Having the right swimming pool cleaning supplies can help keep your above ground pool nice and clean all through the pool season. It is not enough just to buy a good pool cleaner, there are also other supplies you are going to need as well. In addition to cleaners, you also need testing strips to determine the PH levels in your pool, so that algae and other harmful bacteria don’t have a chance to take a foot hold on your pool. If you have ever felt that slimy feeling on the bottom of the pool, or your pool’s water doesn’t smell quite right, that is one of the sure signs that your pool’s PH levels are getting out of balance. Let’s face it, if you have smaller kids, they can’t always control themselves while swimming, and even some adults can’t help but relieve themselves in a pool.
You also need to have chemicals that are going to kill any bacteria and other toxins in the water, but you also want to find one that is not going to harm you or your family. There are alternatives to chlorine, which can get your pool clean without doing any bodily damage. In addition to pool cleaner and other swimming pool cleaning supplies, there are a number of other tools and equipment that can help you keep you pool well maintained, lessening the need to change the water so much during the Summer.
Even if you have a pool cover, when you aren’t using it you will need to skim the top of your pool for any dirt or debris, and a pool maintenance kit is one thing you should have on hand. Some of these kits come with a pool vacuum, as well as a skimmer head that is interchangeable. The vacuum usually comes with a single piece cleaning head, and a debris bag that you can use over again, and this head will easily attach to a standard garden hose. The skimmer, which is just a mesh netting on the end of the pole, is mainly used to skim the top of the pool for any leaves and debris.
You can also buy automatic swimming pool cleaning supplies, which make your job a lot easier. One of these is the automatic pool cleaner, specially made for above ground pools. This is like a vacuum for the bottom of your pool, with the suction coming directly from you pump system. For many of these products they require a pump flow rate of at least 2,000 gallons an hour, with 1.5″ fittings. Many of these vacuums have their own connectors and hose, some up to 26′ in length, plenty to get all around the bottom of your pool.
When you are using swimming pool cleaning supplies it is important to read and follow the pool cleaner directions, and only use the required amount when doing maintenance on your pool. You should always should around for the cleaning supplies that are going to be the most environmentally friendly, because at one point or another you are going to have to empty the pool, and you don’t want harsh chemicals to get into the ground.
Welcome to My Easy Set Pools, inside you will discover an amazing selection of low priced and excellent quality above ground pool ladders.