Decorative Ceramic Tile Murals

A mural is a piece of artwork that can be found on interior or exterior walls. They can also be found on ceilings and floors. These forms of artwork are usually on a large scale. The earliest forms of art were murals, also known as cave paintings. These tile murals and other types of murals can be found in homes, churches, government buildings and businesses. Often times these works of art are commissioned. Nowadays many murals are painted on either tile or canvas instead of walls and ceilings. These ceramic tile murals are popular choice of home decor.

It can be said that the mural is humanity’s oldest art forms. All around the world, these murals are well-documented. In the earliest days of humanity, murals were rock and cave paintings as well as carvings. After that, artwork left by South Americans and ancient Egyptians can be seen inside of buildings. These murals would show religious themes as well as everyday life. And in the Middle Ages, the rise of the Church showed its riches and power with commissioned works of art that showed biblical images. The most popular of these include Michelangelo’s famous Last Judgment and Creation inside the Sistine Chapel. Then in during the 19th and 20th century ceramic murals were used not only as art but forms of advertisement as they began to gain commercial interest. Technology began making advancements in the 1970s as murals were starting to become mass-produce on wallpaper, canvases and tile. These ceramic tiles murals came with photographic life-sized images, which brought the look of the outdoors inside the boardroom and living room. Then with the development of faux painting that started in the early 1990s, people begin to hire painters to come into their homes to design ceramic tile murals.

Tile murals bring beauty to the inside or outside of a building or structure. Many times in industrial areas, companies will use outdoor murals to bring in colors and brightness into an otherwise grey and drab environment.
Indoor ceramic murals can give the appearance of outdoor environments located inside the room. Designs can include turning a room into a mountaintop, jungle or Roman bath. With the design of tile murals, the rest of the home is made to harmonize with colors and furnishings.

Ceramic murals are also used to make a faux finish of brick, marble pillar, adobe, wood or white Greek plaster. Restaurants are well known for their use of outdoor and indoor tile murals to create a theme. This is commonly seen when one goes to Mexican restaurants that gives an appearance of walking through and sitting in a Mexican village.

Whether for your home or for business, tile murals can brighten an area and send across any message or theme that you wish.

Welcome to Ceramic Tiles And Stones, inside you will discover an amazing selection of low priced and excellent quality ceramic tile murals.