Do It Yourself Go Green Projects

Green houses are the best options for go green projects. Green house, also known as the glass house are the house like structures where the plants are grown. These structures are made of glass and plastic. Depending upon the material used to build the structure, green houses are named as glass green house and plastic green house.

The green houses are mainly for commercial purposes and are for the flowers and vegetables production. The green houses are built with high tech technology, where in a computer system is installed to monitor the temperature and lighting installation. The glass and plastic walls used in the green house act as preventive walls for the free circulation of air. The heat energy is trapped inside the green house.

Green houses keep the crops away from the climatic changes. It acts as a shield to protect the plants from pests, dust and snow. Hence green houses help to grow the crops perennially in spite of the climatic changes. Fruits such as tomatoes, tobaccos and flowers are been grown in the green house. In these days floating green houses have become common in areas surrounded by water.

Building a green house is not just a profitable one. Its something that derives you immense satisfaction. One can derive the immense pleasure of gardening which cannot be amounted. We need not be afraid of the natural and artificial hazards that may spoil our crops.

Here is an idea for a simple do it yourself green house.
Planning Whether you are building the green house for your residence or office or for other commercial purpose its important to draft a blue print of the technical knowhow.

Also decide the type of plants you are to grow and then proceed with the set up. Then work upon the size of the house. The sizes vary from 6 – 4.5 feet to 20 – 10 ft. It is very essential to choose the more suitable size depending upon the plant we are to grow.


Now the decision has to be made whether to build a glass or a plastic or a wooden green house depending upon the type of crop. Aluminum alloy frames can be used as it is durable and much cheaper than wood. The ordinary PVC pipe frames are also available in plenty in the market. The wooden green houses are the most traditional one. But the wooden green houses are durable for only about fifteen years. When compared to the artificial materials such pipes and frames wooden green houses have a more natural appeal. Black wood is more suitable for the green houses.


Concrete flooring with terracotta tiles are required in the center for the pathway.


As the green house is a closed place, rain water cannot be used for the growth of plants. Hence proper irrigation plans has to be laid down. A hose pipe or an artificial water trickling or spraying system can be used depending on the size of the house.

A thermometer and heating and cooling equipment needs to be fixed.

Thus a green house is done by ourselves and can be pursued as a hobby.

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