DIY Wind Generator

Is it really possible to build your own working DIY wind generator? If so, is it really practical? Is a homemade wind turbine comparable to commercially sold and installed systems? What about parts – are they easy to find? These are the questions I hear most from my readers.

People like the idea of reducing or even eliminating their monthly electric power bill, but they are skeptical about whether or not they could really build such a machine, or if they do build it, if it will actually work and have an impact on their monthly bill.

The simple answer to all of these questions is “yes”. The fact is, a 1000 watt do-it-yourself wind generator can be built by just about anyone for less than $ 200 – and that includes the cost of the instructional materials. The project can be completed in about 2 weekends and there are many easy sources for all of the necessary parts.

Still, many remain skeptical. After all, a wind turbine that you buy and have erected professionally can cost up to $ 10,000. How could an average homeowner do it for under $ 200? Let’s address this for a minute.

Obviously, the components are marked up-just like any other retail service you would purchase. You are paying for wages and labor for the company that manufactures the system as well as the one that sells and installs it. In reality, the biggest part of the expense is in what I like to call the “knowledge cost”. Most people wouldn’t even know where to begin a project like this.

Then again, if you are a die hard DIY enthusiast like me, you already know that almost anything which seems complicated on the surface is for us simply a matter of following the right directions.

Here’s the bottom line. This is a fun and rewarding project that anyone with a few basic tools and modest project skills can complete successfully. It all goes together quite simply and the parts are all easy to find and/or make. The process of generating electricity from the wind has been around for a very long time. It is time tested and simple. Get the right instructional materials and let the wind blow away your energy bills.

You can learn a lot more about DIY wind generators here. You’ll find all the instructional information and resources you need along with our full page reviews of the best guides available.