Do It Yourself SEO

If you run a small blog or website, then you may not have the funds to pay someone to do website SEO for you and you may also not have the extra money to pay for PPC (pay per click) ads. SEO and PPC are typically used to generate website traffic so that Internet users will buy products, purchase services or read a blog. Doing SEO yourself might seem like a daunting task, but there are some very simple ways that you can SEO your website yourself so that Internet users can find it organically in the search engines.

SEO simply stands for “search engine optimization” and it is the act of making a website search engine friendly. Here are some do it yourself SEO tips that are quite easy to master:

SEO is easier if you have it on your mind before you even buy a domain for a website. If you have not set up the website already, try to place your website’s main keywords or business name directly into the domain name that you buy.
Make sure that Internet users and search engines can quickly view your website and find what they are looking for. This means not using heavy graphics, images or a lot of flash. Inserting a lot of flash or large media files can slow a website down and make it not friendly to the user and to the search engines.
Make sure that the keywords you want your site to be found under are actually in the text in appropriate places on your website. This is a little harder to do if you are selling products and only have short descriptions, but for blogs, it is a cinch to insert quality keywords and key phrases into the articles that you write.
If your website is a blog and you use WordPress, you can make use of one or more of the many SEO tools and plugins that is available. Many themes already have SEO built into them and you just need to fill out a few simple fields, but if the theme does not come with SEO options built it, search for “SEO” in plugins.
Use free services, such as Facebook and Twitter to drive traffic to your website.

Not every website or blog owner will have the same budget for SEO, but with a couple quick changes, your website may start to move up in the search engine results. Keep in mind however, that whether or not you move up also depends on your competition and various other factors.

I have been working inĀ Internet marketing, search engine optimization and freelance writing for nearly 4 years after leaving a position with a financial institution. I love the freedom it gives me and I get to do something new every day!