Which Is The Appropriate Tile Floor In Cantinas?

If you really love Mexican cuisine and South American customs, you surely know what cantinas are. Such locations are extremely important in the South American culture, and this term, “cantina,” has gathered several meanings along the years, but all having a pretty obvious social understanding. Even though, cantina may designate a wine shop or a bar, the most popular understanding goes to Mexican restaurants, which can be found in the Southwest, and particularly near the Mexican border. It seems that many who own a Mexican restaurant have attached the term “cantina” to the name of their restaurant; it is indeed a very successful branding strategy in order to stir up clients’ interest in Mexican food and culture.

When it comes to cantinas, the Mexican touch is extremely important as if the decor is the promoter of the Mexican cuisine. For this very reason, decor related items play a crucial part in what Mexican restaurant owners are aiming for. To put it differently, in a cantina, the Mexican food means nothing unless comfort, safety and food hygiene standards are attentively considered.

Surprisingly, tile flooring stands for one of the elements that can ensure comfort and aesthetically add value to a room. Even though tiles have been taken for auxiliary elements, a cantina looks tremendous on the condition that the floor has a nice color and a design that could be truly inspiring for all who love the South American culture, in particular, the Mexican one.

Since long-term durability and safety related to non-slippery surfaces are a great concern, limestone tiles are a very wise choice. Regarding aesthetic standards, natural hues like honey and beige also work great.

Limestone tiles stand for a good choice mainly for rustic places (just like Mexican cantinas) and can be successfully extended from the serving area to the restaurant’s kitchen. The explanation is pretty simple: the adherent surface of limestone tiles is good enough to avoid accidents in a very active environment, and also to help the personnel clean the working and serving areas fast and easy. Even though you have never paid attention to such details during your dinners at the Mexican restaurant, next time, you will be very much aware of the close connection between the Mexican ambiance and the decor.

Honey and beige limestone tiles are exactly what you need for a practical and welcoming floor.