Do it Yourself Basement Finishing System

A basement finishing system can be very costly and impractical especially now that the economy is not doing well. Hiring a contractor can cause $ 20 to $ 25 per square foot. People are lucky to be employed these days and as responsible individuals, we want to hold on to our savings as much as we can. If you want to finish your basement but you’re afraid that you can’t afford to hire a professional to do it for you, then you’re better off doing a DIY project. The basement can provide you with all kinds of extra living space that is definitely valuable. Compared to building a small house, a basement is pretty much less expensive because it already has walls, floor and a ceiling. If you work on this project on your own, you will save a lot of money.

If you don’t have enough experience, it won’t hurt if you will make a research online about basement finishing systems. There’s too much information out there and what’s critical is filtering what’s helpful or not. The first step in finishing a basement is planning. You have to decide what you will use your basement for, whether it will be a theatre room, guest room, bar or a kitchen, make sure it will suit your family’s needs and activities. Different functions have great impact on the design and the materials to be used so you better be careful in planning. Being fickle minded is not an option when it comes to your basement finishing system. Measure your basement and the height of your ceilings. This will have to include the distance from the floor to the bottom of the floor joists and the floor to bottom of any ductwork as well.

Determine which parts of the basement finishing you can do and which ones should be dealt by a professional. For a DIY basement project, you’re probably looking at 6 months of completion and you may have to sacrifice weekends. Your written plan should include existing doors, windows and the obstructions like plumbing, stacks and ductwork. Make a count of the electrical outlets, switches, light fixtures and other plumbing materials you will need. Lastly, you have to know whether your area would require you for a building permit. Make sure you follow the guidelines set by your local municipality, this is for your safety anyway.

You can get exciting basement ideas here or you can go to for more information.