clean windows – mix one part vinegar with five parts water in a labeled spray bottle. Use newspaper or coffee filters to wipe a clean streak-free finish. Avoid using vinegar on plastic or vinyl tinting!
Remove stubborn stickers by using a vinegar soaked cloth and allow it to really soak in for a few minutes. After the sticker should peel off and remove the sticky stuff by rubbing with vinegar.
To remove rust on metals or tools, soak in full strength vinegar.

Always remember before trying any cleaning solution, to test on an inconspicuous area first, and when making vinegar solutions to clearly label all bottles with the contents.

Ann Coltin is the author of “Speed Cleaning 4 Idiots” and enjoys writing and sharing information about home cleaning tips. To learn more Vinegar Cleaning tips, come to the website, and sign up for the free speed cleaning newsletter. See you soon!