Maid Of Honor Or Maid Of Horror Which One Do You Want To Be?

Let’s face it you are reading this article because you are daunted by the idea of becoming the Maid of Honor. Although it’s exciting experience and a pleasure to be the Maid of Honor at your best friend’s wedding, you are feeling nervous because you don’t know what exactly should be done. Believe it or not, not everyone gets the opportunity of becoming the maid of honor at their best friend’s wedding. So to live up to your friend’s dream of a perfect wedding, you need to know the responsibilities and duties of a maid of honor.

Emotionally supporting the bride:
Think for a while, why has she selected you to be the maid of honor? She expects a lot from you and apart from everything else, emotional support is what matters to her the most on her wedding day. Extreme happiness yet nervousness along with the schedules brides have keep up with can be overwhelming. Your first and the foremost responsibility is to be there for the bride and support her emotionally. Don’t worry, she wouldn’t burst out crying, but if she does, be prepared for it!
Your duties before the big day!

As the maid of honor, you are loaded with a number of responsibilities. Some of the reasons behind the bride choosing you as her maid of honor are because she can trust you and knows how responsible you are can be. So don’t let her down and make it up to her. Before the wedding day, it is your duty to make sure that everything, especially regarding the bridesmaids and their preparations, are up to the mark. Dresses, decoration, scheduling, gift receiving and coordination between all the bridesmaids should be planned out before the wedding day.
Shower and Bachelorette party:

This is the most exciting part for a maid of honor, but if not planned well, it can prove to be a disaster. Hosting a shower along with the bridesmaids is another major responsibility of the maid of honor. Planning, hosting, pooling in for the cost, shopping for shoes and dresses that are required, etc. are all the responsibilities of a maid of honor. Also, don’t forget to ask your friend if she needs any help while buying her wedding dress.

At the wedding day:
At the wedding, you will be responsible for keeping the groom’s ring with you. Make sure you have a secret pocket in your dress or a purse that is always with you to keep the ring in. Gifts that will be given to the bride, bouquets and envelopes should be kept safe. However, there might be some bouquets, such as from the parents of the groom or the bride, which you’ll need to hold for a certain while. Don’t stress yourself, it’s an easy job, and after all, you are doing it for your best friend, right?

Some fun tips:
Though unnecessary, there are certain things a maid of honor does to make the bride feel at ease and add some excitement to the occasion. You can raise a toast to the bride and groom, hold the bride’s train, dance in the wedding party, etc.

Gabrielle Daae specializes in writing for and helping supply maids of honor with all the tips they need to give their friends the wedding of their dreams. Visit the site today for more information on planning a bridal shower and more.