Keep It Clean and Healthy with Top School Cleaning Supplies

A clean school is a healthier school. In today’s era of widespread infectious diseases, using superior products for school cleaning can make the difference between health and illness for students, teachers and administrators. School cleaning products that are allergen free will help out those with sensitive systems including asthma sufferers and those subject to frequent headaches. Prolonged exposure to harsh school cleaning chemicals can result in serious illness such as cancer and reproductive problems. Environmental friendly products help everyone from the custodian to the families at home. Today’s school buildings can not only look clean, they can be safer for everyone who lives and breathes within their walls.

A great general purpose item for school cleaning is U.S.-made Bio Green Clean. Available in concentrated liquid form, this natural cleaner is 100% plant derived and promises to be fully hypoallergenic. One gallon of Bio Green Clean makes 4-10 gallons of cleaner. It is known for being nontoxic and biodegradable.  Originally formulated for use in aquariums and greenhouses, it has proven its worth for general cleaning where mold and algae prevention are priorities and deep cleaning is a must.

Clean floors are very important in schools. They can be hard to maintain with all the shoes that cross their busy surfaces each day. A product such as Earth Friendly Products’ Floor Kleener will get the job done well without introducing any irritants to the building. It removes dirt, grease and scuff marks, and does not require rinsing to leave behind a dirt-free, polished surface.

For toilets that smell fresh, look crystal clean, and are much more sanitary, janitors can rely on Seventh Generation’s Emerald Cypress & Fir Toilet Bowl Cleaner. It attacks tough stains as well as conventional cleaners. It also deodorizes without the use of dyes, harsh chemicals, or harmful fumes. School cleaning can be green as well as thorough. The right products help protect children and adults from infectious diseases, allergies, and the threat of health problems down the road.

If you want to get more information about green cleaning supplies, we suggest you to visit Jani-King website.
