Organizing A Fun Home Project

Decorating your home can be a lifelong project if you do not take the time to organize and create a long term plan for your home. Changes in family, in employment, and in lifestyle mean changes in the way your home runs. Decorationg your whole home to accommodate toddlers is unwise. By the time you finish, you no longer have toddlers. Start with a foler for each room you have. This folder is for paint and fabric for that room as well as a list of the functions that room will provide now and in the future.

Most of your success or failure will be in considering the elements of the room. Sketch a rough floor plan of the room, noting doorways, closets, and windows. Write down the measurements of the room as well as any architectural notes. Make a section for resources including phone numbers and websites pertinent to your project. Also create a budget ledger for the folder so you can keep up with costs and invoices for each room. This is to tell you where in your home money is really being funnelled.

An accordion file should do the trick for this because it will have a pocket for each room. A binder with folders in it will work as well. Notebooks are my favorite because they require you to tape or staple pictures and paint chips to pages. This gives a more realistic view of the rooms history as well as what it should look like.

Also take a good inventory of your things. Keep a list of all existing furniture as well as cabinets, appliances, and simple decor items. If you are adventurous, take pictures. Divide this list into categories using a highlighter. One color signifies things to keep. One color denotes things you will throw away, and the last color is the maybe pile. This gives you a realistic look when you go shopping. Do not forget to include measurements as applicable in your list.

One good idea is to move furnishings you are questioning to another area of your home. Try things out in other rooms. If your dresser is no longer working for you, try it in one of the other bedrooms. Small shelves can work in just about any room. This will save you some money down the line and reduce waste. It also creates history in your home because the items stay with you.

Afterward, make a wish list and keep things updated as you go. The more you document, the less you waste.